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Henricus. 4. Emperour. waiting iij. dayes vpon Pope Gregory 7. Pag.181.

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CUL copy: In this image, gold detail is added to the garments of all three central figures, as well as to those of the pope in the window. WREN copy: There is no use of gold in this image, which, on the whole, is very pale.

ped authoritie,MarginaliaK. Henry 3. kissing the knee of the Popes Legate. in so much as some of them (as Math. Paris. writeth by king Henry the 3.) were fayne to stoupe & kisse their Legates knee.

¶ The Image of Antichrist,  
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What follows is an exact reprinting of an anonymous work, veryprobably compiled by Foxe himself, entitled A solemne contestation of diverse Popes for the advancing of their supremacy. This work is entirely an oration, put in the mouth of the papacy/Antichrist itself, bragging of its power andits success in corrupting the church and subverting princes. The oration is composedentirely of extracts from canon law codes, papal bulls and letters as well as historiesand chronicles. These are generally accurate, but often taken out of context, as will be seen below.

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exaltyng himselfe in the temple of God, aboue all that is named God,  
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This title is quoting 2 Thess. 2:4.

out of hys owne Decrees, Decretals, Extrauagantes, Pontificals &c. worde for word, as it is out of the sayd bookes here alleaged and quoted.MarginaliaEx D. Paulo 2. Thess. 2.

Marginalia1. Pope Bonifacius 8. Extrauag. de Maioris. & obed. c. Vnam. 1. FOr as much as it standeth vpon necessity of saluation, for euery humayne creature to be subiect vnto me the Pope of Rome, it shalbe therfore requisite and necessary for all men that wyll be saued, to learne and know the dignity of my sea, and excellency of my domination, as here is set forth accordyng to the truth and very wordes of mine own lawes, in stile as foloweth.Marginalia2. Distinct. 12 ca. Decretis. 2. First my institution began in the old Testament and was consummate and finished in the new: in that my priesthood was prefigured by Aaron: And other Bishops vnder me were prefigured by þe sonnes of Aarō that were vnder hym.Marginalia3. Pope Pelagius Distinct. 21. c. Quāuis. 3. Neither is it to be thought that my church of Rome hath bene preferred by any generall Councell, but obtayned the primacie onely by the voyce of the Gospell, and the mouth of the sauiour.Marginalia4. Pelagius Ibidem. 4. And hath in it neither spotte nor wrinckle, nor any such lyke thyng.Marginalia5. Pope Nicolaus Dict. 21. cap. Inferior. 5. Wherfore as other seates be all inferiour to me, and as they cannot absolue me: so haue they no power to bynde me, or to stand agaynst me, no more then the axe hath power to stand or presume aboue hym that heaweth with it, or the sawe to presume agaynst hym that ruleth it.Marginalia6. Pope Lucius 24. q. 1. cap. a. Recta. 6. This is the holy and Apostolike mother Church of all other Churches of Christ.Marginalia7. Pope Calixtus Dist. 12. cap. Nō decet. 7. From whose rules it is not mete that any person or persons should decline, but lyke as the sonne of God came to do the wyll of his father, so must you do the will of your mother the Church, the head wherof is the Churche of Rome.Marginalia8. Pope Innocentius. Dist. 11. cap Quis. 8. And if any other person or persons shall erre from the sayd church, either let them be admonished, or els their names taken, to be knowen who they be that swarue frō the customes ofMarginalia9 Pope Stephan. Distinct. 19. ca. Enimuero. Rome. 9. Thus thē for asmuch as þe holy Church of Rome, whereof I am gouernour, is set vp to the whole worlde for a glasse or example, reason woulde what thyng so euer the sayde Churche determineth or ordeyneth, that to bee receyued of all men for a generall and a perpe- tuall rule for euer.Marginalia10.[illegible text] gentes. 10. Whereupon we see it now verified in thys Church, that was foreprophesied by Ieremy, saying: Behold I haue set thee vp ouer nations and kyngdomes to plucke vp and to breake downe, to builde and to plant. &c.Marginalia11. Pope Innocent 3. art. de maior et obe. c. Solita. 11. Who so vnderstandeth not the prerogatiue of thys my Priesthoode, let hym looke vp to the firmament, where he may see two great lyghtes, the Sunne and the Moone: one rulyng ouer the day, the other ouer the night. So in the firmament of the vniuersall Church.Marginalia12. Pope Gelasius Dist. 96 cap. Duo. 12. God hath set two great dignities, the authoritie of the Pope, and of the Emperour. Of the which two thys our dignitie is so much more weightier, as we haue the greater charge to geue accompt to God for kynges of the earth, and the lawes of men.Marginalia13. Ibidem. 13. Wherefore be it knowen to you Emperours, which know it also right well, that you depend vpon the iudgement of vs: we must not be brought and reduced to your wyll.Marginalia14. Innocentius De Maior. & obed. c. Solita. 14. For (as I sayd) looke what difference there is betwixte the Sunne and the Moone, so great is the power of the Pope rulyng ouer the day, that is, ouer the spiritualitie, aboue Emperours & kings ruling ouer the night, that is ouer the laitie.Marginalia15. Glosa ibidem. 15. Now seeing then the earth is seuen times bigger then the moone, & the sunne eight tymes greater then þe earth, it foloweth that þe popes dignitie 56. times doth surmount the estate of Emperours.Marginalia16 Ibidem. 16. Vpon consideration wherof, I say therfore & pronounce that Constantine the Emperour did naught in setting the Patriarch of Constātinople at his feete on his lefte hand.Marginalia17. Innocentius Glosa Ibidem. 17. And although þe said Emperour wrote to me, alledging the words of S. Peter, cōmaūding vs to submit our selues to euery humane creature, as to kinges, dukes & other for þe cause of God. &c. 1. Pet. 2.  

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I Peter 2: 13-14.

yet in aūswering againe in my decretall, I expounded þe minde and þe words of S. Peter to pertaine to his subiectes, & not his successors, willing the sayd Emperour to cōsider þe person of the speaker, & to whom it was spoken. For if the minde of Peter had bene [illegible text] to debase the order of priesthoode, and to make vs vnderlinges to euery humane creature, thē euery Iacke might haue dominion ouer Prelates: which maketh against the example of Christ, settyng vp the order of Priesthoode [illegible text] beare dominion ouer kyngs, according to the saying of Ieremy: Behold I haue set thee vp ouer kinges & nations. &c.Marginalia18. Pope Clement. 5. Clement de iureiurādo. c. Romani. 18. And as I feared not thē to write this boldly to Cōstantine, so now I say to all other Emperours, þt they receiuing of me their

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