Thematic Divisions in Preface
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A Protestation to the whole Church of England.

And where is then the friuolous bragge of the Papistes, which make so much of their paynted sheath and would needes beare vs downe, that this gouernement of the Church of Rome which now is, hath bene of such an old standing, tyme out of minde, euen from the Primitiue Antiquitie, and that neuer was any other church demonstrable here in earth for men to follow, besides the said onely Catholicke motherchurch of Rome? when as we haue sufficiently proued before by the continuall descent of the Church till this present tyme, that the sayd Church, after the doctrine which is now reformed, is no new begunne matter, but euen the old c?tinued Church, by the prouidence and promise of Christ, still standing, which albeit it hath bene of late yeares repressed by the tyranny of Romaine Byshops, more then before: yet notwithstanding it was neuer so oppressed but God hath euer maintayned in it the truth of his Gospell, against heresies and errors of the Church of Rome, as in this history more at full is to be seene.

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Let vs now procede farther as we began, deducing this descent of the Churche vnto the 1501. yeare. MarginaliaBloudy markes of Christes Passion seene on mens garmentes in Germany. An. 1501.In which yeare the Lord began to shew in the partes of Germany wonderfull tokens, and bloudy markes of hys Passion, as the bloudy crosse, his nayles, speare, and crowne of thornes, which fell from heauen vpon the garmentes and cappes of men, and rockes of women, as you may further read in this booke. pag. 816. By the which tokens almighty God (no doubt) presignified what greuous afflictions and bloudy persecutions should then begin to ensue vpon his Church for his Gospels sake, according as in this history is described. Wherein is to be seene what Christen bloud hath bene spilt, what persecutions raysed, what tyranny exercised, what tormentes deuised, what trechery vsed against the poore flocke and Church of Christ, in such sort as since Christes tyme greater hath not bene seene.

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And now by reuolution of yeares we are come from that tyme of. 1501. to the yeare now present. 1570. MarginaliaSeuentie yeares of captiuitie well nere expired.In which the full seuentie yeares of the Babilonicall captiuitie draweth now well to an ende, if we count from the first appearing of these bloudy markes aboue mentioned. Or if we recken from the beginnyng of Luther, and his persecution, then lacketh yet xvj. yeares. Now what the Lord will doe with this wicked worlde, or what rest he will geue to his Church after these long sorrowes, he is our father in heauen, his will be done in earth, as seemeth best to his diuine maiesty.

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In the meane tyme let vs for our partes with all pacient obedience wayte vpon his gracious leysure, and glorifie his holy name, and edifie one an other with all humilitie. And if there c? not be an end of our disputing, & c?t?ding one agaynst an other: yet let there be a moderati? in our affections. And forsomuch as it is the good will of our God, that Sathan thus should be let loose among vs for a short tyme: yet let vs striue in the meane while what we can, to amend the malice of the tyme with mutuall humanitie. They that be in errour, let them not disdayne to learne. They which haue greater tallentes of knowledge committed, instruct in simplicitie them that be simple. No man lyueth in that common wealth where nothing is amisse. MarginaliaExhortation to the Church of England.But yet because God hath so placed vs Englishmen here in one common wealth, also in one Church as in one shippe together: let vs not mangle or diuide the shippe, which being diuided perisheth: but euery man serue in his order wyth diligence, wherein he is called. They that sit at the helme, keepe well the poynt of the nedle, to know how the shippe goeth, & whether it should. What soeuer whether betydeth, the nedle well touched with the stone of Gods word will neuer fayle. Such as labour at the oares, start for no tempest, but do what they can to kepe from the rockes. Likewise they which be in inferiour rowmes, take hede they moue no sedition, nor disturbance agaynst the rowers and mariners. No storme so daungerours to a shippe on the Sea, as is discord and disorder in a weale publicke. What countryes and nations, what kingdomes and Empires, what Cities, townes, and houses discord hath dissolued, in storyes is manifest: I neede not spende tyme in rehearsing examples.

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The Lord of peace, who hath power both of land and Sea, reach forth hys mercifull hand to helpe them vp that sincke, to keepe them vp that stand, to still these windes and sourging Seas of discord and contention amongest vs: that we professing one Christ, may in one vnitie of doctrine gather our selues into one Arke of the true Church together: where we continuing stedfast in fayth may at the last luckely be conducted to the ioyfull porte of our desired landing place by hys heauenly grace. To whom both in heauen and in earth be all power and glory, with his father and the holy sprite for euer. Amen.

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