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K. Richard. 2. Iohn Wickliffe. Ph. Repington. I. Asheton. N. Herford.

shing of those conclusions and opinions) to make a generall Inquisition through the wholl vniuersitie as well for the partyes aforesaid, Iohn Wickliffe, Nicholas Herforde, Philip Repington, Iohn Ashton, and such other, as also for all other whom they know or iudge to be suspected of the doctrine, or to be mainteyners, receauers,and defenders of the foresayd partyes, or their conclusions any maner of way, to the entent that they being so apprehended through their diligent search, may be within vij. dayes of their admonitiōs, expulsed the vniuersitie, and cited vp to the Archb. of Cant. before him to appeare, and to stand to their answeres: Wylling moreouer and commaundyng the sayd vicechancelor and proctors with other regentes their assisters, that if any person or persons in any house, hall, or colledge, or in any other place shall be found to haue any of their bookes or treatises compiled by the said Iohn Wickliffe, Nicholas Herford. &c:MarginaliaThe persons with their bookes to be arested. they will cause without delay the sayd person or persons, wt their bookes, to be arested and attached, and presented with in one month, without correction, corruption, or mutation, to the foresayd Archb. vpon their fayth and aliegiance, as they will auoyde the forefayture of all and singular the lyberties & priuylegies to the vnyuersitie appertayning. And that they wil be obedient to the Archb. aforesaid in the ordering hereof, and all other hys iniunctyons to be obeyed in all thinges lawfull and honest. Geuyng moreouer in these our letters charge and commaundement to the Maior, Bayliffes and other the inhabytantes of Oxford, to be assistant and attendant vnto the foresayd vicechanceler and proctors, touchyng the execution of the premisses,MarginaliaThe 14. day of Iuly. an. 1382. bearyng the date of the fourteenth day of Iulye: whych was the yeare of our Lord. 1382.

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¶ Matters incident of Robert Rigges, Vicechauncellor of Oxford, Nicholas Herford, and Phillip Repington, with other.

MarginaliaRob. Rigges Vicechaūcelor of Oxford. THe vicechanceler the same time in Oxford  

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Persecution of Lollards in Oxford

Foxe's description of events is not clear, so a word of explanation is in order. Robert Rygge, who was elected chancellor of Oxford in the first half of 1381, openly supported Wiclif's followers and associates in the university. Althouh Rygge was not a follower of Wiclif himself, he was an opponent of the friars, who were the chief adversaries of the Lollards. The friars, in turn, were supported by Archbishop William Courtenay. In 1382, Rygge appointed two of the chief Lollards in Oxford, Nicholas Hereford and Philip Repingdon, to preach the Ascension Day and Corpus Christi Day sermons respectively. The attacks on the friars in these sermons ignited a firestorm. At the same time, Rygge, citing Oxford's immunity from ecclesiastical jurisdiction, refused to publish either Courtenay's inhibitions against Wiclif's followers or the list of propositions attributed to Wiclif and condemned as heretical at the Blackfriars council. Rygge and his associate Thomas Brightwell were summoned before Courtenay and forced to submit. On 15 June, the Blackfriars decrees were published in Oxford, with the result that Wiclif's followers within the University were subject to prosecution. Rygge still did what he could for them, suspending the Cistercian Dr Henry Crump for attacking the Lollards. Rygge was summoned before the king's council in July and forced to reinstate Crump and investigate heresy in the University. On 15 June, when the Blackfriars decrees were published, Hereford, Repingdon and another Oxford Lollard, John Aston, were summoned before a second session of the Blackfriars council. On 1 July they were condemned as heretics and excommunicated. Aston and Repingdon publicly abjured on 18 November 1382. Hereford appealed to the pope and went to Rome where he was imprisoned.

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In the Commentarii, Foxe drew on the Fasciculi Zizaniorum (Bodley Library MS Musaeo e 86) for an account of Rygge's protection of the Lollards at Oxford, and the prosecutions of Hereford, Repingdon and Aston (see Commentarii, fos. 29v-32r). This material was reprinted in the Rerum (pp. 14-15). In the 1563 edition, Foxe added praise of Oxford. In the 1570 edition, Foxe added detail, particularly on Hereford, Repingdon and Aston, taken from Archbishop Courtenay's register. This completely superseded the material on 1563 ( pp. 101-3) which was taken from the Fasciculi Zizaniorum and was less complete and accurate. In the 1583 edition, Foxe added a statute against the Lollards and a statute repealing it, both taken from the Tower records.

