Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edw.3. Articles of truce. Archb. of Cant. vntrue to the kyng.

de Vallois the French king, durst neither rescue his townes, nor reliue his own mē: but of his great army he lost (which is to be marueled at being in the midest of his owne countrey) by famine and other inconueniences and for wante of water, more then 20000. mē wtout any battaile by him geuē. Wherupon, at the treatie of the sayde Phillip by his embassadours to the king sent, and by the mediation of the Ladye Iane, sister to the sayd Philip, and mother to the earle of Hēnalt, whose daughter king Edward as you heard had maryed: A truce containing the number of 15. articles for one yeare was concluded, the king of England being very vnwilling and loth therunto. Yet notwithstanding partlye by the instance of the foresayd Lady, but specially for that the kyng was greatly disappoynted, through the negligence of hys officers in England, which sent hym not ouer such money as he neded, for the continuaunce of hys warres and payment of his souldiours wages (the articles beyng somewhat reasonable) he agreed to the truce therof, the conditions of which truce there concluded here follow vnder written.

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MarginaliaArticles of truce.1. First, that duryng the sayd truce, no tales or mistrust of eyther part shall be a detriment or cause of breache of the same.

2. Item, that duryng the sayd respite or truce, eyther of the Princes, their helpers, coadiutors and allies whatsoeuer: shall remayne and be in the quiete possession of all such possessions, holdes, territories, and landes, as at this present day, they kepe and enioy within the realme and dominion of Fraunce, in what maner so euer they haue achiued þe same, duryng the sayd truce.

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3. Item, that the sayd princes their aiders, coadiutors and allies whatsoeuer: shall passe safly from one countrey to an other, and all marchaunts with their marchaundise, as well by sea as by land as accustomably they haue bene wont: except such banished men as haue bene banished out of the said realmes, or any of them for other causes, thē the warres betwene the sayd princes.

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4. Item, that the sayd two princes shal not procure either by themselues or any other, any practise or other molestation to be made the one to the other, by the bishop of Rome or any other belongyng to the holy Church whatsoeuer: eyther for the wars begon or any other, cause nor for the seruice of any of their allies, coadiutours, and ayders or any of them. And that our holy father the Pope nor any other, shall disturbe or molest eyther of the sayd two kinges duryng the sayd tyme.

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5. Item, that immediatly after the truce be proclaimed in both the hostes: that they may stand bound of eyther side, to kepe and obserue all and euery such article as shalbe therein contayned.

6. Item, that within xx. dayes next and immediatly ensuyng, ech of the princes shal cause to be proclaimed in Gascoyne and Guyen, and other their landes these articles of truce, to the intent they may be the better obserued, kept, and knowne.

7. Item, if by any the sayd Princes, their allies, people, or coadiutours, any siege be layd in Gascoyne, or the Dutchy of Guyen, or any other Isles of the Sea Giernesey or Gersey, or any other: that the same seiges be raysed, so soone as they shall heare of this truce.

8. Item, that such as are theues and fugitiues out of the countrey of Flaunders, shall not returne duryng the truce: and if they do, that then such as apprehend them, shall see iustice done vpon them, and forfaite all the goodes they haue in Flaunders.

9. Item, it is accorded, that the debtes due to Arras, Tresponois, or other titles of Fraunce, shall neither be demaunded nor executed during the sayd truce.

10. Item, that all such prisoners as haue bene taken during these warres, shall be released out of prison & sent home vpon their fayth and othe to returne, if they be not raunsomed duryng the said truce. And if any shall refuse so to do, þt then the Lord vnder whom he is, shall constraine him to returne agayne to prison.

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11. Item, that all the bandes whatsoeuer they be, which be made before this sayd truce in the tyme of warre (whether they be of goods spirituall or tēporal) be released without restitution, during the sayd truce.

12. Also, that these conditions of truce immediately may take effect betwene the Englishmen & Scots, theyr Lords, ayders and allies: and the same to endure vntill the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist. And that certaine persons be apointed by a certaine day to be at the marches of England and Scotland to confirme the same truce, vnder such conditions as haue bene accustomed in those partes. And if the sayd Scottes refuse so to do, that then they to haue no ayde out of Fraunce, duryng the sayd truce.

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13. Item, that this sayd truce be proclaimed in England, and in Scotland, within xxvi. dayes after the date therof.

14. Item, it is accorded that within this truce be contained Espainels, Chatelloin, Geneuos, the Byshop and the towne of Cambray, and Castels of the same. &c.

