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K. Henry. 5. The trouble and persecution of the Lord Cobham.

a one , or that the aide of the secular power should not be solemnly required agaynst him. And further to aunswer, do, and receiue as touching the premisses, whatsoeuer iustice shal require. The whiche tyme beyng come, that is to say the Saterday next after the feast of S. Mathew beyng the 24. day of September, sir Rob. Morley knight Lieuetenaunt of the tower of London appeared personally before vs, sittyng in the chapter house of the church of S. Paul at London, with our reuerent fellow brethren and Lordes, Richard by the grace of God bishop of London, and Henry bishop of Winchester: and brought with him sir Iohn Oldcastle knight & set him before vs MarginaliaThe L. Cobhā cast into the Tower.(for a littel before he was taken by the kinges seruaunts and cast into the tower) vnto which sir I. Oldcastle so personally present, we rehearsed all the order of the proces, as it is contained in the actes of the day before passed with good and modest wordes and gentle meanes. MarginaliaThe teres of the Crocodile.That is to say, how he the sayd sir Ihon was detected and accused, in the conuocation of the prelates and clergy of our sayd prouince, as is aforesayd vpon the articles before rehersed, and how he was cited, and for his contumacy excommunicate. MarginaliaPopishe absolution neglected.And when we were come to that poynt we offered our selues redy to absolue him. Notwithstanding, the sayd sir Ihon, not regarding our offer, sayde, that he would willingly reherse before vs, and my sayd fellow brethren, the fayth which he held and affirmed. So he hauing desire and obtainyng licence, tooke out of hys bosome a certain Scedule indented, and there openly read the contentes of the same, & deliuered the same Scedule vnto vs, and the Scedule of the articles, whereupon he was examined, whiche was as in forme folowyng

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The catholik fayth and confession of the Lord Cobham

I Iohn Oldcastle knight, Lord of Cobham, desire to make manifest vnto all christians, and God to be taken to witnes, that I neuer thought otherwise or would thinke other wise (by Gods helpe) then with a stedfast and vndoubted fayth to imbrace all those his sacraments which he hath instituted for the vse of hys church.

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Furthermore that I may the more plainly declare my mynde in these. iiij. poyntes of my fayth:MarginaliaThe Sacrament of the aultar.First of all I beleue the sacrament of the alter to be the body of Christ vnder the forme of bread the very same body which was born of his mother Mary, crucified for vs dead and buried, rose agayne the third day, sitteth on the right hand of his immortall father, now beyng a triumphant partaker with hym of his eternall glory. MarginaliaOf penaūce.Then as touching the sacramēt of penāce this is my beliefe, that I do thinke the correction of a sinfull lyfe to be most necessary for all such as desire to be saued and that they ought to take vpon them such repentaunce of their former lyfe by true confession, vnfained contritiō, and lawfull satisfaction, as the word of God doth prescribe vnto vs. Otherwise there wyll be no hope of saluation.

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MarginaliaOf Images.Thirdly, as touchyng images, this is my opinion, that I do iudge them no poynte of fayth, but brought into the worlde after the fayth of Christ by the sufferaunce of the church, and so growen in vse that they might serue for a kalender for the lay people and ignoraunt. By the beholdyng whereof they might the better call to remembraunce the godly examples and martyrdome of Christ and other holy mē: but if any man do otherwise abuse this representation, and geue the reuerence vnto those Images, which is due vnto the holy men whom they represent, or rather vnto him vnto whō the holy men themselues owe all their honour, settyng all theyr trust and hope in them which ought to be referred vnto God: or if they be so affected toward these dombe Images, that they do in any behalfe addict vnto them, eyther be more addicted vnto one saint then another, in my mynd they do little differ from Idolatry, grieuously offending agaynst God the author of all honor.

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MarginaliaOf pilgrimages.Last of all I am thus perswaded, that there bee no inhabitantes here in earth, but that we shall passe straight eyther to lyfe or punishment: for whosoeuer doth so order his lyfe that he stumble at the commaundements of God, which either he knoweth not, or he will not be taught them, it is but in vayne for hym to looke for saluation, although he ran ouer all the corners of the world. Contrarywise, he which obserueth his commaundements, cannot perish, although in all his lyfe tyme he walked no pilgrimage, neither to Rome, Cā;terbury, or Compostella, or to any other place, whither as the common people are accustomed to walke.

