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K. Henry. 4. The confession of Iohn Puruey.

which to performe and kepe, a man hath no power but by grace geuen hym of God. Because that some such there be, whom God doth not accept to perseuer in the state of chastitie and perpetuall virginitie: and such a one cannot kepe his vow, although he make the same. Also, that euery one makyng a vow of continency or chastitie, when in makyng the same he shall not be accepted of God: doth very vndiscretly, and as one without all reason maketh the same whē he is not able of himself without the gift of God to fulfil his promise: accordyng to that saying of the wise mā, cap. 8. No man hath the gift of continency, vnles that God geue it vnto him. For otherwise, if god helpe not such a one to perform the vowe or othe which he hath made and taken: No prelate can compell him, vnles he do contrary to Gods ordinaunce: but he ought to commit himself to the gouernment of Gods holy spirit, and his own conscience.

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MarginaliaPossessions of the Church. For the possessions of the Church: In an other treatise it is declared, how the kyng, the Lordes and commons may without any charge at all, kepe 15. garrisons, & find 15000 souldiours, (hauyng sufficient landes and reueneues to lyue vpon) out of the temporalties gotten into the handes of the Clergy & fayned religious men: which neuer do that, which pertayneth to the office of curates to do, nor yet to secular lordes. And moreouer, the king may haue euery yeare 20000 pound to come frely in to his cofers and aboue. Also, may find or sustayne 15. Colledges more: and 15000. priestes and clerkes, with sufficient liuyng: and 100. hospitals for the sicke, & euery house to haue one hundreth markes in landes. And all this may they take of the foresayd temporalties, without any charge to the realme: whereunto, the kyng, the Lordes, and the commons are to be inuited. For otherwise there semeth to hang ouer our heades, a great and maruelous alteration of this realme, vnlesse the same be put in execution. Also, If the secular Priestes and fayned religious, which be simoniakes and heretiques, which fayne themselues to say Masse, and yet say none at all, according to the Canons, which to their purpose they bryng and alledge.Marginalia1. q. 3. 24. q 3. Cap pudenda. 1. q. 3. Audiuimus. & cap. Pudenda. et cap. Schisma: By which chap. such priestes and religious do not make the Sacrament of the aultar: That then all Christians, especially all the founders of such Abbeyes and indowers of bishopricks, priouries, and chaunteries: ought to amende this fault and treason committed against their predecessours, by taking frō them such secular dominions which are the maintenaūce of all their sinnes. And also, that Christian Lordes & princes, are bound to take away from the clergie, such secular dominion as noseleth and nourisheth them in heresies: & ought to reduce them vnto the simple and poore life of Christ Iesus, and his Apostles.

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And further, that all Christian Princes (if they will amend the malediction and blasphemy of the name of God) ought to take away their temporalties from that shauē generation, which most of all doth nourishe them in such malediction:MarginaliaBelly cheare of ill disposed prelats, and of Monasteries not to be nourished with temporalties and appropriations. And so in likewise, the fat tithes from Churches appropriat to rich monkes & other religions fayned by manifest lying, & other vnlawfull meanes, likewise ought to debarre their golde to the proud Priest of Rome, which doth poyson all Christendome with Simony and heresie. Further, that it is a great abhomination that Bishops, mōkes, and other prelates, be so great Lords in this world, where as Christ with his Apostles, and disciples, neuer tooke vpon them secular dominion, neither did they appropriate vnto them churches as these men do: but led a poore life, and gaue a good testimony of their priesthood. And therfore, all Christians ought to the vttermost of their power and strength, to sweare that they will reduce such shauelinges, to the humilitie and pouertie of Christ and his Apostles: And whosoeuer thus doth not, consenteth to their heresie. Also, that those two chapiters of the immunitie of Churches, are to be condemned, that is. cap. Non minus, and cap. Aduersus. Because they do decree, that temporall Lordes may neither require tallages nor tenthes, of any Ecclesiasticall persons.

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MarginaliaCorrection of the clergie. Now to the correction of the clergie: By the law of god and by reason, the kyng and all other Christians may take reuenge of Italie, and of all the false Priestes and clerkes within the same, and to reduce them vnto the humble ordinaunce of Iesus Christ. Also, that the lawe of Siluester the Pope, which is declared inMarginalia2. q. 5. Presul. Ibid. Nullam. 2. q. 5. cap. Præsul, & cap. Nullam, is contrary to the law of Christ & either testamēt. And that proude and ambitious Siluester by this law, so defended two Cardinals which were not to be defended by the law of Christ: that by no meanes they might be conuinced, although they were both vicious & euill. And although Christ sustained and suffered the iudgemēt of vniust temporal iudges: Our mitered prelates in these dayes, so magnifie them selues beyond Christ and hys apostles, that they refuse and will none of such iudgementes. Also, that those decretals of accusations cap. Quando & Qualiter: Which do prohibite that any clerkes should be brought before a secular iudge to receiue iudgement: do contayne both heresie, blasphemy, and error, and bringeth great gayne and commoditie to Antichristes cofers.

