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K. Henry. 5. The examination of the Lord Cobham.

and then iustly to aunswere, specially vnto this poynt: whether there remayned materiall bread in the Sacramēt of the aulter, after the wordes of consecration, or not? He promised hym also, to send vnto him in writyng those matters clearely determined, that he might then be the more perfect in his aunswere makyng. MarginaliaA doctrine of deuises to blynde the simple.And all this was nought els, but to blynd the multitude with somwhat. The next day folowing, accordyng to his promise, the Archbishop sent vnto him into the tower, this foolish and blasphemous writyng made by him and by his vnlearned Clergy.

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¶ The determination of the Archbyshop and Clergy.

MarginaliaEx magno professu Thomæ Arundel.THe fayth and determinatiō of the holy church touchyng the blessefull Sacrament of the aultar, is this: MarginaliaThe first Article.that after the Sacramental wordes be once spoken by a Priest in his Masse, the materiall bread, that was before bread, is turned into Christes very body. And the materiall wyne, that was before wyne, is turned into Christes very bloud. And so there remaineth in the Sacrament of the aulter, from thenceforth, no materiall bread, nor materiall wyne, which were there before the Sacramentall wordes were spoken: How beleue ye this article? MarginaliaThe second Article.Holy Church hath determined, that euery Christen man liuing here bodely vpon earth, ought to bee shriuen to a priest ordeined by the Church, if he may come to hym. Howe feele ye thys article?MarginaliaThe third Article.

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Christ ordained S. Peter the Apostle to be his vicare here in earth, whose sea is the holy Church of Rome: And he graunted, that the same power which he gaue vnto Peter should succede to all Peters successours, which we call now Popes of Rome: MarginaliaThe seede of the Serpēt.By whose power in Churches particular, be ordained Prelates, as Archbyshops, Byshops, Parsons, Curates, and other degrees more. Vnto whome Christen men ought to obey after the lawes of the Church of Rome. This is the determination of holy Church. How feele ye this article?

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MarginaliaThe forth Article.Holy Churche hath determined, that it is meritorious to a Christen man, to go on pilgrimage to holy places: And there specially to worshyp holy reliques and Images of Saintes, Apostles, and Martyrs, Confessors, and all other Saintes besides, approued by the Churche of Rome. How feele ye this article?

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MarginaliaHe seeth their ignorance and malice.And as the Lorde Cobhā; had read ouer this most wretched writyng, he marueiled greatly of their mad ignoraūce. But that he considered agayne, that God had geuen them ouer for their vnbeliefes sake, into most deepe errours and blyndnes of soule. Agayne, he perceiued hereby, that their vttermost malice was purposed agaynst hym, howsoeuer he should aunswere. MarginaliaHe putteth his life in Gods hand.And therefore he put his lyfe into the handes of God, desiryng his onely spirite to assiste him in his next aunswere. When the sayd xxv. day of September was come (which was also the Monday before Michaelmas) in the sayd yeare of our Lord. 1413. MarginaliaEx vtroque exemplari.Thomas Arundell the Archbyshop of Canterbury, commaunded his iudiciall seate to be remoued from the chapter house of Paules, to the Dominike Friers within Ludgate at Londō. MarginaliaThe councell of Cayphas.And as he was there set with Richard Byshop of London: Hēry the Byshop of Winchester, and Benet the Byshop of Bangor: He called in vnto him his counsell and his officers, with diuers other Doctours and Friers, of whom these are the names here folowing. MarginaliaThe Phariseis and Scribes.Maister Hēry Ware, the Officiall of Canterbury: Philip Morgan, Doctour of both lawes: Howell Kiffin, Doctour of the Canon law. Iohn Kempe, Doctour of the Canon law. Williā; Carleton, Doctour of the Canon law. Iohn Witnam, of the new College in Oxford. Iohn Whighthed Doctour Oxford also. MarginaliaA rable of Antichristes.Robert Wōbewell, Vicar of S. Laurence in the Iewry. Thomas Palmer, the Warden of Minors. Robert Chamberlayne, Priour of the Dominickes. Richard Dodyngton, Priour of the Augustines. Thomas Walden, Priour of the Carmelites, all Doctors of Diuinitie. Iohn Stephens also, & Iames Cole, both Notaries, appointed there purposely to write all that should be either sayd or done. MarginaliaConsilium malignantiū.All these with a great sort more of Priestes, Moonkes, Chanons, Friers, Parish Clerkes, Belryngers, Pardoners, disdayned hym, with innumerable mockes and scornes, reconyng him to be an horrible hereticke, and a man accursed afore God.

