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K. Henry. The Councell of Basill. The Bohemians.

rather that the dominion of Church matters should be in the power of Christ: and the Prelates, with the other clergy, are but Canonicall administratours in maner of tutors: but they haue more power and administration then tutors, and by constitutyng a Steward or Vicegerent. &c. their cōstitution being duely made, the Steward or Vicegerēt hath the same coactiue power and exercise of iurisdiction.

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Also as touchyng the fourth Article, for the declaration of the first conclusion, it is agreed that these words, Iuste requisita, I. iustly gottē, alledged, therin, determine all things conteyned in the same.

MarginaliaThe goods of the church in whose possession they be properly. Also as touchyng the second conclusion, where as the sacred Canons and holy Doctours speake thus: the goodes of the Church, the substaunce of the Church, and the possessions of the Church, and diuers other opinions there be amongest the Doctoors, in whose power the rule thereof should be, as it is noted in the Glose. Cap expedit. xij. quæst. i:Marginalia12. q. 1. cap. expedit. they do not intend to constrayne any man to any of those opinions, neither to exclude any of them, but that euery mā should haue libertie, probably to mainteine which of them he thinketh best.

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MarginaliaThe clergie be administratours, not Lordes of the temporalties of the church. Moreouer, the Bohemians sayd, that they did beleue that the Clergy are but administrators of the temporalties of the Church, & not Lordes therof, according to the maner of speakyng of the Scriptures, holy Doctours, & Canons. Also the Bohemians sayd, that in all occasions which shall hereafter rise, they would wholy stand to the determination of the iudge, agreed vpō in Egra, with one consent. In this maner did the Ambassadours make aūswere vnto the Bohemians. At the last, after much communication had to and fro, a concord and vnitie was concluded & confirmed by settyng to of their handes.MarginaliaThe agrement betwene the Bohemians & the coūcell.
The Bohemians promised to receiue the peace and vnitie of the Church, and the declaratiō of the iij. articles. This was done in the yeare of our Lord. 1438. About þe feast of S. Martin, it was afterward agreed both by the Ambassadours of the Coūcell, and of Boheme, that whatsoeuer remained, should be determined and agreed vpō, first at Ratisbona: afterward at Bruna in the Dioces of Olymutes: then at Alba in Hungary, before the Emperour Sigismund, but the matter could not be ended in no place.

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At the last the concorde was cōfirmed by writyng with their seales at Inglauia, a Citie of Morauia, the v. day of Iuly in the presence of the Emperour.

¶ Certaine petitions, which the Bohemians put vp last of all in the sacred Councell of Basill. An. 1428. in the moneth of Nouember.

MarginaliaCertaine petitions of the Bohemians put vp to the Councell.
VNto the most reuerend fathers in Christ, and our most gracious Lordes. We the Ambassadors of the kingdome of Boheme, do most hūbly and hartely require you that for the perpetual preseruation of the peace and concorde, and for the firme preseruation of all thynges contained in the composition, you will vouchsafe of your clemencie, to geue and graunt vnto vs all and singular our requestes, here vnder written. with effectual execution of the same.

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First and aboue all thynges, we desire and require you, for the extirpation of diuers dissensions and controuersies, which will vndoubtedly folow amongest our people vpō the diuersitie of the communion, & for the abolishyng of infinite euils, which we are not able to expresse as we haue conceiued them, that you will gentilly vouchsafe of your goodnes & liberalitie,MarginaliaThe cōmunion in both kindes to be generally graunted. to geue, graunt & cōmaund, vnto our kingdome of Boheme, & Marquesdom of Morauia, one vniforme order of the cōmunion vnto all men, vnder both kyndes: that is to say, vnto the Archb. of Prage, the Byshop of Luthonus, Olimutz, & other Prelats of the kyngdome and Marquesdome. hauyng charge of soules, & to their vicares, & also to their flockes & subiectes, & that accordyng to those things which are contained in the Bull of the Ambassadours, & in the cōpositiōs made in the name of the whole Coūcell, written in the chap. Pro firmitate, where it is thus sayd, and all other thynges shalbe done, which shalbe meete and necessary for the preseruation of the peace and vnitie. For this done by your benefite, the whole kyngdome shalbe comforted aboue measure, and established in brotherly loue: whereby an vniforme subiectiō & obedience shalbe perpetually attributed vnto the holy Church.

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Item, we require and desire (as before) that for the auoydyng of all false suspition & doubtfulnes of many, which suppose that the sacred Coūcell hath graunted the sayd Cōmunion vnder both kyndes vnto vs but for a tyme, as neither profitable nor wholsome, but as the libell of diuorcement: that you will vouchsafe, accordyng to this chapter alledged in the cōpositions: First they sayd, that it was not the entent of the sacred Councell, &c. wholesomely and spedely to prouide for our safety & your graūt in this behalfe, and wt the buls of your letters, to cōfirme that chapter together wt the other, perteInyng to the office of your Ambassadours.

