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K. Henry. 5. The trouble and condemnation of the Lord Cobham.

euery one beyng sworne vpon the holy gospell of God, laying their handes vpon the booke that they should geue theyr faythfull counsaile in, and vpon the matter aforesayd, and in euery such cause, and to the whole world. By and by appeared sir Robert Morley Knight, Lieuetenant of the Tower of London, and brought with hym the foresayde Sir I. Oldcastle settyng hym before vs. Vnto whome we gently and familiarly rehersed the actes of the day before passed. And as before we told hym that he both is and was excommunicate, requiryng and entreatyng hym that he would desire and receyue in due forme the absolution of the Church. Vnto whom the sayd Sir Iohn then and there plainly answered, that in this behalfe he would require no absolution at our handes but onely of God. Then afterward by gentle and soft meanes we desired and required hym to make a playne aunswer vnto the articles which were layd agaynst hym. And first of all, as touching the Sacrament of the aulter. MarginaliaThe sacrament both bodye and bread in diuers respectes.To the which article, besides other thinges he answered and sayd thus: That as Christ beyng here in earth had in hym both Godhead and manhoode. Notwithstandyng the Godhead was couered and inuisible vnder the humanitie, the which was manifest and visible in hym: so lykewise in the Sacrament of the aultar there is the very body and very bread, bread which we do see, the body of Christ hidden vnder the same which we do not see. And plainely denied, that the fayth as touchyng the sayd Sacrament determined by the Romish Church and holy doctors and sent vnto hym by vs in the sayd Schedule, to be the determination of the holy Churche. But if it be the determination of the church, he sayd that it was done contrary vnto the Scriptures, after the Church was endowed, and that poyson was poured into the Church and not afore.MarginaliaHow confession is to be alowed.Also as touchyng the Sacrament of penaunce and confession, he plainly sayd and affirmed then and there: that if any man were in any greuous sinne, out of the which he knew not how to rise, it were expedient and good for hym to go vnto some holy and discrete priest to take counsaile of hym. But that he should confesse hys sinne to any proper Priest, or to any other although he might haue the vse of hym, it is not necessary to saluation, for so much as by only contrition such sinne can be wyped away, and the sinner hymself purged. As cōcerning the worshipping of the crosse, he sayd and affirmed that the only body of Christ which did hang vpon the crosse is to be worshipped. For so much as that body alone was & is the cros, which is to be worshipped.

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MarginaliaWhat honour is to be done to the crosse.And beyng demaunded what honor he would doe vnto the Image of the crose. He aunswered by expresse wordes that he would only do it that honor that he would make it cleane and lay it vp safe. As touchyng the power and authoritie of the keyes, the Archbishops, Bishops, and other prelates, he sayd that the Pope is very Antichrist, that is the head. MarginaliaThe pope is Antichrist, the bishops are his members, and fryers his tayle. The Archbishops, Bishops and other prelates to be hys members, and the friers to be his tayle. The whiche Pope, Archbishops and Bishops a man ought not to obey, but so far forth as they be followers of Christ and of Peter, in their life, maners and conuersation, and that he is the successor of Peter, which is best and purest in life and maners. Furthermore the sayd sir Iohn spreading his hands with a loude voyce, sayd thus to those which stoode about him.MarginaliaThe bold talke of the L. Cobhā.These men which iudge and would condemne me, will seduce you all and themselues, and will lead you vnto hel, ther fore take hede of them. When he had spoken those wordes, we agayne as oftentymes before with lamentable countenaunce, spake vnto the sayd sir Iohn exhortyng hym with as gentle wordes as we might, that he would returne to þe vnity of the church, to beleue and hold that which þe church of Rome doth beleue and hold. Who expresly answered that he would not beleue or holde otherwise then he had before declared. Wherfore we perceiuyng as it appeared by hym that we could not preuayle: at the last with bitterneese of hart, we proceded to the pronouncing of a diffinitiue sentēce in this maner.

