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tures, that the body of Christ can neuer corrupt and putrifie, yet for all this corruption, will they needes make it the body of Christ, and burne all them whiche beleue not that which is agaynst true Christian belefe.

¶ Of Matrimonie.

MarginaliaAbsurdities and errours of the popes Church touchyng Matrimonie.WHat order and rule S. Paule hath set for mariage, in his Epistle to the Corinthians it is manifest. Where as he preferreth single lyfe in such as haue the gift of continence, before the maryed state: so agayne in such as haue not the gift, he preferreth the coupled lyfe before the other: willyng euery such one to haue his wife because of fornication. Marginalia1. Cor. 7.Furthermore, how the sayd Apostle aloweth a Byshop to be the husband of one wife, (so he excede not to the maner of the Iewes, which were permitted to haue many) and how vehemently he reproueth them that restraine Mariage, his letters to Timothy, do recorde. Marginalia1. Timot. 3.
1. Timot. 4.
Moreouer, what degrees be permitted by the law of God to mary, in the booke of Leuit. is to be sene, chap. 18. MarginaliaLeuit. 18.Also how childrē ought not to mary without consent of their parentes, by manifest examples of the Scriptures it is notorious.

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Contrary to these ordinaunces of the Scripture, the new Catholickes of the Popes Church, first do repute and call Mariage a state of imperfection, MarginaliaSingle lyfe be it neuer so impure preferred before Matrimony.and preferre single life, be it neuer so impure, before the same, pretēdyng that where the one replenished the earth, the other filleth heauē. MarginaliaThe iij. part of Christendome stopt by the popes law to mary.Further, as good as the third part of Christendome, (if it be not more) both men and wemen they keepe through coacted vowes, from Mariage, hauyng no respect whether they haue the gift or no. MarginaliaThe Popes doctrine agaynst Priestes mariage, and their childrē.Ministers and Priestes, such as are founde to haue wiues, not onely they remoue out of place, but also pronounce sentence of death vpon them, & accounte their childrē for bastardes and illegitimate. MarginaliaThe thyrd part of the yeare exempted from mariage.Agayne, as good as the iij. part of the yeare they exempt and suspende from libertie of marying. MarginaliaMariage within the fift, or sixt degree, by the Popes law.Degrees of copulation forbidden they extende farther then euer did the law of God, euen to the fift or sixt degree. Whiche degree notwithstandyng they release agayne when they lyst for money. MarginaliaGossyppes inhibited to mary by the Popes law.Ouer and besides all this they haue added a newfound prohibition of spirituall kyndred, that is, that such as haue bene gossyps, or Godfathers and Godmothers together in Christenyng an other mans child, must not by their law mary together. MarginaliaWhat incōueniēces come by restrayning of mariage.Briefly and finally in this their doctrine and cases of Matrimony they gayne and rake to them selues much money from the people, they augment horrible sodomitry, they nourish wicked adultery and much fornication. They fill the worlde with offensions, and bastardes, and giue great occasion of murderyng infantes.

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¶ Of Magistrates and Ciuill gouernement.

MarginaliaThe corrupt doctrine of the Popes Church concernyng eiuill rulers & magistrates.YE heard before what rules and lessons S. Paule gaue to the old Romanes concernyng Magistrates, to whose authoritie he would all humane creatures to be subiected, and how they are the Ministers of God, hauyng the sword giuen vnto them, wherewith they ought to represse false doctrine and idolatrie, and mainteine that whiche is true and right. Rom. 13. MarginaliaRom. 13.Now let vs suruey a litle the Popes procedynges, and marke how far he transgresseth in this, as he doth in all other pointes almost from true Christianitie.

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1. First, the Pope with all his Clergie exempt them selues from all obedience ciuill.

2. They arrogate to them selues authoritie to ordeine and constitute, without all leaue or knowledge of the ordinary Magistrate.

3. Yea, they take vpon them, to depose, and set vp rulers and Magistrates, whom they lyst.

¶ Of Purgatory.

MarginaliaThe phantasies and Autiques of the popes churche concernyng Purgatory.THe paradoxes or rather the phantasies of the latter Church of Rome concernyng Purgatory, is monstruous, neither old nor Apostolicall.

1. First, (say they) there is a Purgatory, where soules do burne in fire after this lyfe.

2. The payne of Purgatory differreth nothyng from the paynes of hell, but onely that it hath an end, the paynes of hell hath none.

3. The paynefull sufferyng of this fire freateth and scoureth away the sinnes before committed in the body.

4. The tyme of these paynes indureth in some longer, in some lesse, accordyng as their sinnes deserue.MarginaliaEx Thom. Moro. & aliji.

5. After whiche tyme of their paynes beyng expired, then the mercy of God doth translate them to heauenly blesse, which the body of Christ hath bought for them.

6. The paynes of Purgatory be so great, that if all þe beggars of the worlde were sene on the one side, and but one soule of Purgatory on the other side, the whole worlde would pitie more that one, then all the other.

7. The whole tyme of punishmēt in this Purgatory must continue so long, till the fire haue cleane freated and scoured away the rusty spottes of euery sinnefull soule there burnyng, vnleese there come some release.