In witnes wherof, we Ihon by the grace of God kyng of Bohemia, and Earle of Luxemburgh, Adulphe Byshop of Liege, Raoule Duke of Loreine, Ayemes Earle of Sauoy, & Ihon Earle of Darminack on the one partie: And B. Duke of Brabance, C. Duke of Gelre, D. Marques of Iuliers, Sir Ihon of Heynault, and Sir Beawmount on the other partie, betwixt the high & puissaunt princes of Fraūce and England: Haue sealed this instrument of truce and peace, and deliuered the same accordyngly in the Church of Espleteline, on Monday the 25. day of September, the yeare of grace. 1340.

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MarginaliaK. Edward returneth from Tourney.This truce thus finished, kyng Edward brake vp his campe, remouyng his siege from Tourney, and came agayn to Gaunt. Frō whence (very early in the mornyng) he with a small company tooke shipping, and by long Seas came to the Tower of London, very few or none hauyng vnderstāding therof. MarginaliaThe king deceued by his officers.And beyng greatly displeased with diuers of his counsell and high officers (for that through their default he was constrained agaynst his will, not hauyng money to maintaine his warres, to condescend vnto the foresayd truce) he commaunded to be apprehended and brought vnto him to the Tower, the Lord Iohn Stonhore chief iustice of England, & Syr Iohn Poultney with diuers others. And the next mornyng, he sent for the Lord R. Byshop of Chichester and the Lord Wake, the Lord Treasurer and diuers other such that were in authoritie and office, and cōmaūded them all to be kept as prisoners in the sayd tower, onely the sayd Byshop excepted: MarginaliaNo byshop must be imprisoned by the popes lawe.whom for feare of the constitution of Pope Clement, which commaunded that no Byshop should be by the kyng imprisoned, he set at libertie & suffered him to go his way, & in his place he substituted sir Roger Bourchere knight, Lord Chauncelour of England.

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The history intreatyng of this matter, reporteth thus MarginaliaCouetous officers.that the kyng had this tyme vnder him euill substitutes, and couetous officers: who attendyng more to their own gayne then to the publike honour and commoditie of the Realme, left the kyng destitute and naked of money.  

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Edward III and Archbishop Stratford

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

MarginaliaIohn Stratford Archb. of Cant.With whiche crime, also Iohn Stratford Archbyshop then of Caunterbury, was vehemently noted and suspected, whether of his true deseruyng, or by the settyng on of other hereafter shall more appeare. In so much that the kyng ardently incensed against hym, charged him with great falsehode vsed against his person, as by these his letters written and directed to the Deane and Chapter of Paules agaynst the sayd Archbishop manifestly appeareth, the tenour of which letter here followeth vnder written.

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¶ Edward by the grace of God kyng of England and Fraunce, and Lord of Ireland. To his welbeloued in Christ the Deane and Chapter of the Church of S. Paule in London, greetyng in the Lord.

MarginaliaThe kynges letter to the Deane and chapter of Paules.IT is manifest by aūcient histories, but more plainly appeareth by those which dayly are practised amōgest vs: that many men abusyng (through pryde) the fauour of Princes, and honour bestowed vpon them, haue maliciously gone about to depraue the laudable endeuour of kynges. And now that the wordes which we speake may be more manifest vnto our subiectes: we suppose that neyther you nor they haue forgottē, that we being established in our kingly throne in yonger yeares, and coueting euen then to guide thys our regall charge taken vpon vs wyth holesome counsayles, haue called vnto vs Iohn the Byshop of Winchester, nowe Archbyshop of Canterbury, whom we supposed for hys fidelitie and discretion to exceede others: whose counsaile in matters appertayning vnto the health of our soule, as in matters also respecting the augmentyng and conseruation of our kyngdome both spiritually and temporally, we vsed: he was receaued of vs into all familiaritie. We found in hym also such humanitie, that he was saluted by the name of father, and of all next vnto the king had in honour. Now afterwardes, when by right of succession the kyngdome of Fraunce should haue descended vnto vs, and was by violent iniury by the Lord Philip of Valois holden from vs: the sayd Archbishop by his importune instancye perswaded vs to enter league of amitie with the princes of Almanye, agaynst the sayd Philip, and to commit out selfe and ours vnto the hazard of warres: promysing and affirmyng that he woulde bryng to passe, that the reuenues of

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