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K. Henr. 7. Prophesies concerning the Turkes and Antichrist.

MarginaliaThe prophecie of Hildegardis and Brigitte, of the Turkes. As touchyng Hildegardis and Brigit, and other whō the Frenche call Bardi for their songes & propheticall verses, sufficient hath bene alleged before out of Auentinus  

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See Joannes Aventinus, Annalium Boiorum (Ingolstadt, 1554), p. 301.

: Who in his thyrd booke of Chronicles writing of the testimonies of Hildegard, Brigit and Bardi, semeth to ground vpon them, that the Turkes, whether we will or not, shall haue their Imperiall seate at Colen:MarginaliaEx Auentino lib. 3. Annasium.
A caueat to England.
And I pray God, that it come not to passe, that the Turke do geue some attempt agaynst England by the seas, before that he come to Colen by land. &c.

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Breuitie causeth me to cut of many testimonies and reuelations of these abouesayd, or els I could here rehearse the propheticall wordes of Brigit lib. 4. cap. 57. concernyng the Citie and Churche of Rome, whiche, as she saith  

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See Memoriale effigatum librorum prophetiarum seu visonum B. Brigidae (Rome, 1556), sig. S4v. For those using a different edition of St. Bridget's writings, it should be noted that Foxe's citation of the book and chapter are correct.

,MarginaliaEx Brigitta. lib. 4. cap. 57.
Prophecies of Brigitte against Rome.
must be purged and scoured with iij. thyngs: to witte, with sharpe sworde, with fire, and with the plough. and that God will do with that Citie, as one that remoueth plants out of one place vnto an other: and finally that the citie of Rome shall susteine the sentence, as if a Iudge should commaunde the skinne to be flayne of, the bloud to be drawne from the fleshe, and the fleshe to be cut in small peeces, and the bones therof to be broken, so that all the mary may be quysed out from the same. &c. But for breuitie I let Brigitte, passe, and some thyng will declare out of Erythrea Sybilla, in her booke of prophecies found in S. Georges Churche in Venyce  
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Foxe is during these prophecies, atributed to the Erythraen Sibyl from Berthold Pürstringer's Onus ecclesiae. Pürstringer, the bishop of Chiemese (1508-25), was dedicated to the reform of the church and he was also a staunch opponent of Lutheranism. The Onus ecclesiae, first published anonymously in 1524, is a call to repentance and reform. Pürstringer uses the Sibylline prophecies to support his view that the Turks are an instrument of God's judgement. I have used the second edition of this work, published in Venice in 1531.

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:MarginaliaThe prophecies of Sybilla Eritbrea, named Eriphila. Where shee prophecying manye thyngs of the byrth of Christ vnder Augustus, and of the byrth of Iohn Baptist, and of Baptisme, of the Apostiles, of the conuersion of the Gentils, and of Constantinus. &c. hath these woordes  
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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y1v.

:MarginaliaEx Sybilla Erithrea in suo Nazilographo. imperiali scripto. After that the peaceable Bull shall conclude all the climes of the world vnder tribute, in those dayes a heauenly lambe shall come: and the dayes shall come, whē the power of the flowyng streame shall be magnified in water, and the Lyon the Monarche shall be conuerted to the lambe, which shall shyne to all men, and subuert Kingdomes.

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Moreouer sayth Sybilla  

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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y1v.

,MarginaliaProphecies of Sybilla of Christ. In the latter age God shal be humbled, and the diuine ofspryng shall be abased, and deitie shall be ioyned with humanitie, the lambe shall lye in hay, and God and man shalbe bredde vp vnder a maydens attendance, signes and wonders shall go before amongest the circumcised. &c. Also, an aged woman shall conceaue a child hauyng knowledge of thinges to come. The Worlde shall meruell at Boxxxtes (the starre) whiche shall be a leader to hys byrth. He hauyng 32. feete,MarginaliaBy his feete is supposed to be ment the yeares of hys age. and vi. thumbes shall chuse to hym selfe out of fishers and abiectes, the number of xij. and one deuill, not with sword nor with battell. &c. And afterwarde thus foloweth moreouer, in Sybilla, saying  
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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y1v.

