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K. Henry. 5. Defence of L. Cobham agaynst Alanus Copus.

where you exclaime agaynst me, and say that I thrust out the auncient Martyrs out from their seate and possession, and place new in their rowmes. &c.

Marginalia Vntruth in Cope.Also, where you continuyng yet still in your common place of lying (out of which you cannot digresse) do charge me farther, that I do appointe out holy dayes and working dayes by colours of read and blacke, in my foresayd Calendare to be obserued: these leude notes of yours, MarginaliaCopus pag. 820. lin. 25.if they had bene picked out of my Calendare by you, without myne owne speciall declaration before made to the contrary, they might seeme to haue some blush of credite. Now what will the Reader say, or what may he iudge, consideryng and conferryng this your cauillyng, with the matter of my premonition made before, but that you are all together set to play the perpetuall syc. I had almost called you by your right name maister Cope. But God make you (as I said) a good man. Readyng further in your booke I could not but smile and laugh at this your ridiculous and most loude lyeng Hyperbolismum: where as you comparyng my makyng of Saintes, with the Popes makyng, MarginaliaCopus pag. 819. lin. 7.can finde (as ye say) in the Pope no such impudent arrogancie in presumyng, as ye finde in me. &c. If the Pope had not abused his arrogant iurisdiction in Canonising and deifyeng his Saintes, more then I haue done: the yeare should not be combred with so many idle holy dayes, nor the Calendares with so many raskall Saintes, some of them as good, as euer were they that put Christ to death.

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But where will you finde (M. Cope) any man to beleue this your hyperbolicall comparison to be true, whiche seeth and knoweth the infinite and vnmeasurable excesse of the Popes arrogancie, not onely in shrinyng such a rable of blinde Saintes of his owne creating: but also in prescribing the same to be receaued vniuersally in the whole worlde, and not to be receaued onely, but also to be inuocated for giftes and graces, also to be worshipped for aduocates and mediatours. MarginaliaDouble abhomination in the popes Calendare.Wherin riseth a double abhomination of the Pope, the one for his idolatrous makyng and worshippyng of Saintes: the other for his blasphemous iniurie and derogation to Christ, in repulsing him out of his office of mediation, & placyng other mediatours of his owne makyng. And now to consider what Saintes these were, or what were the causes of their sanctyng: MarginaliaThe great saint maker of Rome, and who be his Saintes.what Sainte almost among all the Popes Saintes shall you finde (M. Cope) made within these five hundreth yeares, but commonly he was either some Pope, or some rich Byshop, and Prelate, or some fat Abbat, or some blynd Frier, some Monke, or Nunne, some superstitious regular, or some builder of monasteries, or som geuer and benefactour to the Popish Clergy, or mainteiner agonising for the dignities & liberties of the Popish church? What poore lay man or lay woman, were their lyues neuer so Christian, their fayth and confession neuer so pure, their death neuer so agonising for the witnes of Christ, and truth of his word, shall finde any place or fauour in all the Popes xxx, that is in the Popes Calendar, either in red colour, or els in blacke?

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MarginaliaThe great Godmaker of Rome.But here (maister Cope) if ye had the witte, somuch to defend, as ye haue to ouerwhart, you might take me with the maner, and reply agayne for the defence of your great Saintmaker, or rather Godmaker of Rome: that he maketh moe martyrs & Saintes of these foresayd poore laymē, and laywomē, then euer he did of any other. For he burneth them, he hāgeth thē, he drowneth them, inprisoneth & famisheth them, & so maketh truer martyrs of Christ, thē any other of his new shrined Saintes, whom he hath so dignified in his Calendare. For the one he doth rubricate, onely with his read letters, the other he doth rubricate with their own bloud. And therefore to aunswere you (M. Cope) to your comparison made betwene the Pope and me, for makyng of holy Martyrs and Saintes: Briefly I say, and report me to all the world, that herein is no cōparison. For if ye speake of true Martyrs, who doth make them, but the Pope? if ye speake of false Martyrs, who doth make thē, but the pope? And farthermore, to compare together the causes of these Martyred Saintes in my Calendare, with them whiche shyne shrined in the Popes Calendare (taking the same proportion of tyme as I do, within these last five hundreth yeares) why may not I haue as good cause to celebrate these in my Calendar, which lost their lyues & were slayne, principally for the cause of Christ and of his word: as the Pope hath to celebrate his double & simple feasted Saintes in his Calendar, who in their doynges, doctrine, and life, as they seemed rather to serue the Pope, thē Christ the Lord: so in their death appeared no such cause, why they should be sanctified in the Churche, beyond all other. Let not the Church of Christ (M. Cope) be deluded with hypocriticall names, nor fayned apparitions, and fabulous miracles, neither be you deceaued your selfe, but let vs resort sincerely to the word of God. MarginaliaNo cause why the popes new saintes should be put in the Calendare.What was in S. Fraunces, looke vpon hys superstitious life, & presumptuous Testamēt, wrought no doubt by Satan to diminishe and obscure the Testamēt of Iesus Christ, why he should be made a Saint, and not an enemy rather of Christ?

