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K. Henry. 7. Prophecies concerning the Turkes and Antichrist.

be saued by their workes and demerites, and not by their fayth onely in the sonne of God, of what title and profession els soeuer they be: especially if they vse the like force and violence for the same, as he doth. &c.

Of the tyranny of this Antiochus aforesayd, and of the tribulations of the Church in the latter tymes both of the Iewes Church and also of the Christian Church to come, let vs heare & consider the wordes of Daniell in xj. chap. & also in his vij. chap. prophecyng of the same as foloweth.  

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For what follows see Daniel 11:30-45.

MarginaliaDaniell. cap. 11. He shall returne and freat agaynst the holy couenaunt: so shall he do, he shall euen returne and haue intelligence with them that forsake the holy couenaūt. And armes shal stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the dayly sacrifice, and they shal set vp the abominable desolatiō. And such as wickedly breake the couenaunt, shall flatter with him deceatfully: but the people that do know their God, shall preuayle and prosper. And they that vnderstand among the people, shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by sword and by flame by captiuitie and by spoyle many dayes.

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Now when they shall fall, they shalbe holpen with a litle helpe: but many shall cleaue vnto them faynedly. And some of them of vnderstandyng shal fall to be tryed, and to be purged, and to make them white, till the tyme be out: for there is a tyme appointed. And the kyng shall do what him lyst: he shall exalte himselfe, and magnifie himselfe agaynst all that is God, and shall speake maueilous thyngs against the God of Gods, and shall prospere, till the wrath be accomplished: for the determinatiō is made. Neither shal he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desires of womē, nor care for any God: for he shall magnifie himselfe aboue all. But in his place shal he honour the God Mauzzim, and the God whom his fathers knew not, shall he honour with gold and with siluer, and with precious stones, and pleasaunt thynges.

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Thus shall hee doe in the holdes of Mauzzim with a straunge God, whom he shall acknowledge: he shall increase his glory, and shall cause them to rule ouer many, and shall diuide the land for gayne. And at the end of tyme, shall the kyng of the South push at him, and the kyng of the North shall come agaynst him like a whirle wynde, with charets, and with horsemen, and with many shyppes, and he shall enter into the countreys, and shall ouerflow and passe thorough. He shall enter also into the pleasaunt land, and many countreys shalbe ouerthrowen: but these shal escape out of his hand, euen Edom and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hands also vpon the coūtreys, and the land of Ægypt shall not escape. But he shall haue power ouer the treasures of gold and of siluer, and ouer all the precious thynges of Ægypt, and of the Lybians, and of the blacke Mores where he shall passe. But the tydynges out of the East and the North, shall trouble hym: therfore he shall go forth with great wrath to destroy and roote out many: And he shall plant the tabernacles of hys palace betwene the seas, in the glorious and holy moūtaine, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall helpe him.

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To this place of Daniell aboue prefixed, might also be added the Prophesie of the sayd Daniell writen in the vij.  

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Daniel 7:7-18.

chapter and much tendyng to the lyke effect: Where he intreatyng of his vision of foure beastes (whiche signifie the iiij. Monarchies) and speakyng now of the fourth Monarchie, hath these wordes.

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MarginaliaDaniel. cap. 7. After this I saw in the visions by night, and behold, the iiij. beast was grimme and horrible, and maruelous strong. It had great yron teeth: it deuoured, and brake in peeces, and stamped the residue vnder his feete: and it was vnlyke the other beastes that were before it, for it had ten hornes. As I considered the hornes, behold there came vp amōg them, an other litle horne, before whom there were iij. of the first hornes pluckt away. And behold, in this horne, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speakyng presumptuous thynges, and seemed more stoute then the other. Whiche horne also (whē I looked on) made battaile with the saints and preuailed agaynst them: vntill the old aged came, and iudgemēt was geuen to the Saintes of the highest, and till the appointed time was come, that the Saintes should haue the kyngdome.

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Thus haue ye heard the playne wordes of Daniell. In the which, as he doth manifestly describe the commyng of Antiochus the great aduersary, toward the latter end of the Iewes: so by the same Antiochus is figured also to vs the great aduersary of Christ, which is the Turke.

MarginaliaVide Rodulphum Guali de Antichristo. Although some there be notwithstandyng, which with great learning & iudgement, do apply this place of Daniell aboue recited, not to the Turke, but rather to the pope, and that for vj. or vij. speciall causes herein touched and noted.  

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These arguments are from the fourth homily of Rudolph Walther's De antichristo. See Rudolph Walther, Antichrist, trans. J[ohn] O[ld] (London, 1556), STC 25009, fos. 15r-147v.

MarginaliaThe first note. The first is this, that the wicked transgressours of the couenaunt shall ioyne with him deceatfully and hypocritically, which shall pollute the tabernacle of strength, and take away the perpetuall sacrifice, and bryng in the abhomination of desolation.