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Furthermore, that all Christian kinges and Lordes, ought to exclayme agaynst the Pope and those that be hys fautors, and to banish them out of their landes, till such tyme as they will obey God, and his Gospell, Kinges and others ministers of Gods iustice. Also, that Bishops and their fauourers, that say itMarginaliaPunishing of adultery belongeth to secular magistrates rather then to prelates. appertayneth not to kinges and secular Lordes (but vnto them and their Officials) to punish adultry and fornication: do fall into manifest treason agaynst the king, and heresie agaynst the scripture. Also, that it appertaineth to the king, to haue the order both of priestes and bishops, as these kings Salomon and Iosaphat had.

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Furthermore, that chapter Nullus iudicium de foro cōpetenti, by the which secular Iudges are forbiddē without the Bishops commaundement to condemn any Clerke to death: Is manifestly against the holy scripture, declaryng that kings haue power ouer clerkes and priests to punish them for their deserued crimes. Also, that the decre of Boniface de pœnis in 6. cap. fœlicis, made þe persecuters, strikers, and imprisoners of Cardinals, is contrary both to the holy scripture and to all reason. Also, that by the law of God and reason, a secular Lord may lawfully take a Cardinall & put hym in prison for committyng the crime of open simony, adultery, and manifest blasphemy. Also that the chapter Si Papa dist. 40. which saith that the Pope ought to be iudged of none, vnles he be deuius a fide, is cōtrary to the gospel which sayth: If thy brother sinne agaynst thee, correct hym. Also where as S. Gregory and S. Augustine called themselues the seruaunts of Gods seruants: this proud Bishop of Rome which wyll not be iudged by hys subiects (which be in very dede hys lordes, if they be iust and good men) doth destroy the order of Gods law, and all humilitie, and doth extoll himselfe aboue God and hys Apostles.MarginaliaGood kings ought to depose wicked Popes. Also, that christian kings ought, not onely to iudge this proud Bishop of Rome, but also to depose hym, by the example that Cestrensis lib. 6. cap. 8. declareth, of Otho the Emperour, which deposed Iohn the xij. and did institute Leo in hys place. And further, he maketh an exhortation to the Princes to iudge the Church of Rome, which he calleth the great and cursed strompet, of whom S. Iohn writeth in the Apocalips, chap. 17.

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Lastly, touching the lawes and determinations of the Church: Christians haue reasonable excuses and causes, to repell the statutes of the pope and hys shauelings, which be not expressely grounded in the holy scriptures, or els vpon reason ineuitable. Also he sayt that that law which is set forth of consecrationMarginaliaDe consecratione, id est 2. cap. Seculares. distinctione 2. cap. Seculares, & cap. Omnis homo, & cap. Et si non frequentius, & cap In cœna domini: That such secular men as do not receiue the sacrament of the aultar at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsontyde, are not to be counted amongst the number of Christians, nor are to be estemed as christians: wherby it followeth, that all cCerkes and laymen that obserue not the same, it seemeth they go straight to hel. But if this law be of no force, for that the custome and vse in receiuing is contrary to the same: then may we blesse such rebellion and disobedience to þe pope and hys law, for otherwyse we should flee to hell without any stay or let. Wherby we may conclude, that all Christians ought well to practise this schole of disobedience agaynst the Pope and all his lawes (not founded vpon the holy Scripture) which do let men to clyme to heauen by the kepyng of charity, and the liberty of the Gospell. Also, that Christian men haue great cause to refuse the lawes and statutes of these worldly clerkes, which the people call the papall laws, and bishoplike statutes, for the couetousnes and voluptuousnes of them: without the which, the church and cōgregation of God might safely run towards heauen by þe swete yoke of the Lord, as it did 1000. yeares before the said lawes were prescribed and sent to the Vniuersities, and withdrew men from studyng þe holy scripture, for the desire of benefices and worldly goods. Also, that simple men do reuerently receiue the sentences of the Doctors and other lawes, so farre forth as they be expressely grounded vpon the holy scripture or good reason.MarginaliaThe Popes lawes cōtrary to themselues. Also, that where as the Popes lawes, & lawes of his ministers & clerkes be both contrary to themselues, and haue not their foundation neither vpon þe scripture, nor yet vpon reason: simple men ought to bid thē farewell. Also, that whē all the apostles faith fayled them in the tyme of the lordes passiō, fayth then rested in the blessed virgin: much more might that proude priest of Rome with all

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