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K. Henry. 7. The history and tyranny of the Turkes.

MarginaliaThis is with teares rather then with wordes to be expressed.petually with alians, barbarous and blasphemous Turkes and so to become of the number of them, whiche are called fatherles and motherles:

MarginaliaPrinie Gospellers in Turkie. Albeit the same children  

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This description of covert Christianity under the Ottomans, and of aprophecy of Christian overthrow of the Turks, are all taken from BartolomeoGeorgivits, De origine imperii Turcorum as excerpted in Theodore Bibliander,Machumetis Saracenorum principis…Alcoran (Basel, 1550), III, p. 179..

afterward do greatly degenerate from the fayth of Christ, yet very many of them haue priuely about them the Gospell written of S. Iohn, In principio erat verbum. &c. whiche for a token or remembraunce of their Christian fayth, they cary vnder their armehole, written in greke and Arabie:MarginaliaAn olde propheseie of the Turkes touching the sword of the Christians. Who greatly desyre and long looke for the reuengyng sworde of the Christians to come & deliuer them out of their dolorous thraldome and captiuitie accordyng as the Turkes them selues haue a Prophecie, and greatly stand in feare of the same. Wherof more shall be sayd (Christ willyng) in the Chapter folowing.

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¶ And thus haue  

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The following remarks on the afflictions of Christians under Ottomanrule and the need to make them known to English readers, are Foxe's own comments.

ye heard þe lamtable afflictiōs of our Christian brethren vnder the cruel tyranny and captiuitie of the Turkes, passing all other captiuities that euer haue ben to Gods people, either vnder Pharao in Egypte, or vnder Nabuchodonosor in Babylon, or vnder Antiochus in the tyme of the Mechabees. Vnder the whiche captiuitie, if it so please the Lord to haue his spouse the Church to be nurtured, his good will be done and obeyed. But if this miserie come through the negligence and discorde of our Christian guides and leaders, then haue we to pray and crye to our lord our god, eyther to geue better hartes to our guides and rulers, or els better guides and rulers vnto his flocke.

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And these troubles and afflictions of our Christen brethren suffered by the Turkes, I thought good and profitable for our countrey people here of Englande to knowe, for somuche as by the ignoraunce of these and such lyke historyes worthy of consideration, I see much inconuenience doth folow.MarginaliaNecessary for many causes that the troubles of the churche be knowen Whereby it commeth to passe, that because we Englishe men beyng farre of from these countreys, and litle knowyng what miserie is abroad, are the lesse moued with zeale and compassion, to tender their greuaunces, & to pray for them, whose troubles we know not. Wherupon also foloweth, that we not consideryng the miserable state of other are the lesse greateful to God, when any tranquillitie by hym to vs is graunted. And if any litle cloude of perturbation arise vpon vs, be it neuer so litle, as pouertie, losse of liuing, or a litle banishement out of our countrey for the Lordes cause, we make a great matter thereat: and all because we goyng no further then our own countrey, and onely feelyng our owne crosse, do not compare that which wee feele, with the great crosses, whereunto the Churches of Christ cōmonly in other places abroad, are subiecte, Which if we did rightly vnderstande and earnestly consider and pōder in our myndes, neither would wee so excessiuelye forgette our selues in tyme of our prosperitie geuen vs of God: nor yet so impatiently be troubled, as we are in time of our aduersitie: and all because either we heare not, or els we ponder not the terrible crosses which the Lord layeth vpon our other brethren abroad in other nations, as by this present story here prefixed may appeare.

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MarginaliaThe largenes of the turkes dominions declared. NOwe consequently remayneth,  

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Ottoman dominions

This description of the extent of the Ottoman empire may seem thegreatest disgression in Foxe's apparently discursive account of the Turks. But it serves one important purpose: to demonstrate, if not magnify, the power and extent of the Ottoman empire. This supports Foxe's identification of the Ottomans as a diabolical power, if not, indeed, Antichrist itself. Foxe's emphasis on how the Turks(and other Moslems) overran formerly Christian countries also supports his interpre-tation of the 'defections' mentioned in 2 Thess. 2 as the conversion of Christians toIslam, which further reinforces the identification of the Ottomans as Antichrist.

