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K. Henry. 4. The degrading of W. Sawtre.

and W. Frisbey, with Hugh Bridhā publike Notaries: and there publikely affirmed and held, the conclusiōs, as before is specified.

All and singular the premisses the foresayd William affirmed vpon mature deliberation. And afterwards to wyt, the xix. day of May in the yeare, Indiction, and Papacie aforesayd, in the Chapple within the manour house of the sayd Henry Byshop of Norwich, situate at South Helinham: The foresayd Syr William, reuoked and renoūced all and singular the foresayd his conclusions: abiuryng and correctyng all such heresies and errours, takyng his othe vpon a booke before the foresayd Henry Byshop of Norwiche, that from that tyme forward he would neuer preach, affirme, nor hold, priuely nor apertly the foresayd conclusions. And that he would pronounce accordyng to the appointmēt of the sayd Byshop, the foresayd conclusions to be erroneous and heresies, in the Parish Churches of Lynne and Tilney and in other places at the assignment of the sayd Byshop. And farther sware, that he would stand to the ordinaunce of the sayd Byshop, touchyng the premisses, in the presence of the discret & worshipfull men afore recited with diuers others moe.

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As concerning the first conclusiō that he sayd he would not worshyp the crosse, &c. he confessed himselfe to haue erred and that the article was erroneous and submitted himselfe. Also as touchyng the second article, that he sayd he would rather worshyp a king, &c. he confessed himselfe to haue erred and the article to be erroneous and submitted himselfe, and so forth of all the rest.

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Then next after this, vpon the xxv. day of May in the yeare of our Lord aforesayd, in the Churchyard of þe Chappel of S. Iames within the towne of Lynne. The foresayd William in presence of the foresayd Bishop and Clergy þe the people of the sayd towne of Lynne standyng round about: publiquely declared in his English toung, the foresayd conclusions to be erroneous and heresies, as was contained in a certaine scrole. And after this, the xxvj. day of May in the yeare abouesayd, in the Church of the Hospitall of S. Iohns of the sayd towne of Lynne: The sayd Syr William, before the sayd Byshop sittyng as iudge, sware & tooke his othe vpon the holy Euangelistes that he would neuer after that time preach openly and publiquely the foresayd conclusions, nor would heare the confessions of any of the subiectes of his Dioces of Norwich, without the speciall licence of the sayd Byshop, &c. In the presence of Frier Iohn Smermen, M. Iohn Rikynghale, Doctour of Diuinitie, W. Carlton Doctour of both lawes, and Thomas Bulton officer of the libertie of Lynne aforesayd with diuers others.

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¶ The tenour of the scrole and recantation.

In primis, touchyng the first and second, where I sayd, that I would adore rather a temporall Prince, and the liuely bodyes of the Saintes thē the wooden Crosse, wherupon the Lord did hang, I do reuoke and recant the same, as beyng therin deceaued.

Marginalia3. To this I say, that the article is false and erroneous, and by false information, I held it, the which I renoūce and aske forgeuenes therof, & say that it is a precious relique, & that I shall hold it while I liue and that I sweare here.

Marginalia4. I know well that I erred wrongfully, by false information: for I wot well, that a Deacon or a priest is more boūd to say his Mattines and Houres, then to preach, for thereto he is bounden by right, wherfore I submit me. &c.

Marginalia5 Touchyng that article, I know well that I erred by false information. Wherfore I aske forgeuenes.

Marginalia6. As concernyng vowes, I say, that opinion is false and erroneous, and by false information I held it, for a man is holden to hold his vow. &c.

Marginalia7. To the 7. article I say, that I did it, by authoritie of Priesthode, where through I knowledge well that I haue gilt and trespassed, wherfore I submit me to God and to holy Church, and to you father, swearyng that I shall neuer hold it more.

Marginalia8. To the 8. I say, that I held it by false and wrong information. But now I know well that it is heresie, and that bread anone as the word of the Sacrament is sayd, is no lōger bread materiall, but that it is turned into very Christes body and that I sweare here.

Marginalia9. I say that this is false and erroneous. &c.

Marginalia10. I say as I sayd. &c.

