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K. Henry.5. M. Hierome of Prage. The Councell of Constaunce.

MarginaliaHierom is comforted by Peter the NotaryM. Hierome. Then sayd he, you are welcome my deare brother. Then said Peter vnto him: Be constant, and feare not to suffer death for the truth sake, of the which whē you were in tymes past at libertie, you did preach so much goodnes. Vnto whom Hierome aunswered, truly brother I do not feare death, and for somuch as we knowe that we haue spoken much therof in times past: let vs now see what may be knowen or done in effect. By and by his kepers cōmyng to the wyndow, threatning hym with strokes, did put away the sayd Peter from the window of the Cloyster.

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MarginaliaEt tu de illis es. Luc. 22.
Vitus the companioon of Iohn de Clum.
Then came there one Vitus vnto M. Hierome & sayd: maister how do you? Vnto whom he aunswered: truly brother, I do very well. Then his keepers cōming about him, layd hold of the sayd Vitus, saying, this is also one of the number, and kept him. MarginaliaHierome straightly bound hand and foote.When it drew towardes euenyng, the Archbyshop of Rygen, sent certaine of his seruauntes which lead away M. Hierome, beyng strongly bound with chaynes, both by the handes and by the necke, and kept him so for certaine houres. Whē night drew on, they caryed him vnto a certaine tower of the Citie in S. Paules Churcheyard, where as they tying hym fast vnto a great blocke, and his feete in the stockes, his handes beyng also made fast vpon them, they left him: where as the blocke was so hygh, that he could by no meanes sit thereupon, but that his head must hang downward. MarginaliaVitus had to the Archbishop of Rigen.They caryed also the sayd Vitus vnto the Archbyshop of Rygen, who demaunded of hym, why he durst be so bold to talke with such a man, being a reprobate of all men, and an hereticke: and when as he could finde no cause of imprisonement in hym, MarginaliaVitus bound by othe.and that he sayd he was maister Iohn de Clums frend (takyng an othe & promise of hym that he should not go about to endamage the Councell, by reason of that imprisonment and captiuitie) so dismissed him and sent him away.

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MarginaliaHierome hāging in the stockes was fedde with bread and water.Maister Hierome, vnknowen vnto vs whether he was caryed, lay in the sayd tower two dayes and two nightes relieued onely with bread and water. Then one of his keepers commyng vnto M. Peter, declared vnto him how that M. Hierome lay hard by in bondes and chaynes, and how he was fed. MarginaliaPeter bringeth meate to Hierome.Then M. Peter desired that he might haue leaue geuen him to geue hym meate, because he would procure the same vnto him. The keeper of the prison grauntyng his request, caryed meate vnto hym. Within eleuen dayes after, so hangyng by the heeles: he vsed so small repast, that he fell sore sicke euen vnto the death. MarginaliaHierome in great sickenes calleth for a confessor.When as he liyng then in that captiuitie and prison, desired to haue a Confessor, they of the Councell, denyed that he should haue any, vntill such tyme as by great importunitie he obtayned to haue one: MarginaliaM. Hierome was kept in irons in prison by the space of one yeare.his frends being then there present in the same prison & tower, wherin he then lay by the space of one yeare lackyng but seuen dayes.

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After they had put Iohn Hus to death, then about the feast of the natiuitie of Mary the Virgin, they brought forth M. Hierome, whom they had kept so long in chaynes, vnto the Church of S. Paule: and threatnyng hym with death, beyng instaunt vpon him, they forced him to abiure and recant, and consent vnto the death of M. Iohn Hus, that he was iustly and truely condemned and put to death by them. He, what for feare of death and hopyng thereby to escape out of their handes, accordyng to their will and pleasure, and accordyng to þe tenour which was exhibited vnto hym: did make abiuration, & that in the Cathedrall Church and open Sessiō, the draught wherof penned to hym by the Papistes, here ensueth.

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¶ The abiuration of M. Hierome of Prage.

MarginaliaThe forced abiuration of Hierom.I Hierome of Prage, Maister of Arte, acknowledgyng the Catholike Church and the Apostolicke fayth, doe accurse and renounce all heresies, and specially that, wherof I haue hetherto bene infamed, and that which in tymes past Iohn Hus and Iohn Wicklieffe haue holden and taught in their workes, treatises and Sermons, made vnto the people and Clergy: for the which cause the sayd Wickliffe and Hus, together with their said doctrines and errours, are condemned by this Synode of Constaunce, as heretikes, and all the sayd doctrine sentencially condemned, and especially in certaine Articles expressed in the sentences & iudgementes geuen agaynst them by this sacred Councell.

