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K. Henry. 4. Examination of maister W. Thorpe.

their cunning and power, for to conforme all their liuing, to the teaching specially of Christ, and also to the teaching and liuing of his Apostles and of Prophetes, in all things that are pleasaunt to God, and edification of his Church?

¶ And he sayd, yea.

☞ And I sayd: Sir, ought the doctrine, the bidding, or the counsell of any body, to be accepted or obeyed vnto: except this doctrine, these biddinges, or this counsell, may be graunted and affirmed by Christes liuing and his teaching specially, or by the liuing and teaching of his Apostles and Prophetes?

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¶ And the archbishop said to me: Other doctrine ought not to be accepted, nor we owe not to obey to any mans bidding or counsell,MarginaliaAnd why compel you this mā to the contrary. except we can perceiue that his bidding or counsell, accordeth with the life & teaching of Christ, and of his Apostles and Prophetes.

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☞ And I sayd: Syr, is not all the learnyng, and biddinges, and counsels of holy Churche, meanes and healefull remedies, to know and to withstand the priuye suggestions, and the aperte temptations of the feend? and also wayes and healefull remedies, to slea pride and all other deadly sinnes, and the braunches of them, and soueraigne meanes to purchace grace, for to withstand and ouercome all the fleshely lustes and mouynges?

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¶ And the Archbyshop sayd yea.

MarginaliaThorpe content to submit himselfe to the ordinaunce of councels. ☞ And I said: Syr, whatsoeuer thyng ye or any other body bid or counsell me to do, accordingly to this foresayd learning, after my cunning & power, through the helpe of God, I will meekely with all my hart obey thereto.

¶ And the archbishop said to me: Submit thee than now here meekely and wilfully, to the ordinaunce of holy church, which I shall shew to thee.

☞ And I said: sir, accordingly as I haue here now before you rehearsed, I will now be ready to obey full gladly to Christ the head of the holy Church, & to the learning and biddinges, and counsels of euery pleasing member of him.

¶ Then the archbishop striking with his hand fiercely vpō a cupborde,MarginaliaIf Boner had bene here, he would not haue stroken the cupbord. spake to me with a great spirite saying: By Iesu, but if thou leaue such additions, obliging thee now here without any exception to mine ordinaunce (or that I go out of this place) I shall make thee as sure, as any theefe that is in the prison of Lanterne. Aduise thee now what thou wilt do. And then as if he had bene angred, he went fro the cupborde where he stode, to a window.

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¶ And then Malueren and an other Clerke came nerer me, and they spake to me many wordes full pleasaūtly: and an other while, they manased me, and counselled full busily to submit me, or els they sayd I should not escape punishing ouer measure: For they said, I should be degraded, cursed, and burned, and so then damned. But now they sayd, thou mayst eschew all these mischiefes, if thou wilt submit thee wilfully and meekely to this worthy Ppelate, that hath cure of thy soule. And for the pitie of Christ (said they) bethinke thee, how great Clerkes the Bishop of Lyncolne, Hereforde and Puruey were, and yet are, and also B. that is a well vnderstanding man. Which also haue forsaken and reuoked, all the learning and opinions, that thou and such other hold. Wherfore, since eche of them is mikle wiser then thou art, we counsel thee for the best: that by the example of these foure Clerkes, thou follow them, submitting thee as they did.MarginaliaThe multitude is not to be followed in euil.

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And one of the Bishops Clerkes said then there, that he heard Nicoll Hereford say: that since he forsoke & reuoked all the learning & Lolardes opinions, he hath had mikle greater fauour and more delite to hold against them, then euer he had to hold with them, whyle he held with them.

And therfore Malueren said to me: I vnderstand and thou wilt take thee to a Priest, and shriue thee cleane, forsake all such opinions, & take thy penaūce of my Lord here, for the holding and teaching of them:MarginaliaSee what mā is, God geuing him vp to himselfe. with short tyme, thou shalt be greatly comforted in this doing.

