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K. Edw. 4. Fredericus. 2. Troubles in Hungary, Boheme, and Austria.


¶ To Austria be ad-
ioynyng also certayne
Prouinces and earle-
domes, as


¶ This Vngaria, was first cal-
led Pannonia, or Pœonia.
After the cōmyng of the Hu-
nes, it was called Hungaria.
Out of the which came Attila, which
destroyed Italye, about the
yeare of the Lord. 440.
Through Vngaria, rūneth Da-
nubius, hauyng on the West
side, Austria, & Bohemia, on
the East, Seruia, on þe South-
side, Polonia. &c. The most of
this Hūgary, is now vnder þe
Turke: which Turkes first
came into Europe. an. 1211.
or Beraun.
Bruck. Most.
Gretz. Hradetz.
Maut. Myto.
Dub. Biela.
Loket. Teplitz.
Hantzburg. Zbrasslau.
Labe. Vltawa.

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MarginaliaGeorge Pogiebracius. After the death of Ladislaus, þe kyngdome of Boheme fell to George Pogiebracius aboue mentioned, whom pope Innocent the 8viij. did excōmunicate and depose for his Religion, as is afore declared.MarginaliaMathias Huniades. Furthermore, the kyngdome of Hūgary, was geuen to Mathias sonne of Huniades, who was in captiuitie (as is sayd) with kyng Ladislaus, and should haue bene put to death after his brother, had not the kyng before bene preuented with death, as is aboue recorded. Moreouer, here is to be noted that the sayd kyng Ladislaus, thus dying without wife & issue, left behynd hym two sisters aliue: to witte, Elizabeth, which was maried to Casimirus kyng of Polonie: and Anna, maryed to Williā, Duke of Saxonie. Elizabeth by her husband Casimirus king of Polonia, had Vladislaus, who at length was king both of Boheme and Hungary. This Casimirus, first was maried to Beatrix, wife before to Mathias. Then beyng diuorced from her by the dispensation of pope Alexander, maryed a new wife a Countesse of Fraunce, by whom he had two children, Lewes, and Anna. Lewes which was heyre of both kyngdomes of Boheme and Hungary, was slayne fightyng agaynst the Turkes, Anna was maryed to Ferdinandus by whom he was Archduke of Austria, kyng of Boheme. &c.

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left onely
one daugh

wife to Al-
Who had 3.

Ladislaus, kyng of Hun-
gary, Boheme
, and

Elizabeth with of Ca-
, kyng of Po-
Who had

Anna, wife to Willliam
Duke of Saxon.

Vladislaus, kyng of Bo-
heme and Hungary,
Who by hys second
wife, Countesse of
Fraunce, had

Ludouicus, kyng
of Boheme &

Anne, wife to Fer
, fa-
ther to thys
Maximilian now Empe-

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MarginaliaWarre betwene Mathias & Fridericke the Emperour. Ye heard before, how after the deceasse of Ladislaus, the Hungarians by their electiō, preferred Mathias surnamed Coruinus, which was sonne of Huniades, to the kingdome of Hungary. For which cause dissension fell betwene Fridericke the Emperour & him, for that the sayd Fridericke was both nominated himselfe by diuers vnto that kyngdome, & also because he had the crown of Hungary then remainyng in his hands, which Elizabeth mother to K. Ladislaus, had brought to the emperour, as was before declared. But this warre betwen them, was ceased by the intercession of the Princes of Germany, so that Mathias raūsomed that crowne of Fridericke for 8000. florences.

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Not long after, Pope Innocent beyng displeased withMarginaliaGeorge Pogiebracius by the pope deposed frō his kingdome, for fauouring of Iohn Hus. George Pogiebracius (or Boiebracius) king of Bohemia, for fauouryng of Iohn Hus, & his Religion, that is to say, for playng the part of a godly Prince, did excommunicate and depose him, cōferryng his kyngdome to Mathias. But for somuch as Fridericke the Emperour would not thereto consent, & especially after the death of þe foresayd George, when the Emperour and the Bohemians, leauyng out Mathias, did nominate Vladislaus sonne of Casimirus, kyng of Polonie, and of Elizabeth, to be kyng of Boheme, therfore great warre & trouble kindled betwene him & Fridericke the Emperour:MarginaliaAlbert duke of Saxonie. Wherein the Emperour had vtterly gone to ruine, had not Albertus Duke of Saxonie rescued the Emperour, and repressed the vehemencie of Mathias.

