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K. Henry. 4. Conclusions of the Archb. against Gods word.

the penalties of heresie and schismacye, expressed in the lawe: And chiefly that his goods be adiudged confiscate by þe law, and apprehended and kept by them, to whom it shal appertayne. And that his fautours, receyuers, & defenders beyng conuicted, in all cases by likewise punished, if they cease not of within one moneth, beyng lawfully warned thereof by their superiours.

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MarginaliaConstit. 2. Furthermore, no clergy man or parochians of any parish or place within our prouince of Canturbury, shal admit any man to preach within their churches, churchyardes, or other places whatsoeuer, except first there be manifest knowledge had of his autoritie, priuiledge, or sendyng thyther, according to the order aforesaid: Otherwise the church, churchyarde, or place whatsoeuer, in which it was so preached, shal ipso facto, receiue the Ecclesiastical interdict, and so shall remayne interdicted, vntyl they that so admitted and suffered hym to preache, haue reformed them selues, and obtayned the place so interdicted, to be released in due fourme of lawe, eyther frō the Ordinary of the place, or his superiour.

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MarginaliaConstit. 3 Moreouer, like as a good housholder casteth wheate into the grounde (wel ordered for that purpose) thereby to get the more encrease: euen so we wyll and commaund, that the preacher of Gods word, commyng in forme aforesayd, preachyng eyther vnto the Clergie or Laitye, accordyng to his matter proponed: shall be of good behauiour, sowyng such seed as shalbe cōuenient for his auditory. And chiefly preachyng to the clergie, he shal touche the vices vsed amongest them, and to the Layty he shal declare the vices commonly vsed among them, and not otherwise: MarginaliaWhat tyranny is this to bynde the preachers mouth what to say. But if he preach cōtrary to this order, thē shal he be sharply punished by the ordinary of the place, accordyng to the qualitie of the offence.

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MarginaliaConstit. 4. Item, forasmuch as the part is vile, that agreeth not with the whole: we do decree & ordayne, that no preacher aforesayde, or any other person what soeuer, shall otherwise teach or preach concernyng the sacrament of the aultar, matrimonye, confession of sinnes, or any other sacrament of the churche, or article of the fayth, then that already is discussed by the holy mother church, nor shal bring any thing in doubte, that is determined by the church: MarginaliaA barre for the preachers. nor shal to his knowledge priuily or apertly pronounce blasphemous woordes concernyng the same, and shall teache, preach, or obserue any sect, or kynd of heresie what soeuer, cōtrary to the wholesome doctrine of the church. He that shal wittyngly & obstinately attempt the contrary, after the publication of these presentes, shall incurre the sentence of excōmunication ipso facto: Frō the which (except in poynt of death) he shal not be absolued, vntyl he hath reformed him self by abiuration of his heresie, at the discretion of the Ordinary, in whose territory he so offended, & hath receiued wholsome penitence for his offences. But if the second tyme he shall so offend, beyng lawfully cōuicted, he shalbe pronounced an heretique, & his goodes confiscate, and apprehended, and kept by them to whom it shall appertayne. The penance before mentioned, shalbe after this manner: If any man contrarye to the determination of the church, that is, in the decrees, decretals, or our constitutions prouincial, do openly or priuyly teach or preache any kinde of heresie or sect, he shall in the parish church of the same place, where he so preached, vpon one sunday, or other solemne day, or more, at the discretion of the Ordinary, and as his offence is more or lesse, expressely reuoke that he so preached, taught, or affirmed, euen at the tyme of the solemnitie of Masse, when the people are most assembled, and there shal effectually and without fraude preach, and teache the very truth determined by the churche: and further shalbe punished after the qualitie of his offence, as shalbe thought expediēt to the discretion of the Ordinary.

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MarginaliaConst. 5. Item, for as much as a newe vessel beyng long vsed, sauereth after the head, we decree and ordayne, that no schoolmaisters and teachers whatsoeuer, that instruct chyldren in grammer, or others whom soeuer, in primitiue sciences: MarginaliaA caueat for schoolemasters. shal in teachyng them, intermingle any thyng concernyng the catholique fayth, the Sacrament of the aultar, or other sacramentes of the churche, contrary to the determinations of the Church. Nor shall suffer their schollers to expound the holy Scriptures, (except the text as hath bene vsed of auncient tyme,) nor shall permit them to dispute openly or priuyly concernyng the catholique fayth, or Sacramentes of the Churche. Contrarywise, the offender herein shall be greeuously punished by the Ordinary of the place, as a fauourer of errours and schismes.

