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K. Henry. 4. Examination of Maister W. Thorpe.

dyngly together, that not onely they that do euil, are worthy of death and damnation: but also they that consent to euill doers.MarginaliaObedience not to be geuen, but in things lefull & lawfull. And sir, the law of holy Church teacheth in the decrees, that no seruaunt to his Lord, nor child to the father or mother, nor wife to her husbād, nor monke to his Abbot, ought to obey, except in lefull thinges, and lawfull.

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¶ And the Archbishop sayd to me. All these alledgings that thou bringest forth, are not els but proude presumptuousnesse.MarginaliaAll is presumption that stādeth against your maisterfull ambition. For hereby thou inforcest thee to proue, that thou and such other are so iust, that ye ought not to obey to Prelates. And thus agaynst the learnyng of S. Paule that teacheth you not to preach, but if ye were sent: of your owne authoritie, ye will go forth and preach, and do what ye list.

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MarginaliaPriestes in that they take priesthood, they are sent to preach. ☞ And I sayd. Syr, presenteth not euery Priest the office of the Apostles, or the office of the disciples of Christ? And the Archbishop sayd, yea.

MarginaliaMath. 10.
Marke. vlt.
Luke. 10.
And I sayd. Syr as the x. chapt. of Mathew, and the last chap. of Marke witnesseth: Christ sent his Apostles for to preach. And the x. chapter of Luke witnesseth, that Christ sent his two and seuentiy disciples for to preach, in euery place that Christ was to come to.MarginaliaThe office of priesthoode, is the office of preaching. And S. Gregory in the cōmon law sayth, that euery man that goeth to Ppiesthode, taketh vpon him the office of preachyng: For as he sayth, that Priest stirreth God to great wrath, of whose mouth is not heard the voyce of preachyng. And as other more gloses vpon Ezechiell, witnesse: that the Priest that preacheth not busily to the people, shall be partaker of their damnation that perishe through his defaulte. And though the people be saued by other speciall grace of God then by the Priestes preachyng, yet the Priestes, in that they are ordained to preach, and preach not, as before God, they are manslears.MarginaliaPriestes that preach not, be slayers of the people. For as farre as in them is, such Priestes as preach not busily and truely, sleyeth all the people ghostly: in that they withhold from them the worde of God, that is lyfe and sustenaunce of mens soules.MarginaliaIsidorus. And S. Isidore sayd, Priestes shalbe damned, for wickednesse of the people, if they teach not them that are ignoraunt, or blame not them that are sinners.Marginalia Doctrine of fayth.
Discipline of workes.
For all the worke or busines of Priests, standeth in preachyng and teachyng, that they edifie all men, as well by cunnyng of fayth, as by discipline of workes, that is vertuous teachyng. And as the Gospel witnesseth: Christ sayd in his teaching. I am borne and comen into this world, to beare witnesse to the truth, & he that is of the truth, heareth my voyce.

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MarginaliaPriestes not onely sent to preach, but commaūded to preach. Th? Syr, since by the worde of Christ specially, that is his voyce, Priestes are commaunded to preache: what soeuer Priest that it be, that hath not good wil and full purpose to do thus, and ableth not himselfe after his cunnyng and power to do his office by the example of Christ and of his Apostles: whatsoeuer other thyng that he doth displeaseth God.MarginaliaGregorius. For loe, S. Gregory sayth, that thyng left, that a man is bound chiefly to do, whatsoeuer other thyng that a man doth: it is vnthankefull to the holy ghost: and therfore sayth Lyncolne.MarginaliaLincolniensis. That Priest that preacheth not the word of God, thoughe he be sene to haue none other default, he is Antichrist and Sathanas, a night theef, and a day theefe, a slayer of soules, and an aungell of light turned into darkenes.MarginaliaWhatsoeuer a man doth leauing that vndone which he is chieflye bounde to do, is sinne. Wherfore Syr, these authorities and other well considered, I deme my selfe damnable, if I either for pleasure or displeasure of any creature, apply me not diligētly to preach the word of God. And in the same damnation I deeme all those Priestes, which of good purpose and will, enforce thē not busily to do thus, and also all them, that haue purpose or will to let any Priest of this busines.

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¶ And the Archbyshop sayd to those iij. Clarkes that stode before him.MarginaliaYet this bishop plucketh him not by the beard, nor burneth not of his hande, as Boner did. Lo Syrs, this is the maner and businesse of this Losell and such other, to picke out such sharpe sentences of holy Scripture and of Doctours, to maintaine their sect and lore agaynst the ordinaunce of holy Church. And therfore Losell, it is thou that couetest to haue agayne the Psalter that I made to be taken from thee at Canterbury, to recorde sharpe verses agaynst vs.MarginaliaHoly church But thou shalt neuer haue that Psalter, nor none other booke, til that I know þt thy hart and thy mouth accord fully, to be gouerned by holy Church.

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☞ And I sayd. Syr, all my will and power is, & euer shalbe (I trust to God) to be gouerned by holy Church.

☞ And the Archbyshop asked me, what was holy Church.