: *Marginalia* The lambe lying &c. that is, The Church without trauell shal be mainteyned with some liuing or possessions of cheife rulers. The health of the lambe lyeng shall be clothed with a few spoiles of the Lyon. Blacke shall be turned into red. He shall subdue the citie of Æneas, and kinges, but in the hooke of the fisher, In deiection, and pouertie he shall conquere riches, and shall tread downe pride with his owne death, In the night he shall ryse vp and be chaunged, hee shall lyue and reigne, and all these thynges shall be consummated, and regeneration (or new thynges) be made: at last he shall iudge both good and euill. &c. And this much briefly collected out of Sybilla Erythrea concerning Christ our Lord.

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Furthermore touchyng the state and course of þe Church, and of Antichrist, it foloweth in the sayd Sybille saying  

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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sigs.Y1v and Y2r.

: Then shall iiij. Wynged beastesMarginaliaBy these foure beastes is ment the 4. Monarchies of the world, that is, the multitude of all the kyngdomes of the Gentiles, as is in the Apocal. rise vp in testimonie, they shall sound out with trumpets the name of the lambe, sowyng righteousnes, and the law irreprehensible. Agaynst which law, the beast shall gaynstand, and the abhomination and frothe of the dragon. But a meruelous starre shall ryse, hauyng the image of the iiij. beastes, and shall be in a meruelous multitude, he shall bring light to the greekes, and shall illustrate the world: The lake of the fisher shall bring the name of the lambe with power into the Citie of Eneas, vnto the ende of the world (or tyme.) Then in the Citie of Eneas,MarginaliaBy the Citie of Eneas is ment Rome. the starre ioyned, shall loose such as were bound of the deuill, and therof he shall reioyse and glorie, and glorious shall be his end. &c.

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After this, Sybilla writyng (as it semeth) of Antichrist, importeth these wordes  

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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y2r.

:MarginaliaThe prophesies of Sybilla, of Antichrist. And it shall come to passe, that an horrible beast shall come out of the East, whose roryng shall be heard to Aphrike, to the people of Carthage, Whiche hath vij. heades, and scepters innumerable, feete. 663.MarginaliaThe 663. feete do meane the yeres of hys reigne. He shall gaynstand the lambe, to blaspheme his Testament, encreasing the waters of the dragon. The kynges and princes of the world he shall burne in intolerable sweate, and they shall not diminishe his feete. And then ij. starres like to the first starre, shall rise agaynst the beast, and shall not preuaile, till the abhomination shall be come, and the will of the Lord shalbe consummate. And again speakyng of the same matter, he inferreth these wordes of the foresaid ij. starres aboue mētioned.  
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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y2r..

And toward the latter dayes two bright starresMarginaliaThese two starres seme to meane Iohn Hus, & Hierome, who beyng put to death by the pope, their doctrine rose agayne more strongly then before. shall arise, raysing vp men lying dead in theyr sinnes, beyng lyke to the first starre, hauing the face of the 4. beastes which shal resist the beast, and the waters of the dragon, testifieng (or preaching) the name and law of the lamb the destruction of abhomination and iudgement, & shall diminish his waters, but they shalbe weakened in the bread of affliction, and they shall rise agayne in stronger force. &c.

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And it followeth moreouer  

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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y2r.

, After the abhomination, thē shal truth be reuealed, & the lamb shalbe known, to whom regiōs and countreys shal submitte their necks, and all earthly men shall agree together in one, to come into one fold, and to be ruled vnder one discipline, and after this shalbe but a small tyme. &c.

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And shortly after, the sayd Sybilla  

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Berthold Pürstinger, Onus ecclesiae temporibus (Venice, 1531), sig.Y2r-v.

speakyng of the latter iudgement to come, declareth how all the abhominations of sinnes shall come before the lambe: and that terrible fire shall fall from heauē, which shall consume all earthly things created vnto the top of heauen. &c.

And thus much out of Sybilla, touching her prophesies of Christ and Antichrist, according as I found them alleaged of a certain catholike Romish writer, in his booke entituled Onus ecclesiæ  

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Foxe is during these prophecies, attributed to the Erythraen Sibyl from Berthold Pürstringer's Onus ecclesiae. Pürstringer, the bishop of Chiemese (1508-25), was dedicated to the reform of the church and he was also a staunch opponent of Lutheranism. The Onus ecclesiae, first published anonymously in 1524, is a call to repentance and reform. Pürstringer uses the Sibylline prophecies to support his view that the Turks are an instrument of God's judgement. I have used the second edition of this work, published in Venice in 1531.

