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K. Henry. 6. Persecution in Northfolke and Southfolke.

found a brasse pot standyng ouer the fire with a piece of baken and Otemeale sethyng in it, as the sayd Agnes reported to thys deponent.

There were also besides thys deponent, diuers other sworne and examined vpon the sayd Margery, as Iohn Grimley and Agnes Berthē seruauntes to William Clifland, which altogether confirmed the former depositions.

Thus much we haue thought good to note as cōcernyng Margary Backster, which we haue gathered out of þe old monuments and registers. But what became of her after thys her accusation, because we finde no mention made in the sayd registers, we are not able to declare.

The same yeare also were the lyke depositions made by one William Wright agaynst diuers good men, as here followeth.

MarginaliaIohn Piry.
Iohn Bungay.
Iohn Vsher.
First, thys deponent sayth that William Taylour, told Iohn Piry of Ludney in the house of Iohn Bungay of Beghton, in the presence of I. Bungay. Robert Grigges wright of Martham, and Iohn Vsher, that all the good men of Martham which were fauourers & helpers to that good man William White are euill troubled now a dayes, and that the sayd William White, was a good and holy doctour:MarginaliaWilliā Euerdē. and that the best doctour after hym was William Euerden, which wrought wyth the sayd William Taylour of Ludney by the space of one moneth, and that the first Sonday of the same moneth, the sayde William Euerden did sit all day vpon the table at worke, saying to the sayde William Taylour that he would not goe to church to shew hymselfe a Scribe or Pharisey: and the second Sonday he put on Gentle mans apparell, and went to Norwiche to harken how the Byshop and hys ministers vsed the poore Christians there in prison.

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MarginaliaW. Taylour of Ludney. Also the sayde William Wright, deposed that William Tayloir of Ludney was one of the secte, and went to Lōdon wyth Syr Hue Pye, and had cōuersation often times wyth Syr William White, hauing often conference vpon the Lollardes doctrine.

MarginaliaThe wife and daughter of Tho. Moone. Item, that Auise, wife of Thomas Moone, is of the same sect and fauoured them, and receiueth them often, and also the daughter of Thomas Moone is partly of the same sect, and can read Englishe.

MarginaliaRich. Fletcher. Item, that Richard Fletcher of Beckils, is a most perfect doctour in that sect, and can very well and perfectly expound the holy Scriptures, & hath a booke of the new law in Englishe, which was Syr Hue Pyes first.

MarginaliaNicho. Belward. Item, that Nicolas Belward, sonne of Iohn Belward dwellyng in the parishe of Southelham, is one of the same sect, and hath a new TestamentMarginaliaA new testament then cost foure markes and xl. pence. which he bought at London for iiij. markes and xl. pence, and taught the sayd William Wright and Margery hys wife, and wrought wyth them continually by the space of one yeare, and studied diligently vpon the sayd new Testament.

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MarginaliaThomas Gremner. Itē, that Thomas Gremner Turner of Dychingame is perfect in that sect and law.

MarginaliaIohn Clarke. Iohn Clarke the yonger of Bergh, had the bedding and apparell of William Euerden in hys custody, after the returne of William White from Bergh, and is of the same secte.

MarginaliaWilliam Bate. Item, William Bate, Taylour of Sethyng, and hys wyfe and hys sonne, which can read Englishe very well, are of the same secte.

MarginaliaW. Skiruing. Item, William Skiruyng of Sethyng, receiued Ioane the wyfe of W. White into hys house, beyng brought thether by William Euerden, after their departure from Martham.

MarginaliaW Osberne.
Iohn Reue.
Item, William Osborne of Sethyng, I. Reue Glouer, and Bawdwin Cooper of Beckels are of the same sect.

MarginaliaIohn Pert. Item, Iohn Pert late seruaunt of Thomas Moone, is of the same sect, and can read wel and did read in the presence of William White, and was the first that brought sir Hugh Pye into the company of the Lollardes, which assembled oftentymes together, at the house of the sayd Tho. Moone, and there conferred vpon their doctrine.

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MarginaliaSyr Hugh Pie Priest. Item, Syr Hugh Pye bequeathed to Alice, seruaunt to William White, a new Testament, which they then called the booke of the new law, & was in the custody of Oswald Godfrey of Colchester.

MarginaliaIohn Perker. Iohn Perker Mercer of a village by Ipswich, is a a famous doctour of that secte. Also he sayd that father Abraham of Colchester is a good man.