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MarginaliaThe noble actes of Ioh. & Mathias Huniades, agaynst the Turkes. The noble actes of Iohn Huniades, and of this Mathias his sonne, were not onely great stayes to Hūgary, but almost to all Christendome, in repellyng backe the Turke. For beside the other victories of Iohn Huniades the father, afore mentioned, this Mathias also his sonne succedyng no lesse in the valiauntnes, then in the name of his father,MarginaliaSyrmium & the borders of Illyrica recouered frō the Turkes. did so recouer Sirmium, and the confines of Illyrica, from the handes of the Turkes, & so vāquished their power, that both Mahometes, & also Baiazetes his sonne, were enforced to seeke for truce.

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MarginaliaIaitza recouered. Ouer and besides, the same Mathias, conducting hys army into Bosna (which lyeth South from Hungary) recouered agayne Iaitza, the principall towne of that kyngdome, from the Turkes possession. Who, if other Christen Princes had ioyned their helpes withall, would haue pro ceded farther into Thracia.MarginaliaThe subtile practise of Sathan to stoppe good proceedinges. But behold here the malitious subtiltie of Sathā, workyng by the Pope. For while Mathias was thus occupyed in hys expedition agaynst the Turkes, wherein he should haue bene set forward and ayded by Christen Princes, and Byshoppes:MarginaliaPope Innocent stirreth warre betwene Christen Princes. the Byshop of Rome, wickedly and sinfully ministreth matter of ciuill discord betwene him and Pogiebracius aforesayd, in remouing him from the right of his kyngdome, and transferryng the same to Mathias. Wherupon, not onely the course of victory agaynst the Turkes was stopped, but also great warre & bloudshed folowed in Christen realmes, as well betwene this Mathias, & Pogiebracius, with his. ij. sonnes Victorinus & Henricus, as also betwene Casimirus, Vladislaus, and Mathias warring about Vratislauia, till at length the matter was taken vp by the Princes of Germanie.

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MarginaliaThe Popes excōmunicatiō not obeyed of diuers in Bohemia. Albeit, for all the execrable excommunication of the pope agaynst Pogiebracius, a great part of Boheme would not be remoued from the obedience of their kyng, whom the pope had cursed, and deposed:MarginaliaMathias adioyned Morauia & part of Slesia vnto Hungarie.
An. 1474.
yet Mathias tooke from him Morauia, and a great portion of Slesia, and adioyned it to his kyngdome of Hungarie. an. 1474.

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MarginaliaThe religiō of the Bohemians, defended by God against the 4. greatest princes in Europe. ¶ Where this by the way is to be noted, that the Religion in Bohemia, plāted by Iohn Hus, could not be extinct or suppressed withall the power of iiij. mighty princes, Venceslaus, Sigismundus, Albertus, and Ladislaus, notwithstādyng they with the popes, d:d therein what they possibly could: but still the Lord maynteined the same, as ye see by this Poggiebracius kyng of Boheme, whom the pope could not vtterly remoue out of the kyngdome of Bohemia.

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MarginaliaMathias a great louer of learning and of learned men. This forementioned Mathias, beside his other memorable actes of Chiualry, is no lesse also commended for his singular knowledge and loue of learnyng and of learned mē, whom he with great stipendes, procured into Pannonia: where by the meanes of good letters, and furniture of learned men, he reduced in short space the barbarous rudenesse of that countrey, into a florishyng common wealth. Moreouer, such a Library he did there erect, and replenish with all kynde of authours, sciences, and hystories, which he caused to be translated out of Greeke into Latine, as the lyke is thought not to be founde, next to Italy, in all Europe beside. Out of which Library we haue receaued diuers frag-

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