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,MarginaliaEx libro cui titulus, Onus Ecclesiæ. excerped, as he sayth, out of the library of S. George in the citie of Venice.

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Philip Melancthon in his preface vpon Bartholomæus Georgionitz Peregrinus  

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See Bartolomeo Georgevits, De origine imperii Turcorum (Wittenberg,1560), sig. A2v.

, writing of the Origene and maners of the Turkes, alledgeth a certayn prophesie of Hiltenus, mentioned hereafter, which foresayd that the Turkes should beare rule in Italy and in Germany, an. 1600.

Now it remayneth, in conclusion of these prophesies of the Turkes, some thing to say of the Turkes owne prophesies, cōcerning the enduring and endyng of their own kingdom, whose propheticall prognostication, beyng taken out of their owne lāguage, and their own bookes, I thought here to insert, as I find it alleadged in the booke of the foresayd Bartholomæus Georgieniz, as followeth.  

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This prophecy in its 'Persian' and Latin versions is from Bartolomeo Georgevits, De origine imperii Turcorum as excerpted in Theodore Bibliander, Machumetis Saracenorum principis…Alcoran (Basel, 1550), III, p. 166.

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A Turkish prophecie in the Persian toung of the reigne and ruine of the Turkes.

PAtissahomoz ghelur, Ciaferum memleketi alur, keuzul almai alur, Kapzeiler, iedi y ladegh Gyaur keleci csikmasse, on ikiyladegh onlaron beghlig eder: eufi iapar, baghi diker bahesai baghlar, oglikezi olur, onichi yldensora Hristianon Keleci csichar, ol Turchi gerestine tus chure.

The Latine of the same.

MarginaliaBy the prince of the Gentiles the Turkes doe here meane the kyngdomes & dominions of the Christians, whom they call Gētiles, because they are not circumcised after their maner. IMperator noster veniet, ethnici Principis regnum capiet, rubrum quoq; pomum capiet, in suam potestatem rediget: quod si septimum vsque annū Christianorum gladius non insurrexit, vsque ad duodecimum annum eis dominabitur. Domos ædificabit, vineas plantabit, hortos sepibus muniet, liberos procreabit, & post duodecimum annum, apparebit Christianorum gladius, qui Turcam quaqua versum in fugam aget.

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The same in English.

OUr Emperour shall come: he shall get the kingdome of the Gentiles prince: also he shall take the red apple and shall bryng it vnder his subiection: and if the sworde of the Christians shall not rise vnto the vij. yeare, he shall haue dominion ouer them vnto the xij. yeare. He shall buylde houses, plante vineyardes, shal hedge about his orchardes, shall procreate children: and after the xij. yeare shall appeare the sworde of the Christians, whiche shall put the Turke to flight euery where.

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MarginaliaThe exposition of the turkes prophecie. They whiche  

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Bartolomeo Georgevits, De origine imperii Turcorum as excerpted in Theodore Bibliander, Machumetis saracenorum prinpipis…Alcoran (Basel, 1550), III, pp. 166-71.

make declaration of this Turkysh prophesie do expounde this xij. yeare to signifie the xij. yeare after the wynnyng of Constantinople: whiche Constantinople, they say, is ment by the redde apple: And after that xij. yeare, say they, shall rise the sworde of the Christians. &c. and this prophesie beyng written and translated out of the Persian tounge, with this exposition vpon the same,MarginaliaEx Barthol. Georgienitz. is to be founde in the boke of Bartholomeus Georgienitz. Albeit, concerning the exposition therof, it semeth not to bee true whiche is there spoken of the xij. yeare, after the wynnyng of Constantinople, being nowe 100. yeares since the wynnyng therof.

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MarginaliaAn other exposition. Wherfore it may rather seme probable that by the vij. yeare and xij. yeare of the Turkes, this to be the meanyng: that if the vij. of the Ottoman Turkes do scape the sword of the Christians, they shall continue, buylde and plante, &c. vntil the xij. turke, which is this Solymannus, & then after that shal rise þe christiās sword, which shal put thē to flight & vanquish thē in all quarters. And this expositiō may seme to accord wt the place of Gen. wherin is written of Ismael, that he had xij. sonnes, & no mo:MarginaliaGen. 25. So that this Solymānus

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