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K. Henry. 6. Persecution in Northfolke and Southfolke.
¶ The names of them that were taken and examined vpon suspicion of heresie.
MarginaliaA cataloge of good men & women troubled for suspition of heresie.

RObert Skiruyng of Harlestone
William Skiruyng.
Iohn Terrey of Ersham.
Iohn Aybtre of Ersham.

Iohn Middleton of Haluergate.
Iohn Wayde of Ersham.
Rich. Clarke of Sething.
Tho. White of Bedingham.

M. Rob. Beete of Berry.
Rich. Page of Clipsly.

The other were more cruelly handled, and some of them were put to death and burned, of whom we do specially finde mention made of these three.

Father Abraham of Colchester.

William White priest.

Iohn Waddon priest.

¶ The residue, for a great number of good men and women, were forced to abiure, sustaining such cruell penance as pleased then the sayd bishop and his Chauncellor to lay vpon them. The names of which both men and women here folow together in this briefe Cataloge to be sene.

IOhn Beuerley.
Iohn Wardon.
Iohn Baker.
Iohn Kynget.
Margery Backster.
Iohn Skilley.
Iohn Godhold.
Tho. Albeck. Iohn Pierce.
Nich. Canon of Eye.
Tho. Pye.
Iohn Mendham.
Iohn Middleton.
Tho. Chatris.
Tho. Wade.
Wil. Taylor.
Iohn Cupper, vicar of Tunstall.
Sir Hugh Pie priest.
Bartlemew Thatcher.
Tho. Iames.
Iohn Fouling.
Bertram Cornmonger.
Tho. Swerdin.
Alanus Andrew.
Wil. Wright.
Wil. Euerden.
Wil. Taylor.
Auis the wife of Tho. Moone and
her daughter.
Rich. Fletcher of>

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Nich. Belward.
Tho. Grenemere.
Ioh. Clarke. Wil. Bate.
Wil. Scherming.
Wil. Osburne.
Iohn Rene of Beckles.
Baldwine Cooper of Beckles.
Iohn Pert, M. Mones seruant.
Rob. Brigs, Iohn Finch.
Iohn Wrophā. Tho. Mone.
Isabel Chaplaine of Martham.
Wil. Masse of Ersham.
Iohn Goodwine of Ersham.
Henry Latchcold of Ersham.
Henry Boode of Ersham.
Rich. Horne of Ersham.
Iohn Belward senior of Ersham.
Iohn Belward iunior of Ersham.
Ioh. Spire of Bungay.
Rob. Colle of Tuining.
The heard of Shepemedow.
Isabel Dauy of Costes.
Sibill wife of Iohn Godesell of
Iohn Pyry of Bartham.
Ioh. Baker, Margery Wright.
Tho. Burrell and his wife.
Ioh. Pert. Edm. Archer.
The clarke of Ludney.

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Rich. Clarke of Sething.
Katherine the wife of William
Wright, Wil. Colin of South-
Rich. King of Windeham.
Tho. Plowman. Iohn Fellis.
Tho. Loue of Rokeland.
Rich. Knobbing of Beckles.
Rich. Grace of Beckles.
Iohn Eldon of Beckles.
Wil. Hardy, Wil. Bate.
Ioh. Weston.
Katherine Hobs.
Iohn Daw.
Rob. Grigs of Martham.
Wil. Calys priest.
Tho. Pert priest.
Katherine Dauy.
Iacob Bodhone, & Margaret hys
Ioh. Mannyng of Marton.
Ioh. Culling of Beemster.
Rich. Fletcher of Beckles & Ma-
tild his wyfe.
Iohn Eldon of Beckles.
Rob. Canel priest.
Nich. Drey.
Wil. Hardy of Mundham.
Iohn Poleyne.

