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Commentary on the Woodcuts
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Kyng Iohn offering hys Crowne to Pandulphus, Legate.

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CUL copy: Note all figures in this illustration are provided with additional detail by the painter. Pandulphus receives no extra attention but the figure, in red, on the right of the illustration, has been provided with additional detail. WREN copy: another pale image, with the cardinals in pale orange.

Marginalia[illegible text] Marginalia[illegible text] 45. To þe which church of Rome it is lawful to appeale for remedy frō all other Churches. Although it was otherwise concluded in the generall Coūcel of Milleuitane, that no man should appeale ouer the sea vnder payne of excōmunication, yet my glose cōmeth in here with an exception:Marginalia[illegible text] ¶ Nisi forte Romanā sedē appellauerint: i. Except the appeale be to the sea of Rome, &c.Marginalia 46. Pope [illegible text]. q. 1. cap. [illegible text] 46. By the authoritie of whiche Churche of Rome, all Synodes, & Decrees of Councels stand cōfirmed.Marginalia 47. Pope Vrbanus. 25. q. 1. [illegible text] 47. And hath alwayes full authoritie in her handes to make new lawes & decrementes: And to alter statutes, priuiledges, rightes or documentes of Churches: To separate thynges ioyned, and to ioyne thynges separated vpon right consideratiō, either in whole or in part, personally, or generally.Marginalia 48. Bulla Donationis. Dist. 96 c. Constant. 48. Of the which Church of Rome, I am head as a kyng is ouer his iudges,Marginalia 49. Pope Paschalis. Dist. 63. cap [illegible text] 49. the vicare of S. Peter.Marginalia 50. Pope Clemēt. 5. Clemēt. c Romani Glosa. 50. yea not the Vicare of Peter properly, but the Vicare of Christ properly, and successour of Peter.Marginalia 51. Pope Bonifacius. 8. Sext. [illegible text] &[illegible text]. 51. vicare of Iesus Christ.Marginalia 52. Ibidem. 52. Rector of the vniuersall Church: Director of the Lordes vniuersall flocke:Marginalia5[illegible text] Pope Bonifacius. prohem. [illegible text] Sacrosancta. 53. Chiefe Magistrate of the whole world.Marginalia 5 [illegible text]Dist. 22. cap. [illegible text] 54. Cephas. i. caput, the head and chief of the Apostolicke Church.Marginalia 5 [illegible text]Pope Bonifacius. 4. Sext. Decret. de [illegible text] & remiss. [illegible text] Glosa.
Item Alexander. 4. Sext. Decret [illegible text] in Glosa.
55. vniuersall Pope, and Diocesan in all places exempt, as well as euery Byshop is in places not exempt.Marginalia 5 [illegible text] 25. q. 1. Nulli. 56. most mighty Priest.Marginalia 5 [illegible text]. cap. Ab arbitru. Glosa. 57. Lex animata in terris. i.Marginalia[illegible text] Sext. De[illegible text] 58. a lyuyng law in the earth iudged to haue all lawes in the chiste of my breste.Marginalia 59. Pope Innocentius. 3. De [illegible text] 59. bearyng the rowme of no pure man:Marginalia 60. [illegible text] Glosa. Papa [illegible text]c.
Nec [illegible text] homo, quasi [illegible text]
60. beyng neither God nor man, but the admiration of the world, and a middle thyng betwixt both:Marginalia 61. Pope Bonifacius. Extrauag. [illegible text] cap. vnam.
Item Dist. 22. cap. Omnes.
61. Hauyng both swordes in my power, both of the spirituall and temporall iurisdiction.Marginalia[illegible text]sentēt. & re. e. Ad Apostolica.
Itē in Glosa. Ibid.
62. so farre surmountyng the authoritie of the Emperour, that I of myne owne power alone without a Councell haue autho ritie to depose him, to transferre his kyngdome, and to gyue a new election, as I did to Fridericke and diuers other.Marginalia 63. Pope Nicolaus. Dist. 22. ca. Omnes. 63. What power then or potestate in all the world is comparable to me: who haue authoritie to bynde and lose both in heauē and earth.Marginalia 64. Glosa Ibidem. 64. That is, who haue power both of heauenly thynges, and also of temporall thynges.Marginalia 65. Pope [illegible text] Duo. 65. To whom Emperours and Kynges be more inferiour, then lead is inferiour to Gold.Marginalia 66. Pope Gelasius. Ibidem. 66. For do you not see the neckes of great Kynges and Princes bend vnder our knees, yea and thinke themselues happy & well defenced, if they may kisse our handes?Marginalia 96. ca. Illud. 67. Wherefore the sawcines of Honorius þe Emperour is to be reprehēded, and his cōstitutiō abolished who wt his laitie would take vpō him to intermeddle, not onely wt the tēporall order but also wt matters ecclesiasticall, & electiō of þe pope.Marginalia[illegible text] 68. But here percase some will obiect þe examples & wordes of Christ, saying that hys kingdome is not of this world, & where he being required to deuide betwixt ij. brethrē their heritage did refuse it. But þt ought to be no preiudice to my power.Marginalia 69. Pope [illegible text] 69. For if Peter & I in Peter, if we I say, haue power to bynde and loose in heauē, who much more thē is it to be thought, þt we haue power in earth to loose & take away empires, kingdoms, dukedoms, & what els so euer mortal mē may haue, & to geue thē where we wil?Marginalia 70. Hildebrandus. [illegible text] 70. And if we haue authority ouer Angels, which be þe gouernours of princes, what then may we do vpō their inferiours & seruaūs?Marginalia[illegible text] 71. And for þt you shall not maruell, þt I say: Angels be subiect to vs, you shall heare what my blessed Clerke Antoninus, writeth of þt matter, saying þt our power, of Peter & me, is greater thē the Angels [illegible text] things: In iurisdictiō, 2. in administratiō of sacramēs. [illegible text] knowledge. 4. & in reward. &c.Marginalia 7[illegible text] Bulla Clemētis. 72. And agayne in Bulla Clementis, do not I there cōmaunde in my Bull, þe Angels of Paradise to absolue the soule of mā out of purgatory and to bring it into the glory of Paradise?Marginalia 73. Pope Innocent. De electione [illegible text] 73. And now besides my heauenly power, to speake of mine earthly iurisdiction, who did first translate the Empire from the Greekes to the Almaines, but I?Marginalia[illegible text] 74. And not onely in the Empire am I Empe-

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