Item, the sayd William Wright deposeth that it is read in the Prophecies amongest the Lollardes,MarginaliaA prophesie. that the secte of Lollardes shalbe in a maner destroyed: Notwithstandyng at the length the Lollardes shal preuayle, and haue the victory agaynst all their enemyes.

Also, he sayd that Tucke knoweth all of that secte in Suffolke, Norfolke and Essex.

Besides these, there were many other the same yeare troubled, whose names beyng before expressed in the table of Norfolke men, here for breuities sake we omitte further to intreat of, passing ouer to the next yeare folowing which was. 1430.MarginaliaEx Regist. Norw. Ex Regist. Norw.

MarginaliaI. Burrell. IOhn Burrell seruaunt to Thomas Moone of Ludney, in the Dioces of Norwiche, was apprehended and arested for heresie, the ix. day of December, in thys yeare of our Lord 1430. and examined by Maister William Bernam the Byshops commissary, vpon the articles before mentioned, and diuers others hereafter following, obiected agaynst hym.

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In primis, that the Catholicke Church is the soule of euery good Christen man.

MarginaliaLent faste fishe dayes. Item, that no man is bound to fast the Lent or other fastyng dayes appointed by the Church, for they were not appoynted by God, but ordayned by the priestes: and that euery man may eate fleshe or fishe vpon the same dayes indifferently, according to his owne will, & euery friday is a free day to eate both fleshe and fishe indifferently.

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MarginaliaPilgrImage to the poore Item, that pilgrImage ought not to be made but onely vnto the poore.

Item, that it is not lawfull to sweare, but in case of life and death.

MarginaliaMasses for the dead vnprofitable. Item, that Masses and prayers for the dead, are but vayne, for the soules of the dead are eyther in heauen or hel: and there is none other place of Purgatory, but this world. Vpon the which Articles he beyng conuict, was forced to abiure & suffered like penaunce as þe other before had done

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MarginaliaTho. Moon of Ludney. THomas Moone of Ludney, was appprehended and attached for suspition of hereie, against whom were obiected by the Byshop, the articles before written, but specially thys article, that he had familiarity and cōmunication with diuers heretikes, and had receiued, comforted, supported and mayntayned diuers of them,MarginaliaW. White
Hugh Pye,
Tho Pert.
W. Callis,
priestes persecuted.
as sir William White, sir Hugh Pie, Thomas Pert, and William Callis Priestes, with many other more: vpon the which articles, he beyng conuict before the bishop, was forced to abiure, and receiued the lyke penaunce, in lyke maner as before.

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MarginaliaRobert Grigges of Martham. In lyke maner Robert Grigges of Martham was brought before the Byshop the xvij. day of February, in the yeare aforesayd, for holding and affirmyng the foresayd articles, but especially these hereafter followyng.

MarginaliaArticles. That the sacrament of confirmation ministred by the bishop, did auayle nothyng to saluation.

That it was no sinne to withstand the ordinaunces of the Church of Rome.

That holy bread and holy water were but trifles, and that the bread and the water were the worse for the coniurations and characters which the priestes made ouer them.

Vpon which articles he beyng conuict, was forced to abiure, and receiued penance in maner and forme as the other had done before hym.

MarginaliaI. Finch of Colchester. The lyke also (albeit somewhat more sharpe) happened vnto Iohn Finch of Colchester, the xx. day of September, who albeit he was of the dioces of London, being suspecte of heresie, was attached in Ipswich in the Dioces of Norwich, & brought before the bishop there, before whom he beyng conuict of the lyke articles: as all the other before hym, he was enioyned penaunce, three MarginaliaPopishe penaunce. displinges in solemne procession about the Cathedrall Church of Norwich, three seuerall Sondayes, and three displinges about the market place of Norwiche three principall market dayes, his head, necke and feete being bare, and his bodye couered onely with a short shirte or vesture, hauyng in his handes a taper of waxe of a pound waight, which the next Sonday after his penaunce, he should offer to the Trinitie: and that for the space of iij. yeares after, euery Ashwednesday & Maundy Thursday he should appeare in the Cathedrall Church of Norwiche, before the Byshop or his Vicegerent, to do open penance amongest the other penitentiaries, for his offences.

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There were besides these men which we haue here rehersed, diuers and many other, who, both for the concordaunce of the matter, and also for that their Articles and punishmnts were all one, we haue thought good at this time to passe ouer, especially for somuch as their names be before recited in the Cataloge.

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Rich Houeden Martir.
ABout the same time, euē the same yeare. 1430. shortly after the solemne coronation of kyng Henry the vj. a certaine man named Richard Houeden a woll winder, and Citizen of London, receiued also the crowne of
