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K. Edward. 3. Trouble in the Church about Friers.

moreouer was confirmed afterward by Pope Iohn the xxij. an. 1316. which Pope also caused Ioannes de Poliaco to recant.

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These excerpts from anti-mendicant are drawn from Matthias Flacius, Catalogus testium veritatis, pp. 468-470.

diuersitie of the Popes (one dissentyng and repugnyng from an other) rose among the Diuines and scholemen in Vniuersities great matter of contē;tion, as wel in the Vniuersitie of Paris, as the Vniuersitie of Oxford about the beggyng friers, some holdyng one way, some an other way. But especially v. principall opinions be noted of learned men, who then disputyng agaynst the friers, were condemned for heretickes, and their assertions reproued.

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MarginaliaFiue diuers opinions of learned men in this age holdyng against the friers.The first, was the opinion of them which defended, that the friers might not by the licence of the Byshop of Rome and of the Prelates, preach in Parishes, and heare confessions. And of this opiniō was Guliel. de Sancto Amore, with his felowes, who as is sayd, were condemned.

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MarginaliaThe 2 opinion. The second opinion was this, that friers, although not by their owne autoritie, yet by priuiledge of the Pope and of the Byshop, might preach and heare confessions in Parishes, but yet not without licence of the Parish Priestes. MarginaliaBernardus super cap. Omnis vtriusque. Of this opinion was Bernardus glosing vpon the Canō. Omnis vtriusque sexus, afore mentioned.

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MarginaliaThe 3. opinion. The third opinion was, that friers might preach and heare confessions, without licence of the Parish Priestes: but yet the sayd parishners notwithstandyng were bound, by the Canon: Omnis vtriusque sexus: to repete the same sinnes againe, if they had no other, to their own proper Curate: and of this opinion were many, as Godfridus de Fontibus: Henricus de Gandauo: Ioannes Monachus Cardin: Ioannes de Poliaco. MarginaliaIoan. de Poliaco. Which Ioannes de Poliaco, Pope Iohn the xxvij. caused openly in Paris, to recant and retract.

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MarginaliaEx libro fratris Egelberti. This Ioannes de Poliaco Doctor of Diuinitie in Paris, beyng complained of by the friers for certaine articles or assertions, was sent for to the Pope: where tyme and place beyng to hym assigned, he in the audience of the Pope and of frierly Cardinals and other doctors, was straitly examined of his articles. To make the story short, he at lē;gth submitting himself to the authoritie of the terrible see of Rome: was caused to recant his assertionsMarginaliaIohn de Poliaco caused to recant by Pope Iohn the 22. openly at Paris. His assertions which hee did hold, were these.

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¶ The three assertions of Ioannes de Poliaco, which he was caused by the Pope to recant at Paris.
MarginaliaThe 3. assertions of Ioan de Poliaco against the Friers.

His three
Wherof the first was, they which
were confessed to friers, although ha-
uyng a generall licence to heare con-
fessions: were bound to confesse a-
gayne their sinnes to their own Pa-
rish Priest, by the constitution. Om-
nis vtriusque sexus, &c.

The second was, that the sayd
constitution, Omnis vtriusque sexus,
standing in his force, the Pope could
not make: but parishners were boūd
once a yeare, to confesse their sinnes
to their Priest. For the doyng other-
wise importeth a cōtradictiō in it self.
The iij. was, that the pope could
not geue generall licē;ce to heare con-
fessions so, but þt the parishners so cō
fessed were bound to reiterate þe same
confession made, vnto his owne Cu
rate. Which he proued by these places
of the Canon law. 25. q. 1. Quæ ad
Marginalia25. q. 3. Quæ ad perpetuam Contra statuta patrum condere vel mutari aliquid, nec huius quidem sedis potest autoritas. Those thinges which
be generally ordeined for publique v-
tilitie, ought not to be altered by any
chaunge &c. Item, The decrees of the
sacrat Canons, none ought to keepe
more then the Byshop Apostolicall.
&c. Ibidem. Itē;, to alter or to ordeine any
thyng agaynst the decrees of the
fathers, is not in the authortie or
power, no not of the Apostolicall see.
MarginaliaThe 4. opinion.