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This Scedule with the articles therin conteined being read (as is aforsaid) by the said sir Iohn: We with our felow brethrē aforesaid, & many other doctors and learned mē had conference vpon the same. And at the last by the counsaile and consent of them, we spake these wordes followyng vnto the sayd sir Ihon there present. Beholde sir Io. there are many good and catholike things conteined in this Scedule. But you haue this time to answer vnto other matters which sauor of errors and heresies. Wherunto, by þe contents of this scedule, it is not fully answered, & therfore you must answer therunto, and more plainly expresse and declare your fayth and opinions as touching those pointes in the same bill.MarginaliaSee whether these men picke quarels where they nede not.That is to say, whither you hold, beleue, and affirme, that in the sacrament of the aulter, after the consecration rightly done, there remaineth materiall bread or not.

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Item, whither you hold, beleue, & affirme, that it is necessary in the sacrament of penance for a man to confesse his sinnes vnto a priest appointed by the church.

The which articles in this maner deliuered vnto hym, amongst many other thinges he answered plainly, that he would make no other declaration or answer therunto then was conteyned in the sayd Scedule. Wherupon we fauoring the sayd sir Ihon, with benigne and gentle meanes we spake vnto hym in this maner. Sir Iohn take hede, for, if you do not plainly answer vnto these things, which are obiected against you within a lawfull tyme now graunted you by the iudges, we may declare you to be an hereticke, but the said sir Iohn perseuered as before, and would make no other aunswer. Consequently notwithstanding, we together with our sayd felow brethren and others of our counsail toke aduise, and by their counsail declared vnto the sayd sir Iohn Oldcastle, that the sayd holy Church of Rome in this matter followyng the saying of blessed S. Augustine, Ierome, Ambrose and other holy men, hath determined, the which determinations euery catholike ought to obserue.MarginaliaHere is no mētiō made of the word of God.Wherunto the sayd sir Iohn answered, þt he would beleue and obserue whatsoeuer the holy church determined, & what soeuer God would he should obserue and beleue. But that he would in no case affirme that our Lord the Pope, þe cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops, or other prelates of the Church haue any power to determine any such matters. Wherupon, we yet fauoring hym, vnder hope of better aduisement promised the sayd sir Iohn: that we would geue hym in writing certaine determinations vpon the matter aforesayd. MarginaliaWolues clothed in sheepes skins.Whereunto he should more plainly answer, written in Latin, and for his better vnderstandyng translated into English: Wherupon, we commaunded and hartily desired him that agaynst Monday next followyng, he should geue a playne and full answer, the which determinations we caused to be translated the same day & to be deliuered vnto him the sonday next followyng. The tenor of which determinations here folow in this maner.

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MarginaliaThe summe of the popishe BeliefeThe fayth and determination of the holy Church vpon the holy Sacrament of the aulter is this. That after the consecration done in the masse by the priest, þe material bread shall be chaunged into the materiall body of Christ, and the materiall wine into the materiall bloud of Christ. Therfore after the consecration there remaineth no more any substā;nce of bread and wine, which was there before. What do you answer to this article.

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MarginaliaConfessionAlso the holy church hath determined that euery christian dwelling vpon earth ought to confess his sinnes vnto a priest ordayned by þe church, if he may come vnto him. How thynke you by this article?

MarginaliaThe popes supremacie.Christ ordeyned S. Peter his vicare in earth, whose seate is the churche of Rome, geuinge and grauntinge the same authority which he gaue vnto Peter, also to his successours which are now called Popes of Rome, in whose power it is to ordeyne and institute prelates in particular churches. As Archbishops, bishops, curates, and other Ecclesiasticall orders, vnto whom the Christian people ought obedience according to the tradition of the church of Rome. This is the determination of the holy church. What thinke you by this article?

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MarginaliaPilgrimageBesides this the holy church hath determined that it is necessary for euery Christian to go on pilgrimage to holye places, and there specially to worship the holy reliques of the Apostles, martyrs, confessors & all saintes, whosoeuer the church of Rome hath allowed. What think you of this article?

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MarginaliaConuenerunt in vnum aduersus dominum & Christum eius.
Psal. 2.
Vpon which Monday being the xxv. day of the said moneth of September before vs and our felow brethren aforesaid, hauing also taken vnto vs our reuerend brother, Benedict by the grace of God, Bishop of Bangor, and by our cōmaundement our councellers and ministers, Master Henry Ware officiall of our court of Cant. Philip Morgan D. of both lawes, Howell Kiffin Doctor of the decretals, Iohn Kempe and William Carlton Doctors of law, Ioh. Witnā, Thomas Palmer, Robert Wombewell, Ihon Whitheand, Rob. Chamberlayne, Richard Dotington and Thomas Walden professors of diuinity. Also Iames Cole, & I. Steuens our notaries appointed on this behalfe. They all and

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