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K. Henry.5. The bloudy Inquisition of Pope Martine.

loosing, be more then the authoritie of a simple priest or not, although he haue charge of soule.

MarginaliaHeresie to deny the popes indulgences.26. Item, whether he beleue, that the Pope may vppon a iust and good cause, geue indulgences and remission of sinnes to all Christian men, beyng verily contrite and confessed, especially to those that go on pilgrimage to holy places and do good dedes.

27. Item, whether he beleue, that by such graunt, the pilgrimes that visite those Churches, and geue them any thing, may obtayne remission of sinnes or not.

28. Item, whether he beleue, that all Bishops may graunt vnto their subiects accordyng as the holy Canons doe limite, such Indulgences or not.

MarginaliaHeresie not to worship images.29. Item, whether he beleue and affirme, that it is lawfull for faythfull Christians, to worship images & the reliques of saintes or not.

30. Item, whether he beleue, that those religions which þe church hath allowed, were lawfully and reasonably brought in of the holy fathers, or not.

31. Item, whether he beleueth, that the Pope or any other Prelate for the tyme beyng, or their vicares may excommunicate their subiect Ecclesiasticall or secular for disobedience or cōtumacy, so that such a one is to be holden and taken for excommunicate or not.

32. Item, whether he beleue, that for the disobedience and contumacie of persons excommunicate, increasing: the prelates or their vicars in spirituall things haue power to aggrauate and to reaggrauate, to put vpon men the interdicte, and to call for the secular arme: and that the same secular arme or power ought to be obedient to the censures, by their inferiours called for.

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33. Item, whether he beleue, that the Pope and other Prelates or els their vicars, haue power in spirituall thinges to excommunicate Priestes and lay men that are stubburne and disobedient, from their office, benefice, or entrance into the Church, and from the administration of the Sacramentes of the church, also to suspend them.

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34. Item, whether he beleue, that it is lawfull for ecclesiasticall persons without committyng sinne, to haue any possessions and temporall goodes: and whether he beleue, that it is not lawfull for lay men to take the same away from thē by their authoritie: but rather that such takers awaye and incrochers vpon Ecclesiasticall goodes, are to be punished as committers of sacrilege, MarginaliaThese popes will be sure to loose nothyng.yea, although such Ecclesiasticall persons liue naughtely that haue such goods.

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MarginaliaWealthy wickednes maintained.35. Item, whether any such takyng away or incroching vpon any priest, rashly or violently made, although the priest be an euill liuer, be sacriledge or not.

36. Item, whether he beleue that it is lawfull for lay men of whether sexe so euer: that is, men and women, to preache the word of God or not.

MarginaliaThe pope neither preacheth hymself, nor yet will suffer other good priestes to preach.37. Item, whether he beleue, that it is lawfull to all priests, freely to preach the word of God, wheresoeuer, when so euer, and to whom so euer it shall please them, although they be not sent at all.

38. Item, whether he beleue that all mortall sinnes, and especiall such as be manifest and publicke, are to be corrected & to be extirpate or not.

Furthermore, we will, commaund, and decree, that if any man by secret information by you or any other to be receyued, shall be found eyther infamed or suspected of any kind of the pestiferous sect, heresie, and doctrine of the most pestilent men, Iohn Wickleffe, Iohn Hus, an Hierome of Prage the archheretickes aforesayd, or of fauouring, receauing, or defending the foresaid damned men whilest they lyued on the earth, their false followers and disciples, or any that beleueth their errours, or any that after their death pray for them or any of them, or that nominateth them to be amongst the nūber of Catholike men, or that defendeth them to be placed amongst the number of the saintes, eyther by their preaching, worshipping, or other wayes wherin they deserue to be suspected: þt then they by you or some of you, may be cited personally to appeare before you or some of you, without eyther Proctor or Doctor to answer for them, an othe beyng openly taken by them as is aforesaid, to speake the plaine & mere veritie of the Articles aboue written and euery of them, or other oportune, as case and circumstaunce shall require, according to your discretion, as you or any of you shall see expedient to procede agaynste them, or any of them accordyng to these presentes or otherwyse canonically, as you shall thinke good.