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Also I do accorde and agree vnto the holy Church of Rome, the Apostolike seate in this sacred Councell, & with my mouth and hart do professe in all thynges, and touchyng all thynges, and specially as touchyng the keyes, Sacrmentes, orders and offices and Ecclesiasticall censures, of pardons, reliques of Saintes, Ecclesiasticall libertie, also ceremonies and all other thynges pertainyng vnto Christiā Religon, as the Church of Rome, the Apostolike sea and this sacred Councell do professe: and specially that many of the sayd Articles are notoriously hereticall and lately reproued by the holy fathers, some of them blasphemous, other some erronious, some offensiue vnto godly eares, and many of them temerarious and sedicious. And such also were coōted the Articles lately condemned by this sacred Councell, and it was inhibited and forbydden to all and singuler Catholike men hereafter to preach, teach, or presume, to hold or maintayne any of the sayd Articles, vnder payne of beyng accursed.

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Also I the sayd Hierome, for somuch as I haue laboured by Scholasticall Artes, to perswade the opinion, De vniuersalibus realibus, and that one substaunce of the common kynde should signifie many thynges subiect vnder the same, and euery one of them as S. Ambrose, Hierome, Augustine do affirme, & likewise others. For the teachyng hereof by a plaine example I described as it were a certaine triangle, forme or figure, the which I called the shield of faith.

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Therfore vtterly to exclude and take away the erronious and wicked vnderstanding therof, the which perauenture some men may gather therby: I do say, affirme, and declare, that I neuer made the sayd figure, neither named it the shield of fayth to that intēt or purpose, þt I would extoll or preferre the opinion of vniuersalities aboue or before the contrary opiniō, in such sort as though that were the shield of fayth, & that without the affirmation therof, the Catholike fayth could not be defended or mayntained, when as I my selfe would not obstinatly sticke therunto. But this I sayd, because I had put example in the description of the Triangle or forme, that one diuine essence consisted in three subiectes or persons in themselues distinct: that is to say, the father, the sonne, and the holy Ghost. The Article of which Trinitie is the chief shield of fayth, and foundation of the Catholike truth.

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Furthermore that it may be euident vnto all men what the causes were for þt which I was reputed & thought to sticke to, and fauour some tyme I. Hus, I signifie vnto all men by these presentes, that when as I had heard hym oftentymes both in his Sermons and also in the scholes: I beleued that he was a very good man, neither that he dyd in any poynt gaynesay the traditions of our holy mother the Church, or holy Doctours: insomuch as whē I was lately in this Citie, and the Articles which I affirmed were shewed vnto me, which were also condemned by the sacred Councell, at the first sight of them I dyd not beleue that they were his, at the least not in that forme. But when as I had further vnderstood by certaine famous Doctours and Maisters of Diuinitie, that they were his Articles: I required for my further informatiō and satisfaction, to haue the bookes of his owne hād writing shewed vnto me, wherin it was sayd, those Articles were conteined. The which bookes, when they were shewed vnto me written with his owne hand, which I dyd know as well as myne owne, I founde all, and euery one of those Articles therein written in lyke forme as they are condēned.MarginaliaHierome is made here to say not his owne minde, but what pleased them.Wherfore I do worthely iudge and thinke him and his doctrine with his adherentes to be condemned and reproued by this sacred Councel, as hereticall & without reason. All which the premisses, with a pure mynde and conscience I do here pronounce and speake, beyng now fully and sufficiently informed of the foresayd sentences and iudgementes geuen by the sacred Coūcell agaynst the doctrines of the sayd late Iohn Wicklieffe and Iohn Hus, and agaynst their owne persons: vnto the which iudgement, as a deuout Catholike in all thynges, I do most humbly consent and agree.

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Also I the aforesayd Hierome, which before the reuerend fathers the Lords Cardinalles, and reuerend Lordes Prelates and Doctours, and other worshipfull persons of this sacred Councell in this same place, did heretofore frely and willyngly declare and expounde myne intent, and purpose: amongest other thynges speakyng of the Church, dyd deuide the same into three partes. And as I did perceiue afterward, it was vnderstanded by some þt I would affirme that in the triumphant Church, there was fayth. Whereas I do firmely beleue that there is the blessed sight and beholdyng of God, excludyng all darke vnderstanding and knowledge. And now also I do say, affirme & declare, that it was neuer my intent and purpose, to proue that there should be fayth, speakyng of fayth as fayth is commonly defined, but knowledge farre exceedyng fayth. And generally whatsoeuer I haue sayd, either there or at any time before, I do referre and most humbly submit my selfe vnto the determination of this sacred Councell of Constance.

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Moreouer, I do sweare both by the holy Trinitie, and also by the most holy Gospell, that I will for euermore remayne and perseuere without all doubt, in the truth of the