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Thomas S. Freeman
University of Sheffield

was M. Robert Rigges. The two procters were Iohn Huntman, and Walter Dishe. who then as farre as they durst, fauoured the cause of Iohn Wickliffe and that side.  
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Foxe's account of Hereford's and Repingdon's sermons, and Rygge's initial defiance of Courtenay comes from the Fasciculi Zizaniorum (see Bodley MS Musaeo e 86, fos. 76r-77v).

In so much þt the same tyme and yeare, which was an. 1382. when certayne publicke sermons should be appoynted customably at the feast of Ascensyō, and of Corpus Christi, to be preached in the cloyster of S. Frideswyde (now called Chrysts church) before the people, by the vicechauncelour aforesayd and the proctoures (the doynges thereof the vicechauncellor aforesaid and proctoures had committed to Phillip Repington, and N. Her.MarginaliaNic. Herford preaching on the Ascensiō day defended Wickliffe. so þt N. Her. should preach on the Ascēsiō day, and Repington on Corpus Christi day) First Herford beginnyng was noted to defend Iohn Wickliffe, openly to be a faythfull, good, and innocēt man: for the which no small adoe with outcries was among the Friers. This Herford, after he had long fauoured and maintayned Wickliffes parte, grew first in suspicyon amongst the enemyes of the truth. For assone as he began somewhat liberally and freely to pronoūce and vtter any thyng which tended to the defence of Wickliffe, by and by the Carmelytes, and all the orders of relygion were in hys top, and layd not a few heresies vnto hys charge, the which they had strayned here and there out of hys sermons, & had compyled together in a certayne forme, by the handes of certayn notaries, through the industry and dyligence of one Peter Stokes a Carmelite: a kynde of people prone & ready to all kinde of mischiefe, vprores, debate, & dissēsiū. After this þe feast of Corpus Christi drue neare, vpon which day it was looked for, that Repington should preach.MarginaliaRepington first Chanon of Leycester, after B. of Lincolne. This man was a canon of Leicester, and had before taken hys first degree vnto Doctorship: who preachyng the same tyme at Bradgate for the same Sermon he became first suspected, and hated of the Pharisaical broode of the Friers. But thorogh the great and notable dexteritie of hys wit, (which all men did behold and see in hym) accompanied with lyke modesty and honesty: he dyd so ouercome, or at the least assuage this cruelty and persecution which was towardes hym,MarginaliaRepington commensed Doctor. that shortly after, by the consent of the whole fellowship, he was admitted doctour. Who as soone as he had taken it vpon hym, by and by he stepped forth in the scholes, and began immediatly to shew forth and vtter, that which he had long hidden and dissembled. Protestyng opēly, that in all morall matters, he would defend Wickliffe. But as touching the sacrament he would as yet holde hys peace, vntill such tyme as the Lord shall otherwise illumynate the hartes and mindes of the cleargy.

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Now the day of Corpus Christi aforesayd approaching neare, when the Fryers vnderstoode that this man should preach shortly, fearing lest that hee would rub the galles of their religyon, they conuented with the Archb. of Canterburye, that the same day a little before that Phillip shoulde preach: Wicliffes conclusions which were priuately condēned, should be openly diffamed in the presence of the whole vniuersity.MarginaliaPeter Stokes standerd bearer to the papistes. The doing of which matter, was committed to Peter Stokes Frier, standerd bearer and chiefe champion of that side agaynst Wickliffe.

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There were also letters sent vnto the commissary, that he should helpe and ayde him in publishing of the same conclusions, as is before declared.

These thynges thus done and finished, Repingdon at þe hour appointed proceaded to his sermon. In the which sermon among many other thinges, he was reported to haue vttered these sayinges, or to this effect.  

