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K. Henry. 5. The examination of the Lord Cobham.

MarginaliaIohn Whithed, gone from hys opinion.The Lorde Cobham said then to one M. Iohn Whitehead: You said once vnto me in the castell of Couling, that e sacred host was not Christes bodye. MarginaliaAll this would not helpe.But I helde then against you, and proued that therein was his body, though the seculars and Friers could not therin agree, but helde ech one against other in that opinion. These were my wordes then, if ye remember it.

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MarginaliaA blasphemous broode.Then shouted a sorte of them together and cryed with great noyse. We say all that it is Gods body.

MarginaliaQuarell pikers.And diuers of them asked him in great anger, whether it were materiall bread after the consecration or not?

Then looked the L. Cobham, earnestly vpon the Archbishop, and said: I beleue surely that it is Christes body in fourme of bread. Sir beleue not you thus?

And the Archbyshop sayd yes mary do I.

Then asked him the Doctours, whether it were onely Christes body after the consecration of a Priest, and no bread or not.MarginaliaThe sacramē t of Christes body is both the body & bread. Neither will scripture nor reason serue.

And he sayd vnto them it is both Christes body & bread. I shall proue it as thus. For lyke as Christ dweling here upon the earth, had in him both Godhead and manhode, and had the inuisible Godhead couered vnder that manhood, which was only visible and sene in him: MarginaliaThis opiniō hath S. Augustine.So in the Sacrament of the aulter, is Christes very body and bread also as I beleue the bread is the thyng, that we see with our eyes. The body of Christ (whiche is his flesh and his bloud) is there vnder hyd and not sene, but in fayth.

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And moreouer, to proue that it is both Christes body and also bread after the consecration, it is by playne wordes expressed by one of your owne Doctours writyng against Eutiches, which sayth: MarginaliaGelusius contra Eutichen.Lyke as the selfe same Sacraments, do passe by the operation of the holy ghost, into a Diuine nature, and yet notwithstā; dyng keepe the property still of their former nature: So, that principall mistery declareth to remaine, one true and perfect Christ. &c.

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MarginaliaThe popes diuinitie.Then smiled they eche one vpon other, that the people should iudge him taken in a great heresie. And with a great brag diuers of them sayd. It is a foule heresie.

Then asked the Archbyshop what bread it was? And the Doctours also inquired of hym whether it were materiall or not?

MarginaliaMateriall.The Lord Cobham sayd vnto them. The Scriptures maketh no mention of this word materiall, and therefore my fayth hath nothing to do therewith. But this I say and beleue, that it is Christes body and bread. For Christ sayd in the vi. of Iohns Gospell. Ego sum panis viuus, qui de celo descendi. MarginaliaIohn. 6.I whiche came downe from heauen, am the liuyng & not the dead bread. Therfore I say now agayne as I sayd afore, as our Lord Iesus Christ is very God & very man: so in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter, is Christes very body and bread.

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Then sayd they all with one voyce. It is an heresie.

One of the Byshoppes stode vp by and by, and sayd. What? it is an heresie manifest, MarginaliaAn heresie after the papistes say that it is bread after the Sacramentall wordes be once spoken, but Christes body onely.

The Lord Cobham sayd: S. Paule the Apostle was (I am sure) as wise as you be now, & more godly learned. And he called it bread, writyng to the Corinthians. Marginalia1. Cor. 10.The bread that we breake, saith he, is it not the partakyng of the body of Christ? MarginaliaThe sacrament is called bread.Lo, he calleth it bread and not Christes body, but a meane whereby we receiue Christes body.

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Then sayd they agayne. Paule must be otherwise vnderstand. For it is surely an heresie to say that it is bread after the consecration, but onely Christes body.

The Lord Cobham asked, how they could make good that sentence of theirs?

They aunswered hym thus. For it is agaynst the determination of holy Church.

MarginaliaThe determination of the church must stand, what soeuer Paul sayth.Than sayd the Archbyshop vnto him. Syr Iohn, we sent you a writyng cō cernyng the fayth of this blessed Sacrament, clearely determined by the Churche of Rome our mother, and by the holy Doctours.

Then he sayd agayne vnto hym. I know none holyer then is Christ and his Apostles. MarginaliaA most christen aunswere.And as for that determination, I wote, it is none of theirs: for it standeth not with the Scriptures, but manifestly agaynst them. MarginaliaThe iudgement of Lord Cobham concerning the determination of the Church.If it be the churches, as ye say it is, it hath bene hers onely since she receiued the great poyson of worldly possessions, & not afore.

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Then asked they him, to stop his mouth therwith. If he beleued not in the determination of the Church?

MarginaliaThe Doctours confounded in their owne question.And he sayd vnto them. No forsoth, for it is no God. In all our Crede, this word (in) is but thrise mentioned, concernyng beleue. In God the father, in God þe sonne, in God the holy ghost three persons and one God. The byrth, the death, the buriall, the resurrection and ascension of Christ, hath none (in) for beleue, but in hym. Neyther yet hath the Church, the Sacramentes, the forgeuenes of sinne, the latter resurrection, nor yet the lyfe euerlastyng any other(in) then in the holy Ghost.

