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K. Richard. 2. The proces against W. Swinderby.

se negotijs secularibus. 1. q. 1. ca. quisquis per pecuniam, & dist. 80. ca. Si quis.

Marginalia3 Conclusion The third conclusion was this, that friers and priestes putten vpon me, that tithes purely bene almesses: And in case that curates bene euill men, they mowen leefullye be geuen to other men, by temporall Lordes, and other temporalties bene done away from men of the Church, actually and openly trespassing.

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MarginaliaAunswere. Thys I sayd not in these termes, but thus I say with protestation made before: that it were medefull and leefull to secular Lordes by way of charitie, and power geuen to hem of God, in default of prelates that amende not by gods law, cursed curates that openly misusen the goods of holy church that bene poore mens goods and customably against the law of God: the which poore men, Lordes bene holden to maintayne and defend, to take away and withdraw from such curates, poore mens goods, the which they wrongfully holden in helpe of the poore, and their owne wilfull offeringes, and their bodely almes deedes, and geue them to such that duely serue God in the Church, and bene needye in vpbearing of the charge that prelates shoulden doe, and done it not. Alter alterius onera portate & sic adimplebitis legem Christi. And as anentes taking away of temporalties, I say thus wyth protestation made before: that it is leefull to Kynges, Princes, Dukes, and Lordes of the world to take away fro Popes, Cardinals, fro Byshops & Prelates, possessions in the Church, their temporalityes, and their almes that they haue geuen them, vpon condition they shoulden seruen God the better, when they verely sene that their geuing and their taking bene contrary to the law of God, to Christes liuing and hys Apostles: and namely in that, that they taken vpon them (that shoulden be next followers of Christ and hys Apostles in poorenes & mekenes) to be secular Lordes: agaynst the teachyng of Christ and Saint Peter. Luc. xxij. Reges gentium. Et. i. Pet. v. Neq; dominantes in clero. And namely when such temporalties maken them the more proud, both in hart and in araye, then they shoulden bene els, more in strife and debate against peace and charitie, and in euill ensample to the worlde more to be occupyed in worldly busines. Omnem solicitudinem proiicientes in eum. And drawes them from the seruice of God, from edifiyng of Christes Church, in empouerishing and making lesse the state and the power of kynges, princes, Dukes, and Lordes that God hath set them in: in wrongfull oppressing of commons for vnmightfulnes of realmes. For Paule sayth to men of the Church (whose lore, Prelates shoulden souerainly followen) Habentes victum, & vestitum, hiis contenti simus.

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Marginalia4. Conclusion. The fourth conclusion is this, that Friers and priests putten vpon me falsly: that an euill Curate cursing hys Soget for wythholdyng of tithes, is nought els, but to take with extortion wickedly and vnduely money frō them.

Here may you see the falshode of the papistes gathering articles against good men, which they neuer sayd nor ment.
Thus sayd I not, but thus I sayd, and yet doe wyth protestation made before: that an euill Curate cursing hys parochiens, vnmighty to pay their tithyng, wyth vēgeance wiyhout pitie, for hys singular worldly winning agaynst charitie, and not for heede of their soules, there he is holde by his power reasonably to helpe hys needy parochiens, and doth nought of the goods of the Church: wickedly and vnduely he wythholdes from them, that which is due to them by the law of God. Dimittite, & dimittetur vobis: date, & dabitur vobis: verum mihi vindictam, & ego retribuam, dicit dominus.

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Marginalia5. Conclusion. The fift conclusion is this, that Friers and Priestes falsely putten vpon me: that no man may curse any mā, but if he were him cursed of God, ne the commers with him rēnen not into sentence of cursing in any manner.

MarginaliaAunswere. Thus sayd I not, but thus I sayd, and say with protestation put before: that no man ought to curse any man, but for charitie and wyth charitie. Omnia vestra cum charitate fiant. And sikerly I say, that no wrongfull cursing of Pope or any prelate in earth, bindesMarginalia* Agaynst. * anentes God, but when they wrongfully and wittingly cursen men, for that men will not do their singular will, vnreasonable bidding, wyth highnes of hart and cruelty (standyng pacience & charitie in them that they cursen wrōgfully) he is blessed of almighty God, and they themselfe bene cursed. Math. 5. Beati eritis cum maledixerint homines. &c. Et in Psalmo: Maledicent illi, et tu benedices. Et Augustinus. xi. q. iii. cap. illud.

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Marginalia6 Conclusion. The sixt conclusion is this, that Friers and Priestes putten vpon me falsely: that eche Priest may assoyle hym that sinneth, contrition had: and notwythstandyng forbiddynges of the Byshop, is Marginalia* Holden, that is, bound. * holden to preach to the people the Gospell.