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Also that you do publish solēnly and cause to be published, these present letters, omitting the Articles and interrogatories herein conteined, in the Cities and other places of your dioces, where conueniently you may, vnder our authoritie, and there to denounce and cause to bee denounced all and singulare such heretickes, wyth their abetters and fauourers of their heresies and errours, of what sexe or kynde soeuer, that do holde, and defend the sayd errours, or do participate any maner of way with heretickes, priuely or apertly, of what state, dignitie, or condition so euer he or they be, Patriarche, Archbyshop, Kyng, Queene, Duke, or of what other dignitie either Ecclesiasticall or secular he be: also with their aduocates and procurators whosoeuer, which are beleuers, followers, fauourers, defenders or receauers of such heretickes, or suspected to be beleuers, folowers fautors, defenders or receauers of them, to be excommunicate, euery Sonday and festiuall day, in the presence of the people.

[Back to Top]MarginaliaPapa spiras minat & cædoc.

Furthermore that you diligently do to be inquired by the sayd our authoritie, vppon all and sigular such persons both men and women, that maintayne, approue, defende, & teach such errours or that be fauourers, receauers, and defenders of them, whether exempt or not exempt, of what dignitie, state, preeminence, degree, order, or condition so euer. And such as you shall finde in the sayd your Inquisition, either by their owne confession, or by any other meane, to be diffamed, or otherwise infected with the spotte of such heresie or errour, you, through the sentence of excommunication, suspension, interdict, and priuation of their dignities, personages, offices, or other benefices of the church, and fees, whiche they hold of any Church, monastery and other Ecclesiasticall places, also of honours and secular dignities and degrees of sciences or other faculties, as also by other paynes and censures of the Churche, or by wayes and meanes whatsoeuer els shall seeme to you expedient, by takyng and imprisonnyng of their bodies, and other corporall punishementes wherewith heretickes are punished, or are wont and are commaunded by canonicall sanctions to be vsed: and if they be clerkes, by degradation, doe correct and punishe, and cause them to be corrected and punished wyth all diligence.

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Furthermore, that you do rise vp stoutly and couragiously agaynst such heretikes, and the goodes as well of them, as of the lay men, according to the canonicall sanctions made aganst heretiques, and their folowers, vnder the which we will and commaunde them and all their pertakers to be subiect. MarginaliaSee here the dragon casting out whole floudes to swalow vp the saintes.And all such persons, as shall be infamed of the heresies or errors aforesayd, or any of the premisses, shall be bound to purge themselues, at your arbitriment: but the other which either be witnesses, or by their owne confessions, or other allegations or probations, shalbe conuicted of the foresayd heresies, or articles, or any of the premisses, they shall be compelled to reuoke and abiure publiquely and solemnly the sayde articles and erroures, and to suffer condigne penance and punishment, yea euen to perpetuall imprisonment (if neede be) for the same.

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And to þe intēt that they shall not nourish any kinde of heresies hereafte, either in word, deede, or gesture, or shall induce other, eyther in worde or deede, priuely or apertly, directly or indirectly to beleue the same, they shalbe forced to put in sufficient suertie. Who, if it so chaunce that they will not publikely and solemnely renounce and abiure their articles and errours, and take at your handes condigne penaunce, though it be to perpetuall, or temporall punishment, according to your discretion, neither wil be contented to put in sufficient suertie that they will not hereafter holde nor nourishe these errours and heresies, neither wyll induce other by word or deede, priuely or apertly, directly or indirectly, or by any other maner of colour, to beleue the same: that then you shall procede against them, according to the qualitie of their errours and demerites, yea and if you see it so expedient, as against heretikes, and as infected with heresie, by our authoritie, according to the canonicall sanctions, summarily and simplely and playnely, sine strepitu & figura iudicij, & of office, all appellation or appellations whatsoeuer ceasing: and that you punish the same, according to the sanctiōs and traditions canonicall, yea, if nede be, in leauing and committing them to the secular power: and against such as be superiours or learned doctors, laying the censures of ecclesiasticall excommunication, all appellation set aside, also inuocating, if nede shall require, ayde of the secular arme: The constitutiō as well of our predecessor Pope Boniface 8. of blessed meomry

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MarginaliaPope Martin v. contrary to pope Boniface 8.wherin is decreed that no man without his city or dioces (except in certayne cases) or in places beyng one dayes iourney distant from thence where he inhabiteth, shall be called into any iudgement, & that no man do presume to depute iudges from the sea Apostolike, without the city and dioces where they are deputed, to procede against any: or doe presume to cōmit their autority to any other person or persons, or to fetch and remoue any man beyonde one dayes iourney from

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