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Anone the Archbishop called for a Masse booke, & caused all those Prelates and Doctours to sweare there vpon, that euery man should faythfully do his office and duty that day. And þt neither for fauour nor feare, loue nor hate of the one partie nor þe other: any thyng should there be witnessed, spokē, or done, but according to þe truth, as they would aūswere before God & all the world at the day of dome. MarginaliaFor a false colour swere they.Then were the two foresayd Notaries sworne also, to write & to witnesse þe processe þt there should be vttered on both parties, & to saye their myndes (if they otherwise knew ) before they should register it. MarginaliaAll done to deceiue the ignoraunt.And all thys dissimulatiō was but to coulour their mischiefes, before the ignoraunt multitude.

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Consider herein (gentle Reader) what this wicked generation is, & how farre wyde from the iust feare of God: for as they were then, so are they yet to this day.MarginaliaLord Cobham commeth againe before them.

After that, came forth before them sir Robert Morley Knight and Liefetenaunt of the Tower, and he brought with hym the good Lord Cobham, there leauyng hym among them as a Lambe among Wolues, to his examination and aunswere.

¶ An other examination of the L. Cobham.
MarginaliaEx vetusto exemplari Londinensium.

THan sayd the Archbyshop vnto him: Lord Cobhā; , ye be aduised (I am sure) of the wordes and processe which we had vnto you vpon Saterday last paste in the chapterhouse of Paules: which processe were now to long to be rehearsed agayne? MarginaliaThe curse of Antichrist.I sayd vnto you then, that ye were accursed for your contumacie and disobedience to holy Church, thinking that ye should with meekenes haue desired your absolution.

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Then spake the Lord Cobham with a most chearefull countenaunce, and sayd: God sayth by his holy Prophet, Maledicam benedictionibus vestris, MarginaliaMalachi. 2.which is as much to say as I shall curse where as you blesse.

The Archbyshop made then as though he had continued forth his tale and not heard him, saying: Sir, at that time I gently profered to haue assoyled you if ye would haue asked it. MarginaliaA woluishe offer of gentlenesse.And yet I do the same if ye will humbly desire it in due forme and manner, as holy Church hath ordeyned.

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Then sayd the Lord Cobham. Nay forsothe wil I not, for I neuer yet trespassed agaynst you, and therfore I will not doe it. MarginaliaL. Cobham confesseth himselfe vnto God.And with that he kneeled downe on the pauement, holding vp his handes towardes heauen, and sayde. I shriue me here vnto thee my eternal liuing God, þt in my fraile youth I offended thee (Lord) most greuously, in pride, wrath, and glottony, in couetousnes, and in lechery. Many men haue I hurt in myne anger, and done many other horrible sinnes, good Lord I aske thee mercy. And therwith weepingly he stoode vp agayne and sayd with a mighty voyce. Loe, good people lo. MarginaliaMā; ns law before Gods law preferred.For the breaking of Gods law and his great commaundements, they neuer yet cursed me. But for their owne lawes and traditiō s, most cruelly do they handle both me and other men. MarginaliaHiere. 51.And therfore, both they and their lawes, by the promise of God, shall vtterly be destroyed.

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At this the Archbishop and his company were not a little blemished. Notwithstanding, he tooke stomake vnto him againe after certaine wordes, had in excuse of theyr tyranny, and examined the Lord Cobham of hys Christen beleue.

Wherunto the Lord Cobham made this godly aunswere. MarginaliaThe Christen beliefe of the Lord Cobham.I beleue (saith he) fully and faithfully the vniuersall lawes of God. I beleue that all is true which is conteined in the holy sacred Scriptures of the Bible. Finally I beleue, all that my Lord God would I should beleue. Then demaunded the Archbishop an aunswere of that Bil which he and the clergie had sent him into the Tower the day afore, in maner of a determination of the Church concerning the. iiij. articles wherof he was accused, specially for the sacrament of the aultar, how he beleued therein.

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Whereunto the Lord Chobham said, that with that Bill he had nothing to doe. But thys was his beliefe (he sayd) concerning the Sacrament. That his Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, sitting at his last supper with his most deare disciples, the night before hee should suffer, tooke bread in his hand. And geuing thankes to his eternall father, blessed it, brake it, and so gaue it vnto thē, saying: Take it vnto you, and eate thereof all, this is my body which shall be betrayed for you: Doe this hereafter in my remembraunce. MarginaliaMath. 26.
Mark. 14.
Luke. 21.
1. Cor. 11.
This do I throughly beleue (saith he) for this faith am I taught of the gospell in Mathew, in Mark, and in Luke, and also in the first epistle of S. Paule to the Corinthians. chap. 11.

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MarginaliaAntichrist alloweth not this faith.Then asked the Archbishop, if he beleeued that it were bread after the consecration or sacramentall wordes spoken ouer it.

The Lord Cobham sayd. I beleue that in the Sacrament of þe aultar is Christes very body in fourme of bread, the same that was borne of the virgin Mary, done on the crosse, dead, and buried, and that the third day arose from death to life, which now is glorified in heauen.

MarginaliaThe sacrament of the aultar.Then sayd one of the Doctors of the law. After the sacramentall woordes be vttered: there remayneth no bread, but onely the body of Christ.
