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Pope Cœlestinus. 4. crowning the Emperour Henricus 6. with his feete.

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CUL copy: gold detail is added to clothing in this illustration also. Some additional detail is added in black ink also; see, for example, the keys in the pope's left hand. WREN copy: this copy has none of the detail of the detail of the CUL copy.

MarginaliaThe tyrannous iniuries of Byshops of Rome agaynst kinges of England.our countrey Princes here in England to speake somewhat likewise of them:MarginaliaPope Alexander 3. against kyng Henry. 2. did not Pope Alexander the iij. presumptuously takyng vpon him where he had nothyng to do, to intermedle with the kynges subiectes, for the death of Becket the rebell, albeit the kyng sufficiently cleared hym selfe thereof, yet notwithstandyng did hee not wrongfully bryng the sayd king Henry 2. to such penaunce as it pleased hym to enioyne, and also violently constrayne hym to sweare obedience to the Sea of Rome? pag. 230.MarginaliaPope Innocent 3. against kyng Iohn. The lyke also was shewed before in this story to happen to K. Iohn hys sonne. For when the sayd kyng like a valiant Prince had held out the tyranny of those Byshops vij. yeares together, were not all the Churches in England barred vp, and his inheritaunce with all hys dominions giuen away by Pope Innocent 3. to Ludouicus the Frenche kyng, and he afterward compelled to submit both him selfe and to make his whole Realme fedotary to the byshops of Rome: & moreouer the kyng hym selfe driuen also to surrender hys crowne to Pandulphus the Popes Legate, and so continued as a priuate person v. dayes, standyng at the popes curtesie whether to receaue it agayne at his handes or no? And when the nobles of the realme rose afterward agaynst the king for the same, was not he then faine to seeke and sue to the foresayd Pope for succour, as by this his owne letter, taken out of the publicke roles, may appeare?  

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This letter comes from the Patent Rolls and was probably copied forFoxe by William Bowyer, the Keeper of the Tower Records. Foxe abridges the letter, but his version is essentially accurate (cf. Thomas Rymer and Robert Sanderson, Foedera (20 vols., London, 1726-1735), I, p. 69).

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Kyng Iohns Supplication to Pope Innocent the 3.

Marginalia[illegible text]8. REuerendis. Domino suo & Patri sanctis. Innocentio Dei gratia [illegible text]. eadem gratia R. Angliæ &c. Cum Comites & Barones Angliæ nobis deuoti essent antequam nos & nostrā terram Dominio vestro subiacere curassemus, ex tunc in nos specialiter ob hoc, sicut publice dicunt, violenter insurgunt. Nos [illegible text] præter Deum, vos specialem dominum & [illegible text] defensionē nostram & totius Regni, quod [illegible text]MarginaliaK. Iohns supplication to Pope Innocent 3. [illegible text], vestræ paternitati commissam, & nos, [illegible text] est, [illegible text] & solicitudinem istam vestræ [illegible text] deuotius supplicātes quatenus in ne gotijs nostris, quæ vestia sunt, consilium & auxilium efficax apponatis, prout melius videritis expedire, latores præsentium &c. Teste meipso apud Dour. 18. Septemb. 6.

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And yet all this notwithstandyng that the sayd kyng Iohn did so yeld to the Pope, he was both pursued by his nobles, and also in the end was poysoned by a subiect of the Popes owne Religiō, a Monke of Swynsted:  

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Although Foxe does not say so, he is listing sources that (inaccurately)maintained that John was poisioned in response to attacks on the credibility of this story - recited by Foxe in the first edition of the Acts and Monuments - which were made by the Catholic controversialists Thomas Harding (A confutation of…An apologie of the church of England [London, 1565], STC 12762, fo. 184r-v) and Thomas Stapleton, A Counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blast [Louvain, 1567],STC 23231, fos. 312v-314r). For this, and for arguments that Matthew Parkercompiled the following list of sources, see Thomas Freeman, 'John Bale's Book ofMartyrs? The Account of King John in Acts and Monuments', Reformation 3 (1998),pp. 206-10.

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MarginaliaW. Caxton. As I haue sufficiently to proue, not onely by William Caxton aboue in my story alledged. pag. 259. but also haue testimonie of the most part of Chroniclers for the same (a few only excepted)MarginaliaTho. Gray. as of Tho. Gray in his French Chronicle.  
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I.e., the Scalachronicon.

MarginaliaFrēch Chronicle in meter.
Ranulph. Cestrensis.
Also of an other French Chronicle in Meter  
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This description is too vague to permit identification.

, of Ranulphus Cestrensis.  
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I.e., the Polychronicon.

MarginaliaTho. Rudburn. Tho. Rudburne also doth wytnes the same.  
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This is either Thomas Rudborne's Epitome historia maioris or hishistoria minor.

MarginaliaRich. Redus. So doth Richard Rede in nouo Chronico ad tempora Henr. 6.  
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This is now Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 311.

MarginaliaEulogium. The lyke also doth the Chronicle called Eulogium Monachi Cant:  
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See Thomas Freeman, 'John Bale's Book of Martyrs? The Account ofKing John in Acts and Monuments', Reformation 3 (1998), p. 10 for the suggestion that Foxe consulted an extract copied from the Eulogium, which is now in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 101, pp. 316-17.

MarginaliaWalderus Gisburne. The wordes of Walter Gisborne an auncient historiographer, be plaine.  
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I.e., the chronicle of Walter of Guisborough.

MarginaliaIoan. Maior. No lesse is to be found in Ioan. Maior, De gestis Scotorum. Libr. 4. cap. 3. fol. 56. where he not onely maketh mention of the Monke and of the poyson, but also of the Abbat, of his absolution, and of the 3. Monkes euery day singyng for the sayd Monkes soule.MarginaliaWriters in Englishe & Latin without name. To these I could also annexe diuers other writers both English & Latin, without name, whiche wytnes that kyng Iohn was poysoned, one begynnyng thus: Here beginneth a booke in the English tounge, called Brute. &c.  
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This is probably Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 182.

an other begynneth: Because this booke is made to tell what tyme any thyng notable, &c.  
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I have not been able to identify this work.

The thyrd in English begynneth: The reigne of Britaine that now is called England &c.  
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I have not been able to identify this work.

Of Latin bookes which haue no name, one begynneth thus: Britannia, quæ & Anglia dicitur, a Bruto nomen est sortita &c.  
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This could be any one of anumber of Latin versions of the Brutchronicle.

an other hath this begynnyng: Adam pater generis humani. &c.  
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This is Trinity College, Cambridge, MS R.7.13.

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Besides this kyng Henry 2. and kyng Iohn his sonne, what kynges haue here reigned in England since their tyme, vntill the reigne of king Henry 8. who although they were prudent princes, and did what they could in prouiding agaynst the proud domination of these Byshops: were not forced at length sore agaynst their wils, for feare to subiect themselues together with their subiectes vnder their vsur-

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