The fourth opinion was, that the Friers by the licence of the Pope and of Byshops, might lawfully heare confessions, and the people might be of them confessed and absolued. But yet notwithstanding, it was reason, conueniē;t, honest, and profitable, that once in the yeare they should be confessed to their curates (although beyng cōfessed before to the friers) because for the administration of Sacramentes, especially at Easter. MarginaliaGuilielmus de mōte Landuno. Henricus de Gandano. Of which opinion was Gulielmus de monte Landuno: Henricus de Gandauo also helde, not onely to be conuenient, but also that they were bound so to doe.

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MarginaliaThe fift opiniō. The fift opinion was, that albeit the Friers might at all tymes, and at Easter also, heare confessions as the curates did: yet it was better and more safe, at the tyme of Easter to confesse to the curates, thē; to the Friers. And of thys opiniō was this our Armachanus, of whom we presently now entreat.

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¶ And thus haue ye, as in a briefe summe opened vnto you, what was the matter of contention betwene the friers and the Church men. What Popes made with the friers: and what Popes made against thē;. Moreouer, what learned mē; disputed against them in Paris, and other places, and what were their opinions.

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The matter of contention about the Friers, stoode in foure pointes. First preaching without licence of Curats. Second, in hearyng cōfessions. Third, in burying. Fourth, in begging and taking of the people.

¶ Popes that main
teined the Friers.
¶ Popes that main-
teined Curates.
Honorius. 3. Innocentius. 3.
Gregorius. 9. Innocentius. 4.
Were Alexander. 4. Were Martinus. 4.
Boniface. 8. Benedictus. 11.
Clemens. 5.
¶ The learned men that disputed agaynst the Friers.
Were Gulielmus de S. Amore.
Bernardus super capitulum,
Omnis vtriusque sexus.
Godfridus de Fontibus.
Henricus de Gandauo.
Gulielmus de Landuno.
Ioannes Monachus Cardini.
Ioannes de Poliaco.
All these were
condemned by
the Popes, or
els caused to

These considerations and circumstancies hetherto premised, for the more opening of thys present cause of Armachanus susteined agaynst the idle beggerly sectes of friers, in whom the reader may well perceaue Antichrist plainely reigning, and fighting agaynst the Church:MarginaliaEx libro cui titulus Defensorium curatorum. Now remayneth, that as I haue before declared the trauayles & troubles of diuers godly learned men in the Church stryuing agaynst the sayd friers, continually from the tyme of Guliel. de Amore, hetherto: So now it remayneth, that for so much as thys our Armachanus labouring and in the same cause, susteined the like conflict wyth the same Antichrist: we likewise collect and open hys reasons and argumentes vttered in the consistory and in the audience of the Pope hymselfe, wherwith he mainteyneth the true doctrine and cause of the Church agaynst the pestiferous canker creeping in, by these friers after subtile wayes of hypocrisie, to corrupt the sincere simplicitie of Christes holy fayth & perfect Testament. The which reasons and argumentes of hys, wyth the whole processe of hys doinges: I thought good and expedient for the vtilitie of the Church, more amply and largely to discourse and prosecute, for that I note in the sectes, institutions, and doctrine of these friers, such subtile poyson to lurke: more pernitious and hurtfull to the religion of Christ and soules of Christians, then all men peraduenture do consider.

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This Armachanus ioyning wyth the clergie of England, disputed  

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Foxe is drawing all of what follows on Fitzralph's dispute with the mendicant orders from Fitzralph's sermon, preached before Innocent VI, 'Defensio Curatorum', which Foxe then reprints.

and contended wyth the friers here of England, an. 1358. about a double matter. Wherof the one was concernyng confession and other exchetes which the friers encroched in parishe churches agaynst the Curates, and publique pastors of Churches. The other was concerning wilfull beggary and pouerty, which the friars then tooke vpon them, not vpon any necessitie being otherwise strong inough to worke for their liuinge, but onely vpon a wylfull and affected profession. For the which cause the friers appealed hym vp to the court of Rome. The occasiō wherof thus did rise.

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¶ It befell, that Armachanus vpon certaine busines comming vp to London, found there certayne Doctours