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The geographical information in this section is obtained from two works: PiusII's Cosmographia and Sebastian Münster's Cosmographiae universalis. Thomas S. Freeman
University of Sheffield

as I haue shewed hetherto what tyranny hath bene vsed of the Turkes against Christes people, so to declare lykewise, how farre this tyranny of the turkes hath extended and spread it selfe, describing as in a table, to the Christen reader what landes, countreys, and kyngdomes the Turkes haue wonne and got from Christendome: to the entent that when Christen princes shall behold the greatnes of the Turkes dominions spread almost through all the worlde, and how litle a part of Christianitie remayneth behind, they may thereby vnderstand the better, how it is tyme now for them to bestyrre them, if euer they thinke to doe any good in Gods Church. And therfore to make a compendious draught as in a briefe table, of such countreys, kyngdomes, and dominions gotte from vs by the Turkes, wee will first begyn with Asia, describing what tractes, countreyes, cities and Churches the Turke hath surprised and violently plucked away from the societie of Christian dominions, taking onely such as be most principall, and chiefly them that bee in Scripture conteyned, for that it were to long to discourse all and singular such places by name, as the Turke hath vnder hys subiection.

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The world being deuided commonly into three partes, Asia, Africa, and Europa.  

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Foxe, like many European scholars of his era, considered the Americasas part of Asia, particularly as this conformed to the ancient division of the world intothree continents.

Asia is counted to be the greatest in compasse, conteynyng as much as both the other, and is deuided into ij. portions the one called Asia Maior: The other called Asia Minor. And although the Imperie of þe Turke extendeth vnto them both: yet especially his dominion standeth in the other Asia, whiche is called Asia Minor, which reacheth from the coastes of Europe, vnto Armenia Maior, beyonde the ryuer Euphrates, and comprehendeth these regions and Cities vnder writen.

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¶ The deuision of Asia Minor,  
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This description of Asia Minor is taken from Pius II, Cosmographia(Paris, 1509), fos. 34v-78v.

called Cheronesus with the particular Countreys and Cities belongyng to the same.

Countreys. Cities.

Pontus. Act. 2MarginaliaApamea is a citie in Bithynia: also an other in Mesopotamia: Apamea Cybotus also a citie in great Phryigia, and an other also in Parthia.
Bithinia. Act 16

Prursa or Bursa.

¶ Natolia, or Anatolia, conteyneth diuers countreys, with theyr Cities, as foloweth.

Mysia Minor.
(Act. 16MarginaliaPhrygia Minor in Ptolomie is called Troas.
Phrygia Minor.
(Act. 2
Troas. Act. 20
Mysia Maior.
(Act. 16
Phrygia Maior.
Act. 2
Lydia. Esay. 66MarginaliaAt Carura, a certayne bande with a company of harlots, being there lodged, sodeinly happened an earthquake in the citie, wherin the sayde bande with all his strompets were swallowed vp. Pius. 2. papa. lib. Descriptione. cap. 61.
Caria. 1. Mach. 15

Cyzicus. Parium.
or Troi-
as. Act. 16
Assus. Act. 20
Adramitium. Act. 27
Hierapolis. Col. 4
Smyrna. Apoc 2
Laodicia. Apoc. 3
Thatyra. Apo. 2
Philadelphia. Apo. 3
Pergamus. Apo. 2
Ephesus. Apo. 2
Sardis. Apoc. 3
(Mach. 15.
Miletus. Act 20

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¶ Thus farre reacheth the compasse of Natolia.

Lycia Act. 27
Colossæ. Col 1
Patara. Act. 21
Myra. Act. 27

Galatia vel Gal
logrecia. Act. 16


Pāphilia. Act. 2

Perga. Act. 13
Artalia. Act. 14
Phaselis. Mach. 15

Pisidia. Act.

Comana Pontica.
Amasia vel Eupa-
toria.MarginaliaHere Basilius Magnus was Byshop.
Maza, vel

Here Gregorius

was bishop.
Armenia Minor.
Comana, Cappado-

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