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Then sayd one of the Lawyers. Tush, that was but a word of office. But what is your belief concernyng holy Church?

The Lord Cobham aunswered. My belefe is (as I sayd afore) that all the Scriptures of the sacred Bible are true. All that is grounded vpon them I beleue throughly. For I know, it is Gods pleasure that I should so do. MarginaliaThe L. Cobham beleueth not in the Pope.But in your Lordly lawes and idle determinations, haue I no belief. For ye be no part of Christes holy Church, as your open deedes doth shew: But ye are very Antichristes, obstinatly set agaynst his holy law and will. The lawes that ye haue made, are nothyng to his glory, but onely for your vayne glory and abhominable couetousnes.

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This they sayd, was an exceadyng heresie MarginaliaAn heresie after the Papistes.(and that in a great fume) not to beleue the determination of holy church.

Then the Archbyshop asked hym, what he thought of holy Church?

MarginaliaHoly church defined.He sayd vnto hym: My beliefe is, that holy Church is the member of them, which shall be saued, of whom Christ is the head. Of this Churche, one part is in heauen with Christ, an other in Purgatory (you say) and the thyrd is here in earth. MarginaliaConsider him to be then in shrewde handling.This latter part standeth in three degrees in knighthode, priesthode, and the communaltie, as I sayd afore playnly in the confession of my belief.

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Then sayd the Archbyshop vnto him: Can you tell me, who is of this church?

The Lord Cobham aunswered: Yea truly can I.

MarginaliaWalden cō tra Wicleuistas. li. ar. 2. Cap. 67.Then sayde Doctour Walden the Prior of the Carmelites: It is doubt vnto you who is thereof. MarginaliaHowe we may iudge or not iudge by the scriptures.For Christ sayth in Mathew: Nolite iudicare, presume to iudge no man. If ye be here forbidden the iudgemēt of your neighbour or brother, much more the iudgement of your superiour.

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The Lord Cobham made him this aunswere: Christ sayth also in the selfe same chapter of Mathew, that like as the euill tree is knowen by his fruite, so is a false Prophet by his workes, appeare they neuer so glorious: MarginaliaMath. 7.But that ye left behynd ye. And in Iohn he hath this text: Operibus credite, MarginaliaIohn. 1.beleue you the outward doynges. And in an other place of Iohn: Iustū iudicium iudicate, MarginaliaIohn. 7.
Deut. 16.
when we know the thyng to be true, we may so iudge it, & not offend. For Dauid sayd also: Recte iudicate filii hominum MarginaliaPsal. 56.Iudge rightly alwayes ye children of men. And as for your superioritie, were ye of Christ, ye should be meeke Ministers, and no proude superiours.

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MarginaliaDiuersitie of iudgemē tes.Then sayd Doctour Walden vnto him: ye make here no difference of iudgementes. Ye put no diuersitie betwene the euill iudgementes, whiche Christ hath forbidden, and the good iudgementes, which he hath commaunded vs to haue. Rash iudgement & right iudgemē t, all is one with you. So swift iudges alwayes are the learned scholers of Wickleffe.

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MarginaliaA perfite aunswere.Vnto whom the Lord Cobham thus aunswered: It is wel sophistried of you, forsoth. Preposterous are your iudgements euermore. For as the Porphet Esay sayth, ye iudge euill, good, and good, euill. MarginaliaEsay. 5.And therfore the same prophet concludeth, that your wayes are not Gods wayes, nor Gods wayes your wayes. MarginaliaEsay. 55.And as for that vertuous man Wickleffe, whose iudgements ye so highly disdayne: I shall say here for my part, both before God and man, that before I knew that despised doctrine of his, I neuer abstained from sinne. MarginaliaWalden in prefatione, doctrina. 7But since I learned therein to feare my Lorde God, it hath otherwise I trust ben with me: so much grace could I neuer finde in all your glorious instructions.

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Then sayd Doctour Walden agayne yet vnto him: It were not well with me (so many vertuous men liuing and so many learned men teaching the Scripture, beyng also so open, and the examples of fathers so plenteous) MarginaliaA great aduersary.If I then had no grace to amēde my lyfe, till I heard the deuill preach. Saint Hierome sayth, that he which seeketh such suspected Maisters, shall not finde the mydday light, but the midday deuill.MarginaliaHieroni. in breuiari in minori.

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The Lord Cobham sayd: Your fathers the old Phariseis, ascribed Christes miracles to Belzebub, and hys doctrine to the deuill. MarginaliaLuke. 11.
Iohn. 10.
And you as their naturall children, haue styll the self same iudgement, concernyng his faythfull followers. They that rebuke your vicious liuyng, must nedes be heretickes, and that must your Doctours proue, when you haue no Scripture to do it. MarginaliaDoctours when the scripture fayle, they begin to raile.Then sayd he to them all: To iudge you as ye be, we neede no further go, then to your owne proper actes. Where do ye finde in all Gods law, that ye should thus sit in iudgement of any Christen men, or yet geue sentence vpon any other man vnto death, as ye do here dayly? MarginaliaThe clergie to sit on life or death, hath no ground in scriptures. Followers of Cayphas.No grounde haue ye in all the Scriptures so Lordly to take it vpon you, but in Annas and Cayphas, which sat

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