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MarginaliaConst. 6. Item, for that a newe way dooth more frequently leade astraye, then an olde way: we wyll and commaunde, that no booke or treatise made by Iohn Wicklyffe, or other whom soeuer, about that tyme or sithence, or hereafter to be made: be from hencefoorth read in schooles, halles, hospitalles, or MarginaliaBookes of Iohn Wickliffe forbidden. other places what soeuer, within our prouince of Canterbury aforesayde, except the same be first examined by the vniuersitie of Oxforde or Cambrige, or at the least by twelue persons, whom the sayde vniuersities or one of them shal appoynt to be chosen at our discretion, or the laudable discretion of our predecessours: and the same beyng examined as aforesayde, to be expressely approued and allowed by vs or our successours, and in the name and authoritie of the vniuersitie, to be deliuered vnto the Stationers to be copyed out, and the same to be solde at a reasonable price, the originall thereof alwayes after, to remayne in some chest of the vniuersitie. But if any man shall reade any suche kynde of booke in scholes or otherwise, as aforesayde: he shalbe punished as a sower of schisme, and a fauourer of heresie, as the qualitie of the fault shal require.

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MarginaliaConstit. 7. Item, it is a daungerous thyng (as witnesseth blessed S. Hierome) to translate the text of holy Scripture out of one tounge into an other: for in the translation, the same sense is not alwayes casily kept, MarginaliaHe confesseth that S. Ierome erred in his trāslation. as the same saint Ierome confesseth, that although he were inspired, yet oftentymes in this he erred. We therefore decree and ordayne, that no man hereafter by his owne authoritie, translate any text of the Scripture into Englishe, or any other toungue, by waye of a booke, libel, or treatise: MarginaliaAnd yet the sayd Archb. commended Queene Anne for hauing the scripture in Englishe. & that no man reade any such boke, libell, or treatise, now lately set foorth in the tyme of Iohn Wickleffe, or sithence, or hereafter to be set foorth, in parte or in whole, priuily, or appertly: vpon payne of the greater excommunication, vntyll the sayd translation be allowed by the Ordinarye of the place, or (if the case so require) by the Councell prouinciall: He that shall doo contrarye to this, shall likewise be punished as a fauourer of errour and heresie.

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MarginaliaConstit. 8. Item, for that almighty God can not be expressed with any Philosophicall termes, or otherwise inuented of man: And S. Augustine sayth, That he hath oftentymes reuoked such conclusions as hath beene most true, because they haue bene offensiue to the eares of the religious: MarginaliaTermes & propositions in disputing to be obserued. We doo ordeyne and specially forbyd, that no maner of person, of what state, degree, or condition so euer he be, doo allege or propone any conclusions or propositions in the catholique fayth, or repugnaunt to good manners (except necessary doctrine perteyning to their facultie of teachyng or disputyng in their schooles or otherwise) although they defende the same with neuer so curious termes and wordes. For as sayth blessed S. Hugh of the Sacramentes, that whiche oftentymes is wel spoken, is not wel vnderstood. If any man therfore after the publication of these presents, shalbe conuict wittingly to haue proponed such conclusions or propositions, except (beyng monished) he reforme him self within one moneth, by vertue of this present constitution: He shal incurre the sentence of greater excommunicatiō Ipso facto, and shalbe openly pronounced an excommunicate, vntil he hath confessed his fault openly in the same place where he offended, and hath preached the true meanyng of the sayd conclusion or proposition in one church or more, as shalbe thought expedient to the Ordinary.

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MarginaliaConstit. Item no maner of person shall presume to dispute vpon the articles determined by the church, as is conteyned in the decrees, decretals, our constitutions prouinciall, or in the general Councels. But onely to seeke out the true meanyng thereof, and that expressely, whether it be openly or in secret: MarginaliaAutoritie of the popes decretals not to be doubted vnder payne of heresie. nor none shall cal in doubt the authoritie or the sayde decretals or constitutions, or the authority of hym that made them, nor teach any thyng cōtrary to the determinatiō therof: And chiefly concernyng the adoration of the holy crosse, the worshipping of Images, of Saintes, goyng on pylgrimage to certayne places, or the reliques of Saintes, or agaynst the othes in cases accustomed to be geuen in both cōmon places, that is to say, spiritual and temporal: MarginaliaAdoration of the crosse. But of all it shalbe commonly taught and preached, that the crosse and Image of the Crucifixe, and other Images of Saintes in the honour of them whom they represent, are to be worshipped with procession, bowyng of knees, offryng of francke incense, kyssinges, oblations, lightyng of candles, and pilgrimages, * Marginalia* With all abhomination. and with all other kynde of ceremonyes and manners that hath beene vsed in the tyme of our predecessours: And that geuyng of othes in cases expressed in the lawe, and vsed of all men to whom it belongeth in both common places, ought to be done vpon the booke of the Gospell of Christe. Contrarye vnto this who so euer dooth preache, teache, or obstinately affirme (except he recant in maner and fourme aforesayd) shal forthwith incurre the penaltie of heresie, and shalbe pronounced an heretique, in al effect of lawe.

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MarginaliaConstit. 10. Item, we do decree and ordayne, that no Chapleyne be admitted to celebrate in any dioces within our prouince