8. Helpes & releases þt may shortē the tyme of their purgation, be the Popes pardons & indulgences, sacrifice of the altar, diriges & trentals, prayer, fastyng, meritorious deedes out of the treasure house of the Church, almose, & charitable deedes of the liuing in satisfiyng Gods Iustice for them. &c.

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9. Lacke of belief of Purgatory, bringeth to hell.

Many other false errours and great deformities, heresies, absurdities, vanities and follies, besides their blasphemous raylynges and contumelies, may be noted in the sayd latter Church of Rome,MarginaliaManifest defection of the Popes Church from the old fayth of Romewherein they haue made manifest defection from the old fayth of Rome, as in depriuyng the Church of one kinde of the Sacramēt, in taking frō the people the knowledge & readyng of Gods word, in praying and speakyng to the people and administryng Sacramentes in a toung vnknowen, in mistakyng the authoritie of the keyes, in their vnwritten verities, in makyng the authoritie of Scripture insufficient, in vntrue iudgement of the Church and their wrong notes of the same, in the supremacie of the sea of Rome, in their wrong opinion of Antichrist.

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But because these with all other partes of doctrine are more copiously and at large comprehended in other bookes both in Latine and English set forth in these our dayes, I shall not neede further herein to trauayle, especially seing the contrarietie betwen the Popes Church and the Churche of Christ, betwene the doctrine of the one and doctrine of the other is so euident, that he is blynd that seeth it not, and hath no handes almost, that feeleth it not.

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MarginaliaContrariety betwene the Religion of Christ & of the Pope briefly noted.For (briefly in one note to comprehend, which may suffice for all) where as MarginaliaChristes doctrine is wholy spirituall.the doctrine of Christ is altogether spirituall, consistyng wholy in spirite and veritie, MarginaliaNo outwarde thing required in Christes doctrine to make a Christen man but onely Baptisme and the Lordes Supper.and requireth no outward thyng to make a true Christen man, but onely Baptisme (which is the outward profession of fayth) and receauyng of the Lordes Supper: let vs now examine the whole Religion of this latter Church of Rome, MarginaliaAll doctrine of the Pope standeth onely in outward thyngs.and we shall finde it wholy from toppe to toe, to consiste in nothyng els but altogether in outward and ceremoniall exercises: as outward confession, absolution at the Priestes hand, outward sacrifice of the Masse, buying of pardons, purchassing of obites, externe worshyppyng of Images and reliques, pilgrimage to this place or that: buildyng of Churches, foundyng of Monasteries, outward workes of the law, outward gestures, garmentes, colours, choise of meates, difference of tymes and places, peculiar rites and obseruaūcies, set prayers and nūber of prayers prescribed, fastyng of vigiles, keepyng of holy dayes, commyng to Church, hearyng of seruice, externe succession of Byshops and of Peters sea, externe forme and notes of the Church &c. so that by this Religion to make a true Christiā and a good Catholicke, there is no workyng of the holy ghost almost required: As by example to make this matter more demonstrable, let vs here define a Christen man after the Popes making: wherby we may see the better what is to be iudged of the scope of his doctrine.

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¶ A Christen man after the Popes making defined.

MarginaliaA Christen man defined after the Popes doctrine.After the Popes Catholicke Religion, a true Christen mā is thus defined: first to be baptised in the Latin toūg, where the Godfathers professe they cā not tell what: thē confirmed by the Byshop: the mother of the childe to bee purified. After he be growen in yeares, then to come to the Church, MarginaliaCorporall exercise serueth to small profite.
1. Timot. 4.
to keepe hys fastyng dayes, to fast the Lent, to come vnder benedicite, that is, to be confessed to the Priest, to do his penaunce, at Easter to take his rightes, to heare Masse & diuine seruice, to set vp cādels before images, to creepe the Crosse, to take holy bread & holy water, to go on processiō, to cary his palmes & candle, & to take ashes, to fast the Imber dayes, Rogatiō dayes & vigiles, to kepe the holy dayes, to pay his tithes and offerings dayes, to go on pilgrimage, to buy pardōs, to worship his maker ouer the Priestes head, to receaue the Pope for his supreme head and to obey his lawes, to receaue S. Nicholas Clerkes, to haue his beades, and to giue to the high altar, to take orders, if he will be Priest, to say his Mattens, to sing his Masse, to lyft vp fayre, to kepe his vowe, and not to mary. When he is sicke to be aneeld and take the rightes of holy Church, to be buryed in the Church yeard, to be tong for, to be song for, to be buryed in a Friers coule, to finde a soule Priest &c.

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All whiche pointes beyng obserued, who can deny but this man is a deuout and a perfect Christian Catholicke, and sure to be saued, as a true faythfull child of the holy mother Church.

Now looke vpon this definition, and tell me (good reader) what fayth or spirite, or what workyng of the holy ghost in all this doctrine is to be required. The grace of our Lord Iesus giue the true light of his Gospell to shyne in our harts. Amen.

σὺν τῷ Χριστῷ.

¶ The