☞ And I sayd. Syr, I told you before, what was holy Church. But since ye aske me this demaūd: I call Christ and his Saintes holy Church.

¶ And the Archbyshop sayd vnto me. I wote well that Christ and his Saintes are holy Church in heauen, but what is holy Church in earth?

Marginalia2. partes of the Church. ☞ And I sayd. Syr, though holy Church be euery one in charitie, yet it hath two partes. The first and principall part, hath ouercomen perfectly all the wretchednesse of this life, and raigneth ioyfully in heauen with Christ. And the other part is here yet in earth, busily and continually fighting day and nyght agaynst temptations of the fiend: forsakyng and hatyng the prosperity of this world, despising and withstanding theyr fleshly lustes, which onely are the pilgrimes of Christ, wandering toward heauē by stedfast faith and grounded hope, and by perfect charitie. For these heauēly pilgrimes, may not, nor will not, be letted of their good purpose, by þe reason of any doctours discording fro holy scripture, nor by the floudes of any tribulation temporall, nor by the winde of any pride, of boast, or of manasing of any creature: For they are all fast groūded vpon þe sure stone Christ, hearing his worde and louing it, exercising them faithfully and continually in all their wittes to doe therafter.

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And the Archbyshop sayd to his Clerkes. See ye not how his hart is indurate, and how he is trauailed wyth the deuill occupying hym thus busely to alledge such sentences to maintayne his errours and heresies? Certaine, thus he would occupy vs here all day, if we would suffer hym.

One of the clerkes aunswered, Syr, he sayd right now, that this certification that came to you from Shrewsbery, is vntruly forged agaynst him.MarginaliaWell helpt forward M. Clarke. Therfore sir, appose you him now here in all the pointes which are certified agaynst him, and so we shall heare of hys owne mouth his aunswers, and witnesse them.

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And the Archb. tooke the certification in his hand, & looked theron a while, and then he sayd to me.

MarginaliaThe foresayd articles renued against Thorpe. Loe here it is certified agaynst thee by worthy men and faithfull of Shrewsbery, that thou preachedst there openly in S. Chads church: that the Sacrament of the aulter was material bread after the consecration, what sayst thou? Was this truly preached?

☞ And I said: Sir, I tell you truely, & I touched nothing there of the sacrament of the aulter, but in this wise, as I wil with Gods grace tell you here. As I stood there in the pulpit, busieng me to teach the commaundement of God: there knilled a sacring bel, and therfore mikle people turned away hastily, and with noyse ran fro towardes me. And I seyng this, sayd to them thus: Good men ye were better to stande here still, and to heare gods word.MarginaliaThe vertue of the sacrament standeth in the beliefe, more thē in the outward signe. For certes, the vertue and the mede of the most holy Sacrament of the aulter standeth mikle more in the belief therof, that ye ought to haue in your soule, then it doth in the outward sight therof. And therfore, ye were better to stand still quietly to heare gods worde, because that through the hearing therof, mē come to very true belief. And otherwise sir, I am certain I spake not there, of the worthy sacrament of the aulter.

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¶ And the Archb. sayd to me: I beleue thee not what so euer thou sayst, since so worshipfull men haue witnessed thus agaynst thee. But since thou deniest that thou saydest thus there, what sayst thou now?MarginaliaMateriall bread. Resteth there after the consecration in the host, materiall bread or no?

☞ And I sayd: sir, I know in no place in holy Scripture, where this terme materiall bread is written: and therfore sir, whē I speake of this matter, I vse not to speake of materiall bread.

¶ Than the Archb. sayd to me: How teachest thou men to beleue in this sacrament?

☞ And I sayd: Sir, as I beleue my selfe, so I teache other men.

¶ He sayd, tell out plainly thy beliefe therof.

☞ And I sayd with my protestation: Sir, I beleue that the night before that Christ Iesu would suffer (wilfully) passion for mankynd on the morne after: he tooke bread in his holy and most worshipfull handes, liftyng vp hys eyes, and geuyng thankes to God hys father, blessed this breade, and brake it, and gaue it to hys disciples, saying to them: Take and eate of this all you, this is my body. And that this is and ought to be all mens beliefe, Mathew, Marke, Luke and Paule witnesseth. Other beliefe Sir haue I none, nor will haue, nor teach: for I beleue, that this sufficeth in this matter. For in this beliefe with Gods grace I purpose to lyue and dye, knowledging as I beleue and teach other mē to beleue that the worshipfull sacrament of the aulter, is the Sacrament of Christes flesh and hys bloud, in fourme of bread and wyne.

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¶ And the Archb. sayd to me. It is sooth that this Sacrament is very Christes body in fourme of bread. But thou and thy sect teachest it to be substance of bread. Thinke you this true teachyng?

☞ And I sayd: Neither I, nor any other of the sect that ye damne, teache any other wise then I haue tolde you, nor beleue otherwise to my knowyng. Neuerthelesse sir I aske of you for charitie, that ye wyll tell me here playnely, how ye shall vnderstand this text of Saint Paul, where he sayth