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☞ In the name of God Amen. We Tho. by the permission of God Archb. and humble ministerMarginaliaThey call them selues humble which rule ouer kynges, and exercise the tyranny of the world.of the holy Church of Cant. primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolike see, in a certaine cause or matter of heresie vpon certaine articles, wherupon sir Iohn Oldcastle knight, Lord Cobham, before vs in the last conuocation of our Clergy of our prouince of Caunterbury holden in the church of S. Paul in London after diligent inquisition thereupon made, was detected and accused, and by our sayd prouince notoriously and openly diffamed. At the request of the whole Cleargy aforesayd therupon made vnto vs in the sayd conuocation: with all fauour possible that we might (god we take to witnes) lawfully proceding agaynst him, following the footesteppes and example of Christ MarginaliaFollowing Christes fotesteps cleane contrary.which would not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be cōuerted and liue, we haue endeuoured by all wayes and meanes we might or coulde to reforme him, and reduce him to the vnitie of the Church: declaring vnto hym what the holy vniuersall Church of Rome MarginaliaThe vniuersall church meaning by a figure the part for the whole.doth teache, holde, and; determine in thys behalfe. And albeit that we found hym wandring astray from the Catholike fayth, and so stubburne & stifnecked that he would not confesse hys errour or cleare hymselfe therof, or detest the same: Notwithstanding we fauouring hym with a fatherly affection, and hartely wishing and desiring his preseruation, prefixed hym a certayne competent tyme to deliberate with himselfe, and if he woulde to repent & reforme hymselfe. And last of all, for somuch as we perceiued him to be vnreasonable: obseruing chiefly those thyngs which by þe law are required in this behalfe, with great sorowe and bitternes of hart, we proceded to the pronouncing of the definitiue sentence in this maner.

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The name of Christ being called vpon setting him onely before our eyes. For somuch as by actes enacted, signes exhibited, euidences and diuers tokens, besides sundry kinde of proofes, we finde the sayd syr Iohn to be, and haue bene an hereticke, and a folower of hereticks in the fayth & obseruation of the sacred vniuersall Church of Rome, & specially as touching the sacramentes of the Eucharist and of penaunce. And that as the sonne of iniquitie and darkenes,

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MarginaliaThey call light darknes, & darknes lyght.he hath so hardened hys hart, that he wil not vnderstand the voyce of hys shepherd, neither will be allured with his monitions, or conuerted wyth any faire speche. Hauing first of all searched and sought out, and diligētly considering the merites of the cause aforesayd, and of the sayd syr Iohn, his desertes and faultes aggrauated through his damnable obstinacy: Not willing that he that is wicked, should become more wicked, and infect other with his contagion, by the counsell and consent of the reuerent men of profound wysdome and discretion, our brethren the Lordes Richard byshop of London, Henry Byshop of Winchester, and Benedict byshop of Bangor, and also of many other doctours of deuinitie, MarginaliaLyke will to lyke.the decretals and ciuill lawe, and of many other religious and learned persons our assistentes, we haue iudged and declared sententially, and diffinitiuely condemned þe said syr Iohn Oldcastell knight, Lord Cobham, being conuict in and vpon that most detestable gilt, not willing penitently to returne vnto the vnitie of the Church, & in those thinges which the sacred vniuersall church of Rome doth hold, teach, determine, and shew forth. And specially as one erring in the articles aboue written, leauing hym from henceforth as an hereticke vnto the secular iudgement.MarginaliaSo did the Pharisies deliuer Christ vnto Pilate.

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Moreouer we haue excōmunicated, and by these writinges do pronounce as excommunciate hym as an hereticke, and all other which from henceforth in fauour of hys errour, shall receiue, defend, or geue hym coūsell or fauour, or helpe him in thys behalfe, as fauourers, defenders, and receiuers of hereticks. And to the entent these premises may be knowen vnto all faythfull Christians, we charge & commaunde you, that by your sentence definitiue, you doe cause the Curates which are vnder you, with a loud and audible voyce in their Churches, when as most people is present, in their mother toung, through all your Cities and dioces to publishe and declare the sayd syr Iohn Oldcastell as is before sayd, to be by vs condemned as an hereticke, schismaticke, and one erring in the articles aboue sayd: and all other which from henceforth in fauour of hys errours shall receiue or defend him, geuyng hym any counsell, comfort or fauour in this behalfe, to be excōmunicate as receiuers, fauourers, & defenders of heretickes. As is more effectually cōtayned in the proces. That by such meanes the erroneous opinions of the people (which peraduenture hath otherwise conceiued the matter) by those declarations of þe truth, how the matter is, may be cut of. The which thyng also we will and commaunde to be written and signified by you, word for word, vnto all our fellow brethren: that they all may manifest, publishe, and declare throughout all theyr cities and dioces, the maner and forme of this our proces, and also the sentence by vs geuen, and all other and singular, the contentes in the same. And lykewise cause it to be published by their Curates which are vnder them as touching the day of the recept of these presentes, and what you haue done in the premisses, howe you and they haue executed this our commaundement. We will that you and they duely and distinctly certifie vs the busines being done, by you and their letters patentes according to this tenour. Dated in our maner of Maidstone, the. x. of October, an. 1413. and in the . xviij. yeare of our translation.

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Thus haue you here the iudiciall processe of the byshops agaynst this most noble Christen knight, described by their