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What was lykewise in Frier Dominicke, who before Fraunces. x. yeares together persecuted the poore Waldenses to death and destruction, why he should stand a Sainct and a piller of the Church? MarginaliaThomas Becket.I pray you what see you in Thomas Becket, but that he dyed for the ambitious liberties of the Popishe Churche? MarginaliaAldelmus.
What in Aldelmus, and in Anselmus, but onely that they chased away maryed priests from the Churches, and planted in idle Monkes in theyr steede? The like also did Dunstanus, who was rubricated wyth a duplex festum. MarginaliaS. Elizabeth.Elizabeth who was the wife of the Marques of Thuring, when she had with much perswasions got out her husband to fight against the Turkes, and was there slayne, shee afterward encloystred her selfe, and was made a nunne. And do you thinke these causes to be sufficient, why they should be made saintes, worshipped in churches, and set in Calendares? Long it were to make rehearsall of all this rifraffe, and almost infinite. One example may suffice for many. MarginaliaThe canonisatiō of S. Gilbert of Sempringham.S. Gilbert of Sempringhā, was the sonne of Ioceline a knight, who for his deformitie of his body was set to learning, and afterward made Chanon, and was authour of the Gilbertines, in the tyme of king Iohn.

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This Gilbert after he had erected 13. monasteries of his order of Sempringham, was afterward laboured for vnto the Pope to be made a Sainte: Who hearing of his miracles, wrote his letters to Hubert Archbyshop of Canterbury, in the behalfe of the foresayd Gilbert, willing & commaunding per Apostolica scripta, that the feast of the sayd Gilbert shoulde be solemnised through all the prouince of Canterbury, Vt meritis nimirum eius et precibus apud misericordissimum iudicem misericordiam consequatur. &c. MarginaliaEx lib. de vita S. Gilberti Confessoris.

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Wherupon Hubert the Archbishop directeth downe hys writinges to all the Bishops within his prouince, the contentes of which his writings do folow: MarginaliaThe popes letter & the Archb. for the canonising of S. Gilbert.Hubertus Dei gratia Cant. Archiepisco. totius Angliæ primas, dilectis in Christo frat. Episco. per prouinciam Cant. Sal. grat. & bene dictioneim. D. papa, sicut ex literis ipsius manifeste perpenditur, de conuersatione, meritis, & moribus b. Gilberti magistri ordinis de Sempringham, & miraculis a Deo per eum factis per testes & testimonia sufficienter instructus, de consilio fratrum Cardin. ipsū mag. Catalogo sanctorum decreuit ascribi, solemnitatem eius constituit & mandauit per Cant. prouinciam solemniter celebrari. Insuper & corpus eius cum requisiti fuerimus præcepit ad honorem Dei & gloriam eleuari. Vestra igitur vniuersitas huic mandato cum deuotione congaudeat, & secundum formam in ipso mandato præscriptam, prædicti confessoris Domini depositionem annuam faciatis cum reuerentia & solemniter obseruari: vt apud Dominum & ab illo vestra debeat & possit deuotio cōmendari, necnon & ipsius sancti supplex intercessio vobis proficiat ad salutem. Valete.

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The summe of the which writing of the Archbishop tēdeth to this effect. That for somuch as the Pope hearyng of the life and myracles of Gilbert, Maister of the order of Sempringham, by sufficient witnes and testimonies hath in his letters commaunded him by the aduise of his Cardinals, that the sayd Gilbert should be canonised and ascribed in the Cataloge of Saintes, and that his solemnitie should be celebrate solemnly throughout all the prouince of Canterbury. And also his body to be taken vp and shrined to þe honour and glory of God: He therfore at the Popes commaundement writing vnto them, willeth all the Suffragans within his prouince of Caunterbury yearly to solemnise, and cause to be solemnised reuerently the deposition of the sayd Saint Gilbert Confessor:MarginaliaIs this good doctrine M. Cope, in the popes canonisation?to the entent that their deuotion may be commended of the Lord, and of him. And also, that the humble intercession of the said Saint may profit them to their saluation.

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Furthermore, for the more full canonising (canuising I had almost sayd) of this new made Saint, the sayd pope Innocent writing to Hubert aforesayd, adioyneth withall a collect of his owne making, which is this: MarginaliaThe blasphemous collect of the popes making for S. Gilbert.Plenam in nobis eterne saluator tuæ virtutis operare medelam, vt qui præclara beati Gilberti confessoris tui merita veneramur, ipsius adiuti suffragus a cunctis animarum nostrarum languoribus liberemur. Qui viuis et regnas. &c. That is: worke in vs O eternall Sauiour full remedy of thy vertue, that we which worship the worthy merites of blessed Gilbert thy confessour, being succoured by his suffrages, may be deliuered from all languors and diseases of our soules, who lyuest and raiguest. &c.

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The consecration of this one Saint (who perhaps was