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☞ And I sayd to the Clerkes, that thus busily counselled me to folow these foresayd men: Sirs, if these men of whom ye counsell me to take example, had forsaken benefices of tēporall profit, and of worldly worship, so that they had absented them, and eschewed from all occasions of couetousnes & of fleshly lustes, and had taken vpō them simple liuing, and wilfull pouertie:MarginaliaAs cleane from thrift as frō sin. they had herein geuen good example to me and to many other, to haue folowed them. But now, since all these foure men, haue sclaunderously and shamefully done the contrary, consentyng to receiue and to haue and to hold temporall benefices, liuing now more worldly & more fleshely then they did before, conformyng them to the maners of this world: I forsake them herein, and in all their foresayd slaunderous doing. For I purpose with the helpe of God (into remission of my sinnes, and of my soule cursed lyuing) MarginaliaOther mens examples are so to be folowed, as they be the folowers of Christ. to hate and to flee priuely and apertly, to follow these men, teaching and counselling whom so euer that I may, for to flee and eschew þe way that they haue chosen to go in, which will lead them to the worst end, (if in conuenient tyme they repent them not) verely forsaking and reuoking openly the slaunder that they haue put, and euery day yet put to Christes Church. For certayne, so open blasphemy and slaunder as they haue spoken and done, in their reuoking & forsaking of the truth, ought not nor may not priuely be amended, duely. Wherfore sirs, I pray you that you busie not for to moue me to folow these men, in reuoking and forsakyng of the truth, and sothfastnes as they haue done, and yet doe: wherein, by open euidence they stirre God to great wroth, and not onely agaynst themselues, but also against all them that fauour them, or consent to them herein, or that cōmuneth wyth them, excepte it be for their amendement. For, where as these men first were pursued of enemies, now they haue obliged them by othe for to slaunder and pursue Christ in his members. Wherfore (as I trust stedfastly in þe goodnes of God) the worldly couetousnes, and the lusty lyuing, and the sliding from the truth of these runnagates: shall be to me and to many other men and women, an example and an euidence to stand the more stifly by the truth of Christ.

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MarginaliaPromotions cōmonly and great liuinges, choke truth. For certayne, right many men and women, do marke and abhorre the foulnes and cowardnes of these forsayde vntrue men, how that they are ouercome and stopped with benefices, and withdrawen from the truth of Gods worde, forsaking vtterly to suffer therfore bodely persecution. For by this vnfaithfull doyng and apostasie of them (specially that are great lettered men) and haue knowledged openly the truth:MarginaliaMen folowing the wayes of Balaam. and now, either for pleasure or displeasure of tyrauntes, haue taken hyer and temporall wages to forsake the truth and to holde agaynst it, sclaundering and persuinge them that couete to follow Christ in the way of rightuousnesse, many men and women therefore are now moued. But many mo thorow the grace of God, shalbe moued hereby for to learne the truth of God, and to doe therafter, and to stand boldly thereby.

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¶ Then the Archbishop sayd to his clearkes. Busie you no lenger aboute him, for he and other such as he is, are confedered so together, that they will not sweare to be obedient, & to submit them to prelates of holy Church.MarginaliaThorpes felow refuseth to sweare to the prelates. For now since I stoode here, his fellow also sent me word that he will not sweare, and that this fellow counseled hym that he shoulde not sweare to me. And losell, in that thing that in thee is, thou hast busied thee to lose this young man, but blessed be God, thou shalt not haue thy purpose of hym. For he hath forsaken all thy learning, submitting him to be buxum and obedient to the ordinaunce of holy church, and weepeth full bitterly, and curseth the full hartely for the venemous teachyng which thou hast shewed to him, counseiling him to do thereafter.

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And for thy false counselling of many other and him, thou hast great cause to be right sory. For long tyme thou hast busied thee to peruert whomsoeuer thou mightest. Therfore, as many deathes thou art worthy of, as thou hast geuen euill counsels. And therfore by Iesu, thou shalt go thether, where Nicoll Harford and Thom. Puruay were harbered. And I vndertake, or this day viij. dayes, thou shalt be right glad for to do what thing that euer I bid thee to do. And Losell, I shall assay, if I can make thee there as sorowfull (as it was tolde me) thou wast glad of my last goyng out of England.MarginaliaVide supra. pag. 497. By S. Thomas, I shall turne thy ioy into sorow.

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MarginaliaArundel the Archb. going out of England ☞ And I sayd. Sir there can no body priue lawfully that I ioyed euer, of the manner of your going out of this land.

But Sir, to say the soth, I was ioyfull when ye were gone:MarginaliaThe gentlenes of the B. of Lōdō to Thorpe. for the byshop of London in whose prison ye left me, found in me no cause for to holde me lenger in his prison, but at the request of my frends, he deliuered me to them, askyng of me no maner of submitting.

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¶ Then the archbishop saide to me. Wherfore that I yede out of England, is vnknowen to thee:MarginaliaSo promised Winchester in Queene Maries time, but that passed his power to performe. But be thys thyng well knowen to thee, that God (as I wote well) hath called me againe, and brought me into this land, for to destroy thee and the false secte that thou art of: as by God, I shall pursue you so narowly, that I shall not leaue a slip of you in this land.

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☞ And I said to the archbishop.MarginaliaA notable aunswere of Thorpe to the byshop, promising to destroy all the Gospellers. Sir, the holy Prophet Ieremy said to the false Prophete Anany. When the worde that is the prophecie of a Prophet, is knowen or fulfilled: then it shall be knowen, that the Lorde sent the Prophet in truth.

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¶ And the archbishop (as if he had not bene pleased with my saying) turned him away ward hether and thether, and sayd. By GOD, I shall set vpon thy shynnes a payre of