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These articles from Repingdon's sermon are taken from the Fasciculi Zizaniorum (see Bodley MS Musaeo e 86, fo. 76r). Foxe omits Repingdon's declaration that Wiclif's belief in the sacrament was in agreement with that of the Catholic Church.

MarginaliaNotes of the Sermon of Repington That the Popes or Byshops ought not to be recommēded aboue temporall Lordes.

Also that in all morall matters he would defend master Wickliffe as a true catholick doctor.

Moreouer that the Duke of Lancaster was very earnestly affected and minded in this matter, and would that all such should be receaued vnder his protection: Besides many thynges mo which touched the prayse and defence of Wickliffe.

And finally, in concluding his sermon, he dimissed the people with this sentēce: I will (sayd he) in the speculatiue doctrine, as appertainyng to the matter of the Sacrament of the aulter, kepe silence and hold my peace, vntill such time as God otherwise shall instruct and illuminate the hartes of the Clergy.

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When the Sermon was done, Repingdon entred into Saint Frideswides Church, accompanied with many of his friendes: who, as the enemies surmised, were priuily weaponed vnder their garmentes, if nede had bene. Frier Stokes the Carmelite aforesayd, suspectyng all this to be agaynst hym, and beyng afrayd of hurt, kept himself within the sanctuary of the Church, not daring as then to put out hys hed. The Vicechauncellor and Repington, friendly salutyng one another in the church porch, sent away the people, and so departed euery man home to his owne house.MarginaliaThe vniuersitie reioyseth. There was not a litle ioy thorough the whole vniuersitie for that sermon, but in the meane tyme, the vnquiet & busie Carmelite, slept not hys matter. For first by his letters he declared the whole order of the matter vnto the archbishop, exaggerating the perils and daungers that he was in, requiring and desiring hys helpe and ayde, pretermitting nothyng, wherby to moue & stirre vp the archbishops minde, which of hys owne nature was as hote as a toste as they say, and ready inough to prosecute the matter of hys owne accorde, though no man had prickt hym forward thereunto. Besides all this (iij. dayes after) wyth a fierce and bolde courage, the sayd Frier breathing out threatninges and heresies agaynst them, tooke the way vnto the schooles:MarginaliaWhether the Lordes temporall were to be prayed for before the Pope and Byshops.
The Frier derided and mocked in the scholes.
mindyng there to proue, that the Pope and the Bishops ought to be prayed for before the Lordes temporall. Whiles thys Frier was thus occupyed in the schooles, he was mocked and derided of all men, and shortly after he was sent for by the Archbyshop to London: whom immediatly after, the Vicechauncelor and Brightwell followed vp, to purge and cleare themselues and their adherentes from the accusations of thys Frier Peter. At the length they beyng examined vpon Wickliffes conclusions that were cōdemned: they did all consent, that they were worthely condemned. The Vicechauncelor being afterward accused for the contempt of the Archbyshops letters, when as he perceaued & saw, that no excuse would preuayle to auoyde that daunger, hūblyng hymselfe vpon hys knees, he desired pardon. The which when he had, now agayne (as is aforesayd) albeit very hardly obtayned: By the helpe of the Byshop of Winchester, he was sent away agayne wyth certayne cōmaundementes, and suspensions of heretickes.MarginaliaReligious men first causers of this trouble. Then began the hatred on eyther part somewhat to appeare and shewe, and specially all men were offended, and in the toppes of these Friers and religious men, vpon whom, whatsoeuer trouble or mischiefe was raysed vp, they did impute it as to the authours and causers of the same.MarginaliaHenry Crompe first an accuser of other, after accused himselfe for heresie. Amongest whom there was one Henry Crompe, a monke Cistertian, a well learned deuine, which afterward was accused by the Byshops of heresie. He at that tyme was openly suspected by the Commissary, because in hys lectures he called the heretickes Lollardes, from his actes (as they terme them) in the schoole.) Then he commyng by and by vp to London, made hys complaynt vnto the Archbyshop, and to the kynges counsell.

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Wherupon he obteyning the letters of the kyng, and of hys counsaile, by þe vertue therof (returning agayne to the vniuersitie) was released and restored againe to his former
