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K. Richard. 2. Iohn Wickliffe. Repington. Asheton. Herford.

state: the wordes of which letter here followeth vnder written.

¶ The copy of the kinges letter.

MarginaliaThe kynges letter to the Vicechaūcelor & procurators of Oxford.
Henry Crompe complayneth to the kynges counsayle of the most secular maisters of Oxford.
THe Kyng to the Vicechauncelour and procuratours of the vniuersitie of Oxford, greetyng.  

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Richard II's second letter to Rygge is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 31v.

Where as we alate vnderstādyng by the greuous complaynt of Henry Crompe monke and regent in diuinitie wythin the sayd vniuersitie, how that he, beyng assisted by the reuerend father in God the Archb. of Cant. and by other clerkes and diuines in the citie of London, to proceede in the condemnation of certayne conclusions erroneous and hereticall, hath bene therfore molested by you: And that you, through sinister suggestion of some aduersaries (pretending the peace of the sayd vniuersitie) to haue bene broken by the said Henry in his last lecture, did therfore call him before you to appeare and aunswere: and for hys not appearing, did therfore pronounce him as obstinate, and conuicte of peace breakyng: also haue suspended the sayd Henry from hys lectures, and all scholasticall actes. And where as we, by our writte did call you vp for the same, to appeare and aunswere before our counsayle, vnto the premisses: so that all thynges beyng well tryed and examined by the sayd counsayle, it was found and determined, that all your processe agaynst the sayde Henry, was voyde and and of none effecte: and commaundement geuen, that the sayd Henry should be restored and admitted agayne to his former lectures and scholasticall actes, and to hys pristine state as you know. To the intent therfore that this decree aforesayde should be more duely executed of your part, we here by these presentes straightly charge and commaunde you: That you spedely reuoking agayn all your proces against the said Hēry in the vniuersitie aforesayd, wyth all other that folowed therof: do admit and cause to be restored agayne the sayd Henry to his scholasticall actes, hys accustomed lectures and pristine estate, without all delay, accordyng to the forme of the decree and determination aforesayd. Enioyning you moreouer and your commissaries or deputies and your successors, and all other maisters regent and not regent, and other presidentes, officers, ministers, and scholers of the vniuersitie aforesayd, vpon your fayth and legeance you owe vnto vs:MarginaliaHenry Crompe, Peter Stokes, Carm. Stephen Packington Carm. restored by the K. to theyr scholastical actes. that you do not impeach, molest, or greue, or cause to be greued (any maner of way, priuely or apertly) the sayde Frier Henry for the causes premissed, or Frier Peter Stokes Carmelite, for the occasion of hys absence from the vniuersitie, or Frier Stephen Packyngton Carmelite, or any other religious or secular person fauouring them vpō the occasion of any either worde or deede whatsoeuer, concernyng the doctrine of master Iohn Wickliffe, Nicholas Herford and Philip Repindon, or the reprofe and condemnation of their heresies and errours, or the correction of their fauourers: But that you do procure the peace, vnitie, and quiet, within the sayd vniuersitie, and chiefly betwene the religious and secular persons: and that you wyth all diligence nourishe, encrease, and preserue the same to the vttermost of your strength. And that you in no case omitte to doe it accordingly, vpon the forfaitures of all and singular the liberties and priuiledgies of the vniuersitie aforesayd. Witnes my selfe at Westminster the 14. day of Iuly.

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Mention was made, as you heard a litle before, how M. Rigges Vicechauncelor of Oxford, commyng vp with M. Brightwell to the Archb. of Cant. was there straitly examined of the conclusions of Wickliffe. Where he notwythstanding through the helpe of the B. of Wint. obtayned pardon, and was sent away againe wyth commaundementes and charges, to seeke out all the fauourers of Iohn Wickliffe.MarginaliaHerford and Repingtō fled to the Duke of Lancaster. This commaundement beyng receaued, Nicholas Herford, & Philip Repyngtō (beyng priuely warned by the sayd Vicechauncelor) in the meane season conueyed them out of sight, and fled to the Duke of Lancaster for succour and helpe. But the Duke, whether for feare, or for what cause els, I can not say, in the ende forsoke his poore and miserable clients.

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MarginaliaLetters of the Archb. to the Vicechaūcelor. In the meane tyme, while they were fled thus to the Duke, great search and inquisition was made for them, to cite and to apprehend them where so euer they myght be found. Wherupon, the Archbyshop W. Courtney directed out hys letters first to the Vicechauncelor of Oxford,MarginaliaLetters of the Archb. to the B. of London. Rob. Braybroke B. of London. then to the Byshop of London named Rob. Braybroke: chargyng them not onely to excommunicate the sayd Nicholas and Phillip, wythin their iurisdiction, and the said excommunication to be denounced lykewise throughout all the dioces of his suffraganes: but also moreouer, that diligent search and watch should be layd for them, both in Oxford and in London, that they might be apprehended: requyring moreouer by thē to be certified agayne, what they had done in the premisses.MarginaliaThe 14. day of Iuly. an. 1382.. And this was written the 14. day of Iuly, an 1382.  