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Item, we besech you (as afore) that for the confirmatiō of obedience, & for þe discipline of all the Clergy, & for the finall defēce & obseruation of all things determined & agreed vpō, & for the good order in spiritualties,MarginaliaTo haue a good and lawfull pastor, & byshop. ye will vouchsafe effectually to prouide for vs a good and lawfull pastor, Archbyshops & bishops, which shall seeme vnto vs most meete & acceptable for our kyngdome, to execute those offices and dueties.

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Item, we require you (as aforesayd) that your fatherly reuerēces will vouchsafe, for the defence of the worthy fame of the kyngdome and Marquesdome, to declare and shewe our innocencie, in that they haue communicated, do,MarginaliaFree communiō vnder both kindes to be permitted to all princes. and hereafter shall communicate vnder both kyndes: to geue out, ordaine, and direct the letters of the sacred Councell, in maner and forme most apt and meete for such declaration, vnto all Princes, as well secular as spirituall, Cities and communalties, accordyng to the cōpositions, and as the Lordes the Ambassadours are bounde vnto vs for to do.

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Item, we desire you, that in the discussing of the matter for the Communion vnder both kindes, & of the cūmaundement therof geuen vnto all faythfully, ye will not procede otherwise then accordyng to the concordatum agreed vpon in Egra: that is to say, accordyng to the law of God, the order of Christ, and his Apostles, the generall Councels, and the myndes of the holy Doctours, truly grounded vpon the law of God.

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Item, we desire that your fatherly reuerences, considering the great affection of our people, will geue vs the desired libertie to communicate vnto the younger sort, the Sacrament of the Supper. For if this vse of communicatyng should be takē away, which our kyngdome being godly moued by the writynges of most great and holy Doctours, and brought in by examples, hath receiued as Catholicke, and exercised now a long tyme: verely it should rayse vp an intolerable offence amōgest the people, and their myndes wold be greuously vexed and troubled.

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MarginaliaThe Gospels & Epistles to be red in the vulgare tongue. Itē we require you (as before) that for like causes your fatherly reuerences, would vouchsafe to permit, at the least the Gospells, Epistles, and Creede to be song and read in the Church in our vulgare toūg, before the people, to moue thē vnto deuotiō:MarginaliaThe Scriptures read in the Slauons tounge of old tyme for in our Slauon language it hath bene vsed of old in the Church, and likewise in our kyngdome.

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Itē, we require you in the name of the sayd kyngdome, and of the famous Vniuersitie of Prage, that your fatherly reuerences would vouchsafe to shew such diligence and care towardes the desired reformation of that Vniuersitie, that accordyng to the maner and forme of other Vniuersities reformed by the Church, Prebendes and collations of certaine benefices of Cathedrall & Parish Churches,MarginaliaIncorporations to be graunted to vniuersities, an vnlawfull request. may be annexed and incorporate vnto the sayd Vniuersitie, that thereby it may be increased and preferred.

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Itē, we desire you (as before) as hartly as we may, and also (sauyng alwayes your fatherly reuerence) require you, and by the former compositions we most instantly admonish you, that with your whole myndes and endeuours, & with all care & study,MarginaliaA request for necessary reformation & discipline. your reuerences will watch & seeke for that long desired & most necessary reformatiō of the Church and Christian Religion, & effectually labour for the rootyng out of all publike euils, as well in the head, as in the members, as you haue often promised to do in our kingdome, in the cōpositiōs, and as our fourth Article, touchyng the auoydyng of all publicke euils, doth exact and require.

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There were certaine aunswers prouided by the Coūcel, to these petitiōs of the Bohemiās, which were not deliuered vnto them, but kept backe, for what purpose or intent we know not. Wherfore, because we thought thē not greatly necessary for this place, & also to auoyde prolixitie, we haue iudged it meete at this present to omitte thē. Thus haue ye heard compendiously the chief & principall matters intreated & done in this famous Councell of Basill. And here (to conclude withall) we haue thought good to declare vnto you, for the ayde & helpe of the ignoraūt people (which iudge many thynges to be of longer tyme & continuaunce, thē in deede they be, & therupō haue established a great part of their opinions) how that, toward the latter end of this Coūcell,MarginaliaThe conception of our Lady brought into the Church. that is to say in the. xxxvj. Session of the same, holdē the xvij. day of September, in the yeare of our Lord. 1439. the feast of the Cōnception of our Lady, was ordained to be holden and celebrate yearely.MarginaliaThe visitation of our Ladye brought in In like case also in the. xliiij. Sessiō of the same Councell, holden the first day of Iuly, an. 1441. was ordained the feast of the Visitation of our Lady, to be celebrate and holden yearely in the moneth of Iuly. We haue also thought it good, before we do ende this story, to annexe hereunto certaine decrees, profitably and wholesomely ordayned in the sayd Councell, agaynst the inordinate geuyng

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