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Constantinus the Emperour embrasing Christen Byshops.

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CUL copy: the curtains in this copy are in red, with blue fringing. The wall curtain is in green. The Emperor is wearing grey, with green edging. The embraced bishop is in blue with finely detailed shadows depicted on his robe. WREN copy: The curtains here are green with a yellowish orange fringing. The wall curtain is in purple. The embraced figure is wearing black. This image is not as lavish as that in the CUL copy.

grew more in deuotion, so the byshops more and more were exalted, not onely in fauour, but also preferred vnto honour, in somuch that in short space they became not quarter maisters, but rather halfe Emperours with Emperours.

MarginaliaThe spirituall riches of the Church turned to worldly riches. After this in processe of tyme, as riches and worldly wealth crept into the Clergye, and that the deuill hath poured his venome into the Churche (as the voyce was heard the same tyme ouer Cōstātinople)  

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This is a reference to a story that states that when the Donation ofConstantine was presented to the pope, a heavenly voice was heard in both Rome and Constantinople, crying in the air, 'Woe, woe woe! Today venom is poured into the church of God'. There were numerous medieval and Reformation versions of the story. In fact, Sir John Oldcastle had quoted this passage at his trial and Foxe had already printed it (1563, p. 269; 1570, p. 669; 1576, p. 541 and 1583, p. 562).

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MarginaliaEx libro Serm. Discipuli.
Looke Tyndal in his booke of the Practise of Prelates.
so true humilitie began to decay, & pride to set in his foote, till at last they played as the Iuy doth with the Oke tree, which first begynnyng with a goodly greene shew, embraceth hym so long, till at length it ouergroweth hym, and so sucketh all his moysture from him, settyng his roote fast in his barke, till at last it both stifleth the stocke and killeth the braūches, and so commeth to be a nest for Owles and all vncleane byrdes.  
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This striking analogy of the papacy to ivy growing on an oak, istaken from William Tyndale's Practice of Prelates. (See Expositions and Notes…by William Tyndale, ed. Henry Walter, Parker Society [Cambridge, 1849], p. 270.

Not vntruly therfore it was sayd of Augustine: Religio perperit diuitias, & filia deuorauit matrem. i. Religion begat richesse, and the daughter hath deuoured the mother. The veritie whereof notoriously may appeare aboue all other in the Church of Rome, and the Byshops of the same. For after that the Church of Rome, through fauour of Emperours, was endued with landes, donations, possessions, and patrimonies, so that the Byshops therof feelyng the smacke of wealth, ease, & prosperitie, began to swell in pompe & pride: the more they florished in this world, the more Gods holy spirite forsoke them, till at last the sayd Bishops, who at the first were poore, creeping low vpon the ground, & were persecuted long tyme, euery man treadyng vpon them in this world: now of persecuted people, began to be persecutours of others, and to tread vpon the neckes euen of Emperours, and to bryng the heades of Kynges and princes vnder their girdle: And not onely that, but furthermore through pryde and riches were so farre gone from all Religion, that in the very end they became the great aduersary of God (whom we call Antichrist) prophesied of so long before by the spirite of God to come, sittyng in the temple of God, &c. Of whom thus we read in the Epistle of Paule 2. Thess. 2. where he sayth:  
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2 Thes 2: 1-4.

We besech you brethren, by the cōmyng of our Lord Iesus Christ, and by our fellowship together in him, that ye MarginaliaThe great aduersary called Antichrist, described by S. Paule. 2. Thess. 2. be not sodenly moued in your mynd, nor troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word nor by letter, as it were frō vs, as though the day of Christ were at hand. Let no man in any wise deceaue you: for that day shall not come except there come a departing first, and that man of sinne be reuealed, euen the sonne of perdition, that aduersary which exalteth hymselfe aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he shall sit in the temple of God, as God, and set forth hym selfe as he were God. &c.

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MarginaliaA declaration of S. Paules wordes. By which words of S. Paul we haue diuers things to vnderstand:  

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Here Foxe presents his own exegesis of of 2 Thess. 2: 1-4.

First, that the day of the lordes comming was not then nere at hand. Secōdly, the Apostle geuing vs a token before, to know when that day shall approch, biddeth vs looke for an aduersary first to be reuealed. Thirdly to shew what aduersary this shalbe, he expresseth hym not to be as a common aduersary, such as were then in hys tyme. For although Herode, Annas & Caiphas, the high priestes & pharises, Tertullus, Alexander the Coppersmith, Elymas, & Symon Magus, & Nero the emperor in Paules time wer great aduersaries, yet here he meaneth an other besides these greater then all þe rest, not such one as should be like to priest king, or emperor, but such as farre exceding the estate of all kings, priests, and emperors, should be the prince of priests, should make kinges to stoupe, & should tread vpon the neck of emperors, & make thē to kisse his feet. Moreouer where þe Apostle saith, that he shall sit in the temple of God therby is ment not þe personall sitting of the pope in the Citie onely of Rome, but the authoritie & Iurisdiction of his sea exalted in the whole vniuersall church, equall with God himselfe. For let men geue to the Pope that which he in his lawes, decrees, & in his pontificall requireth, and what difference is there betwen GOD and the Pope?MarginaliaThe Pope matching himselfe euen with God. If God set lawes and ordinaunces, so doth he? If God haue hys creatures, so hath he. If GOD require obedience, so doth he. If the breache of Gods commaundementes be punished, much more be his. God hath his religion: the pope also hath his: yea for Gods one Religion, he hath an hundreth. God hath set vp one Aduocate, he hath set vp an hundreth. God hath insti-

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