MarginaliaThe second note. The second note is, that the Prophet declareth, how the learned among the people shall teach many, & that they shal fall into the sword into fire, and captiuitie, and shall be banished, whereby they shall be tryed, chosen, and made bright and pure. &c. All which (say they) is not amōg the Turkes to be sene, but onely in the popes Church: where the faythful preachers and teachers of the people, are slayne, and burned, and go to wracke. &c. Where likewise it foloweth, that they shall be holpen agaynst Antichrist, and that many false brethren shall ioyne vnto them dissemblyngly &c.MarginaliaHelpes of the Christians agaynst the Pope. To this they alledge that the Christians haue no such helpe agaynst the Turke, whereunto such false brethren should ioyne thē selues, as is and hath bene commonly sene among the Christians agaynst the Pope, from tyme to tyme, almost in all coūtreys: as in Germany by the Protestantes and free Cities: In Englād, in kyng Henries tyme by the Lord Crōwell, and afterward by kyng Edward, and now by Queene Elizabeth: In Scotland by þe godly nobilitie: In Fraunce, by the Queene of Nauarre & her sonne: also by the Prince of Condy and the worthy Admirall, and his two brethren, and many others: In Flaunders, by them whom the Regent calleth Beggers: So as was in the tyme of the Machabees, agaynst Antiochus.

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MarginaliaThe thyrd note. Thirdly, that the kyng shal exalte himselfe aboue all that hath the name of God, and shall lift vp his mouth to speake presumptuously agaynst God.

MarginaliaThe fourth note. Fourthly, that he careth not for the desires of women: which may seeme to note how the Popes doctrine shal forbyd the honest and lawfull Mariage in Churchmen.

MarginaliaThe fift note. The fift specialtie which they apply to the Pope, is that foloweth in the Prophet, saying: Neither shall he regarde the God of his fathers, nor any God:MarginaliaMauzim the popes God. but in steade of him, shall set vp his God Mauzzim, and shall worship him with siluer, and gold, & pretious stone. &c. Which they do apply to the pope, settyng vp his God of bread, & worshyppyng him with glisteryng golden ornamentes, & most solemne seruice.

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MarginaliaThe sixt note. Sixtly, it foloweth: & he shall encrease them with much glory and riches, and shal diuide vnto them, landes and possessions. &c. meanyng that the Pope hauyng dominion ouer treasures of gold siluer, and all precious thynges of the land, shall indue his Cardinals, Prelats, his flattering doctours, with Friers and Monkes & Priestes, and all such as shal take his part, with great priuilegies, liberties, reuenues and possessions. And thus, I say, some there be, which apply this Prophesie of the vij. and xj. chapter of Daniell,MarginaliaThe vij. and xj chapt. of Daniel, meaneth the great Antichrist the turke. vnto the Bishop of Rome. Whom although I take to be an extreme persecutour of Christes Church: yet I iudge rather those two chapters of Daniel cōcernyng the litle horne in the middle of the x. hornes, and the great destroyer of the pleasaunt land and glorious holy mountaine, to meane first Antiochus, and by him secondly to meane the great Antichrist, the Turke: who hath now set already þe tabernacles of his palace betwene the seas, accordyng to the Prophesie of Daniel, as is aboue sayd.

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Ouer and besides these Prophesies aboue alledged, may be added also the Prophesie of Ezechiel chap. 39. speakyng of Gog and Magog:  

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Ezekiel 39:1-29.

MarginaliaEzech. cap. 38. 39.
Gog and Magog.
which as it may be applyed to the oppression of the Iewes vnder the Heathen multitude, which stopped the buildyng of the Citie, and vnder the Syrian kynges: &c. yet in the same also is expressed the calamities & afflictions of Christes Church in these latter tymes, vnder the Saracenes and the Turkes. &c.

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MarginaliaThe prophisies of the new Testament, concerning the turke. Procedyng further in this matter, let vs come now to the Prophesies of the new Testament, & marke þe wordes of S. Paule writyng to the *Marginalia* 2. Thessal. 2. Thessolonians, whiche then were Christened, and now either are Turkishe, or vnder the Turke, which words be these:  

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2 Thess. 2:2-4.

Be ye not sodenly moued in your mynde, nor troubled, neither by spirite, nor by word, nor by letter as sent from vs, as though the day of Christ were at hād. Let no mā deceaue you by any meanes, for the Lord will not come, before there come a defection, or a departyng first, and that wicked man be reueled, the sonne of perdition, which is an aduersary and is extolled aboue all power, and that which is called God: so that he shal sit in the temple of God, boastyng himselfe to be God. &c.MarginaliaThe defectiō in time of Antichrist declared. Although this defection  
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In an unusual piece of exegesis, Foxe is interpreting the 'defection'usually regarded as a reference to apostasy by exegetes, of the conversion to Islamof regions in the Middle East and North Africa that were formerly Christian.

and departing may haue a double vnderstādyng, as well of the Popes sect (which is gone & departed frē the free iustification by fayth onely in Christ, thorough the promise of grace) as of the Turkes: yet lea-

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