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The date of this letter is actually 30 July 1382. The letter is in Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32r..

Ex Regist.

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Vnto these letters receaued from the Archbishop, diligent certificat was geuen accordingly, as well of the Byshop of London hys part, as also of the Vicechauncelor, the tenour wherof was this.

¶ The letter certificatorie of the Vicechauncelor to the Archbyshop.

MarginaliaThe letter of Rob. Rigges Vicechaūc. to the Archb. TO the reuerend father in Christ, Lord W. Archbyshop of Cant. Primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolique see, Rob. Rygges professour of Diuinitie, and Vicechauncelor of the vniuersitie of Oxford, greeting with due honour.  

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This letter is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32r.

Your letters bearing the date of the 14. of Iuly I haue receaued: By the authoritie wherof, I haue denounced and caused to be denounced effectually, the foresayde Nicholas, and Philip, to haue bene and to be excommunicate publiquely and solemnly in the Church of S. Mary, & in the schooles, and to be cited also personally, if by any meanes they might be apprehended, according as you commaunded. But after diligēt search layd for them of my part to haue them personally cited and apprehended, I coulde not finde neyther the sayd M. Nicholas, nor M. Philip: who haue hyd or conueied themselues, vnknowing to me, as here is well knowen. wherof I thought here to geue significatiō to your Fatherhood. Sealed & testified with the seale of myne office. MarginaliaThe 25 day of Iuly. an. 1382. From Oxford the 25. of Iuly.

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MarginaliaHerford and Repington repulsed frō the Duke of Lancaster. In the meane tyme Nicholas Herford, and Repyngton beyng repulsed of the Duke, and destitute (as was sayd) of his supportation, whether they were sent, or of their owne accorde went to the archbishop, it is vncertaine. Thys I finde in a letter of the foresayd Archbyshop, conteyned in hys register:MarginaliaThe 23. day of October. that Repyngton in the 23. day of October the same yeare 1382. was reconciled againe to the Archbyshop,MarginaliaRepington released by the Archb. and also by hys generall letter was released & admitted to hys scholasticall actes in the vniuersitie.MarginaliaI. Ashetō reconciled by the Arch. And so was also Iohn Ashton, of whom (Christ willing) more shall follow hereafter..  

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Foxe is refering to a description of Repingdon's abjuration in Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32v.

Of Nicholas Herford all this while I finde no speciall relation.

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In þe meane tyme, about the 23. of the moneth of September the sayd yeare, the kyng sent hys mandate toMarginaliaA parliamēt summoned. the Archbyshop for collecting of a subsidie, and to haue a conuocatiō of the clergie summoned, agaynst the next parliament, which should begyn the 18. day of Nouember..  

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Foxe is drawing on Archbishop Courtenay's register for his account of what transpired in the Convocation of 1382; see Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fos. 33r-34r.

MarginaliaThe 13. of Octob. 1382. The Archbyshop lykewise on the 15. day of October, directed his letters monitorie (as the maner is) to Robert Braybroke Byshop of London, to geue the same admonition to all hys suffraganes & other of the clergie wythin hys prouince for the assemblyng of the cōuocation aforesayd.MarginaliaThe conuocation of S. Frideswide in Oxford.
The 18. day of Nouemb.
All which done and executed, the parliament begon beyng holden at Oxford the 18 day of Nouember, where the conuocatiō was kept in the monastery of Frisdeswide in Oxford. In the which conuocation, the Archbyshop wyth the other byshops there sitting in their Pōtificalibus, declared two causes of þt their present assembly wherby (sayth he) to represse heresies, which began newly in the realme to spryng, and for correctyng other excesses in the Church. The other cause (sayde he) was to ayde and support the kyng with some necessary subsidie of money to be gathered, which thus declared, the conuocation was continued til the day folowing, which was the 19. of Nouember.

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MarginaliaThe 19. day of Nouemb. an. 1382. At the sayd day and place, the Archbyshop wyth the other Prelates assemblyng themselues as before: The archbyshop after the vsed solemnitie, wylled the procuratours of the clergie appointed for euery dioces, to consult wythin themselues, in some conuenient seuerall place, what they thought for their parts touching þe redresse of things, to be notified and declared to hym and to hys brethren. &c.

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Furthermore for so much. (sayth he) as it so noysed through all the realme, that ther were certayne in the vniuersitie of Oxford, which did holde and mayntayne conclusions (as he called them) hereticall and erronious condemned by hym, and by other lawyers and Doctours of Diuinitie: He therfore assigned the Byshops of Sarum, Herford and Rochester,MarginaliaRob. Rigge displaced frō Vicechauncellorship. wyth William Rugge then Vicechaūcelor of the vniuersitie of Oxford (for belyke Robert Rigge was then displased) also wyth William Berton, & Iohn Midleton Doctors:MarginaliaInquisition made at Oxford. geuing them hys full authoritie with cursing and bannyng, to compell them to search and to inquire wyth all diligence and wayes possible, ouer all and singular what soeuer, eyther Doctours, Bachelers, or scholers of the sayd vniuersitie, which did holde, teach, mayn-

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