MarginaliaProces agaynst W. Sautre. This beyng done, the xxij. day of February aforesayd in the yeare of our Lord. 1400. in the Chapter house of S. Paule in London aforesayd: The foresayd Archbyshop of Canterbury, In the conuocation of his Prelates and Clergy and such like men there being present, caused the fore recited proces of the Byshop of Norwich to be read openly & publiquely to Syr William Sautre otherwise called Chatris. And afterward, he asked the sayd Syr William, whether he plainly vnderstode & knew such proces and contentes within the same, and he sayd yea. And further he demaūded of him, If he would or could say or obiect any thing agaynst the proces, and he sayd no. And after that incontinent, the foresayd Archbyshop of Canterbury demaunded and obiected agaynst the sayd Syr Williā as diuers others more did: That after he had before the bishop of Norwiche, reuoked and abiured Iudicially diuers errours & heresies, that among other errours, and heresies by him taught, holden, & preached, he affirmed: That in þe Sacrament of the aulter after the consecration made by the Priest as he taught, there remained materiall bread: which heresie amongest others as errours he also abiured before the foresayd Byshop of Norwiche.MarginaliaEx Regist. Cantuar. Hereunto the foresayd William aunswered smilyngl or in mockyng wise, saying, and denying that he knew of the premisses. Notwithstādyng, he publiquely affirmed that he held & taught the foresayd thinges after the date of the sayd processe made by the sayd Byshop of Norwich, and that in the same councell also he held the same. Then finally, it was demaunded of the sayd Syr William, why he ought not to be pronounced as a mā fallen into heresie, and further to procede vnto his degradatiō, according to the canonical sanctiōs: wherunto he aunswered nothyng, neither could he alledge any cause to the contrary.

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Whereupon, the foresayd Archbyshop of Canterbury by the counsaile and consent of the whole Coūcell, and especially by the counsaile and assent of the reuerend fathers and Byshops, as also, Priours, Deanes, Archdeacons, and other worshipful Doctours and Clerkes then and there present in the councell: Fully determined to proceede to the degradation, and actuall deposing of the sayd William Sautre, as refallen into heresie, and as incorrigible, accordyng to the sentence definitiue put in writyng, the tenour wherof is in wordes as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of relapse. ¶ In the name of God Amen: we Thomas by the grace of God Archbyshop of Canterbury, Legate of the sea Apostolicall and Metropolitane of all England: do finde and declare, that thou William Sautrie otherwise called Chatris Priest, by vs with the counsaile and assent of all & singular our felow brethrē and whole Clergy, by this our sentence difinitiue declared in writing, hast bene for heresie cōuict and condemned, and art (beyng agayne fallen into heresie) to be deposed and degraded, by these presentes.

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And from that day beyng Wedensday, there was in the sayd councell prouinciall nothyng further prosecuted, but was continewed with all dependentes, till the Friday next insuyng. Which Friday approchyng, M. Nicholas Rishtō, by the commaundement of the sayd Archbyshop of Cāterbury, beyng then busied as he sayd in the Parliamēt house: continewed this councell & conuocation with all incidents, dependentes, and occasions, growing and annexed therunto, to the next day to wit Saterday, next and immediatly after insuyng. Vpon Saterday beyng the xxvj. day of the sayd month of February, the foresayd Archbyshop of Canterbury, sate in the Byshops seate of the foresayd Church of S. Paule in London, and solemply appareled in his Pōtificall attire, sittyng with him as his assistentes these reuerend fathers and Byshops, of London, Lyncolne, Harford, Exeter, Meneuensis & Roffensis Episcopi, aboue mentioned: cōmaunded and caused the sayd sir Williā Sautry appareled in Priestly vestimentes, to be brought and appeare before him. That done, he declared and expounded in English to all the Clergy and people there, in a great multitude assembled: that all proces was finished and ended agaynst the sayd Syr William Sautry. Which thyng finished, before the pronoūcyng of the sayd sentence of the Relapse agaynst the sayd Sir William as is premised, he often then and there recited and read. And for that he saw the sayd William in that behalfe, nothyng abashed: He proceded to his degradation and actuall deposition in forme as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of degradation. IN nomine patris & filij & spiritus sancti. Amen. We Thomas by Gods permission Archbishop of Cāterbury Primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolique sea: do denoūce thee William Sawtre otherwise called Chautris, Chaplein fayned, in the habite and aparell of a Priest, as an heretique and one refallen into heresie by this our sentēce definitiue, by coūsaile, assent, and authoritie, to be cōdemned: And by conclusiō also of all our fellow brethren, fellow By-

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