MarginaliaAunswere. Thus I sayd not, but thus I sayd, and yet say wyth protestation made before: that eche true priest may coun saile sinfull men, that shewen to hym her sinnes, after the witte and cunning that God had geuen hym, to turne fro sinne to vertuous lyfe. And as touching preaching of the Gospell, I say that no B. owes to let a true priest, that God had geuen grace, witte, and cunning to do that office: for both priestes and deacons, that God had ordeynet deacons and priestes, ben holden by power geuen hem of God to preach to the people the Gospell, and namely and somely, popes, byshops, prelates, and curates: For this is due to the people and parochiens, for to haue and aske of hem, and they duely and freely owen to done it. Math. 5. Luc. 5. Ite, ecce ego mitto vos. Et Math. 16. Euntes in mundum vniuersum. Et Math. 5. Euntes autem prædicate. Et dist. 21. ca. In nono testamento. Et Ysidor. de summo bono. 44. Et Chrisost. distinc. 34. ca Nolite. Et August, distinc. 34. ca. Quisquis. Et Greg. in suo pasturali. ca. 38. Et in Tollitano. ca. ignorātia. Et Ierom. distinc. 95. cap. Ecce Ego.

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Marginalia7. Conclusiō The vij. conclusion is this, that Friers and Priestes falsely putten vpon me, that a Priest takyng any thynge for annuell, through couenaunt: in that, he is schismaticke and curset.

MarginaliaAunswere Thus sayd I, neuer in these termes: But thus I sayd, and yet say with protestatiō put before: that no priest owes to sell by bargayning and couenaunt, hys gostlye trauayle, ne hys masses, ne hys prayers, ne Gods worde, ne hallowinges, baptisme, ne confirming, order geuing, for weddinges, for shrifte, for housell, or for enoyning, any worldly mens reward to aske or tale for these or for any of these, or for any gostlye thyng, he erres and doth simonie. Vt patet 1. q. 2. ca. Nullus. Et ex consilio Triburenti. capit. Dictum est. Et Christus in euangelio vendentes, et ementes eiecit de templo. Math. 22.

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Marginalia8. Conclusiō. The viij. conclusion is thys, that Fryers and Priestes putten vnto me falsely, saying that I beleue sadly as my sell sayes: that yche Priest beyng in deadly sinne, yet he put hym to make Christes bodye, rather he dos idolatrye then makes it.

MarginaliaAunswere. Thus sayd I not, but thus I sayde, and yet say wyth a protestation put before: that what Priest that puts himselfe presumptuously and vnworthely in deadly sinne, wittingly to minister and to receaue that holy sacrament, and so recordes hit cursedly and damnably, he receaues hys dome. Qui manducat et bibit indignè, iudicium fibi manducat & bibit. 1 Corin. 11.

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Marginalia9. Conclusiō. The ix. conclusion is this, that Friers and priestes falsely putten vpon me: that no Priestes entres into any house but euill for to treate the wyfe, the daughter, or the wench: and therfore they saydē, that I prayed the people that their husbandes should beware, that they suffer no priest to enter into her house.

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MarginaliaAunswere. And if I had sayd thus, then had I prayed agaynst my selfe, for I come oft into mens houses: But thus I sayde, and yet I do, praying Christen mē to beware that they nourishe nor mayntayne no lecherous Priestes in their sinnes: for there be where (as men well knowen) they ben maintained in many places, continuyng homely wyth her women. And iche men there sayn they payen therfore a certayne to the B. almes. Et ideo ait Ysodo. xi. q. 4. Qui consentit peccantibus et defendit alium delinquentem, maledictus erit apud deum et homines.

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Marginalia10. Cōclusiō. The x. conclusion is this, that friers and priestes putten vpon me falsely: that a childe is not verely baptised, if the priest that baptiseth, the godfather, or the godmother, ben in deadly sinne.

MarginaliaAunswere. God wot in heauen they sayd full false: but thus I sayd and yet I say: that the prayers that an euill Priest prayes (lyuing in lechery or other deadly sinne) ouer þe childe whē it shal be volowed, ben not acceptable to God as ben þe prayers of a good priest. And the better and clenner the priest is, the Godfather, and the Godmother: the more gratiously God will heare hem, if all they been not greatest nor most riche in this world. Vnde gg. xiii. q. vii. cap. in grauibus. Cum is qui displicet ad intercedendum peccator admittitur, irati animus procul dubio ad deteriora prouocatur.

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Marginalia11. Cōclusiō. The xi. conclusion is this, that Friers and priestes putten vpon me falsly: that no man, liuing agaynst the lawe of God is a priest, how euer he were ordayned Priest of any Byshop.

MarginaliaAunswere. Certes this is false, for I sayd neuer thus in these termes: but thus I sayd, and thus I say with a protestation put before, that what euery Pope, or Cardinall, Byshop, or Priest, or any prelate of the Church comes to his state or dignitie by Simony, and in Simony occupies that office, & holy churches goodes: I say that he is a theefe, and that by the dome of God, and comes but to steale and kill. Ioh. 10. Fur non venit nisi vt suretur, & macter, & perdat. And fur-

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