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These forenamed persons and souldiours of Christ, beyng much beatē with the cares and troubles of those dayes although they were constrayned to relent and abiure, that is to protest otherwyse with their tonges then their hartes did thinke, partly thorough correction and partly thorough infirmity (beyng as yet but new trayned souldiours in Gods field) yet for their good will they bare vnto the truth, although with their tongs they durst not expresse it, we haue thought good that their names should not be suppressed, as well for other sondry causes, as especially for this: either to stop the mouthes of malignaunt aduersaries, or to aunswer to their ignoraunce: Who folowyng rather blynde affection then the true knowledge of tymes and antiquities, for lacke of knowledge, blame that they know not, accusing the true doctrine of the worde of God, for newelty, and carpyng, the teachers therof for new broched brethren. Who, if they dyd as well forsee tymes passed, as they be vnwillyng to follow tymes now present they should vnderstand as well by these stories as other before, how this doctrine of the grace of god lacking no antiquitie, hath from tyme to tyme continually sought to burst out, and in some places hath preuayled, although in most places thorough tiranny and the malice of men, Christes procedinges haue bene suppressed and kepte vnder from rising, so much as mans power and strength ioyned with craft and subtiltie, could labour to kepe downe the same: as here by these good men of Northfolke and Southfolke, may well appeare. For if the knowledge and the good towardnesse of those good men, had had the lyke liberty of tyme, with the helpe of lyke authority as we haue now, and had not bene restrayned thorough the iniquitie of tyme and tyranny of Prelates: it had well appeared how old this doctrine would haue ben, which now they contemne and reiecte for the newnes thereof:MarginaliaBoner myght see the Church here in this age, more then xl. yeares before he was borne. neither neded Boner to haue asked of Thomas Hawkes, and such other, where their churche was for. xl. yeares ago, in as much as for lx. yeares ago, and more, within the countrey of Norfolke and Suffolke, was then found such plētie of the same profession and like doctrine which we now professe, And thus much for the number and the names of these persons.

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Nowe touching their Articles which they dyd main teine and defend: first this is to be considered, as I finde it in the registers, such societie and agrement of doctrine to be amongest them, that almost in their assertions and Articles there was no difference. The doctrine of the one was the doctrine of all the other. What theyr articles were, partly it is shewed in the leafe before: and partly here foloweth to be declared more at large.

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Although it is to bee thought concerning these articles that many of thē eyther were falsly obiected against them, or not truly reported of the notaries, accordyng as the common maner is of these aduersaries, where þe matter is good, there to make heresie, and of a litle occasion, to stirre vp great matter of slaunder, as they did before by the articles of I. Wickleffe and Iohn Hus, and others moe: So in like maner it semeth they dyd in the Articles of these mē, either mistaking that which they sayd, or mysunderstāding that which they ment, espetially in these two articles concerning Baptisme and paying of tithes. For where as they speakyng agaynst the ceremoniall & superfluous traditions then vsed in baptisme, as salt, oyle, spittell, taper light, crisomes, exorcising of the water, with such other, accompted them as no materiall thyng in the holy institution of Baptisme, the notaries slaūderously deprauing this their assertion, to make it more odious to þe eares of þe people, so gaue out þe article as though they should hold that the sacrament of Baptisme vsed in the church by water, is but a light matter and of small effect.

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MarginaliaThese men are falsely slaundered about Baptisme. Agayne, in speaking against the christening þt midwiues vse in priuate houses, against þe opinion of such as thinke such children to be damned, which depart before they come to their Baptisme, they are falsly reported as though they should say, that Christen people be sufficiently baptised in the bloud of Christ, and nedeth no water, & that the infants be sufficiently baptised, if their parentes be baptised before them. Which thyng is so contrary to the manifest word, that it is not to be thought any to be so ignoraunt of the gospell, that euer would or did affirme the same.

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Moreouer, they thought or said peraduenture þt in certaine cases, tithes might be withholden frō wicked priestes sometyme, and be conferred to better vses, to the behoufe of the poore: Therfore they are falsly slaundered, as saying &
