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Fridericus. I. Emperour shent for holding Pope Adrians styrrup on the wrong side.

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CUL copy: The pope is dressed in a vivid blue. There is some additional detail provided by the painter but, again, any figures wearing red receive no additional detail to their clothing or any shading. WREN copy: this is another pale image, with an excessive use of a pale orange in this image.

lēgth to be strāgled by one Māfredus, & did excōmunicate his sōne Cōradus after him, not onely depriuyng him of his right inheritaūce, but also caused him, with Fridericke duke of Austria to be beheaded.Marginalia98. Ex Chronic. Carionis. 9[illegible text]. Thus thē did not I excōmunicate & depose all these Emperours in order? Henricus. 4. Hēricus. 5. Fridericus 1. Philippus Otho. 4. Fridericus. 2. & Cōradus his sonne?Marginalia99. Historia Anglorum. 99. Did not I interdict K. Hēry the viij.Marginalia100 Ibid. 100. & all his kyngdome of Englād?Marginalia101 Ibid. 101. And had not his prudēce & power preuēted my practise, I had displaced him frō his kyngdome also. Briefly, who is able to comprehende the greatnesse of my power & of my seate?Marginalia102. Pope Marcellus. Dist. 17. ca. Synodum. 102. For by me onely generall Coūcels take their force & cōfirmatiō.Marginalia103 Dist. 20. Decretales 103. & the interpretatiō of the sayd Councels, & of all other causes hard & doubtfull ought to be referred & stād to my determinatiō.Marginalia104. Pope Nicolaus. Dist. 19. Si Romanori. 104. By me the works of all writers, whatsoeuer they be, either be reproued or allowed.Marginalia105. Ibid. 105. Theē how much more ought my writyngs & decrees to be preferred before all other?Marginalia106. Dist. 20 Decretales. 106. In somuch that my letters & Epistles decretall be equiualent with general Coūcels.Marginalia107. Symmachus Pope. 9. q. 3. Aliorum. 107. And where as God hath ordeined all causes of men, to be iudged by mē, he hath onely reserued me, þt is the pope of Rome, wtout all question of mē, vnto his own iudgemēt.Marginalia108. Pope Innocentius. 6. q. 3. ca. Nemo. 108. And therfore where all other creatures be vnder their iudge, onely I which in earth am the iudge of all, can be iudged of none, neither of Emperour, nor the whole clergy, nor of Kynges, nor yet of the people.Marginalia109. Ibidem. 109. For who hath power to iudge vpon his Iudge?Marginalia110. Pope Gelasius. 9. q. 3. c. Cuncta. 110. This iudge am I, & that alone, without any other assistance of any Councell ioyned to me. For I haue power vpon Councels, Councels haue no power vpon me. But if the Councell determine amisse, it is in my authoritie alone to infrynge it, or to condemne whom I lust without any Councell.Marginalia111. Ibidem. 111. And all for the preheminēce of my predecessor blessed S. Peter, which by the voyce of the Lord, he receiued, and euer shall reteine.Marginalia112. Anastasius Patriarch. D. q. 3. cap. Antiquis. Item. 11. q. 3. cap. Quāuis. 112. Furthermore, and where as all other sentences and iudgementes both of Councels, person, or personnes, may and ought to be examined. 113. for that, they may be Marginalia113. Pope Gregor. 2. q. 3. c. Quatuor. corrupted foure wayes, by feare, by giftes, by hatred by fauour: only my sentence and iudgement must stand.Marginalia11.4 Pope Agatho [illegible text] 114. as geuen out of heauen by the mouth of Peter himself, which no mā must.Marginalia115. Pope [illegible text] 115. breake, nor retract.Marginalia116. Pope [illegible text] q. 4. Si quis. 116. No man must dispute or doubt of.Marginalia117. Dist. 19. cap. In [illegible text] 117. Yea if my iudgement, statute, or yoke seeme scarsly tolerable, yet for remembraunce of S. Peter it must be humbly obeyed.Marginalia118. Sext. Decret. [illegible text]nunciat. Quoniam. Glosa. 118. Yea and moreouer obedience is to be geuen, not onely to such decrees set forth by me in tyme of my Popedome, but also to suche as I do foresee and commit to writing before I be pope.Marginalia119. Offic. 1. 119. And although it be thought by some writers, to be geuen to all men to erre, and to be deceiued.Marginalia120. Glosa. Extra. De verb. signif. cap. Ad. 120. yet neither am I a pure man.Marginalia121. Pope Gregorius. Caus. 35. q. 9. Apostolicæ. 121. and agayne the sentence of my Apostolique seat is alwayes conceiued with such moderatiō is concoct and digested wyth such pacience and rypenes, and deliuered out with such grauitie of deliberation, that nothing is thought in it necessary to be altered or retracted.Marginalia122. Pope Symmachus. Caus. 9. q. 3. Aliorum. 122. Wherfore it is manifest, and testified by the voyce of holy bishops, that the dignitie of this my seate is to be reuerenced through þe whole world, in that all the faythfull submit themselues to it, as to the head of the whole body.Marginalia123. Ibidem: 123. Whereof it is spoken to me by the Prophet, speaking of the Arcke: if this be humbled, whether shal you run for succour, and where shall your glory become? Seyng then this is so, that so holy Bishops and Scriptures do witnesse with me, what shall we say then to such as will take vpō them to iudge of my doynges to reprehend my procedings, or to require homage & tribute of me to whom all other be subiect?Marginalia124. Pope Gregorius. 6. q. 3. Scriptum est. 124. Agaynst þe first [illegible text] þe scripture speaketh Deut. thou oughtst not to put thy sithe in an other mās corne.  

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Deut. 23:25.

Which thing to attempt [illegible text] me, what is it but playne sacrilege?Marginalia125. Caus. [illegible text] q. 4. Sacrileg. Glosa. 125. According to my Canonists, which thus define sacriledge to consist in iij. thinges, eyther when a man iudgeth of his Princes iudgement: or when the holyday is prophaned, or when reuerence is not geuen to lawes and Canons. 126. Against the secōd sort maketh the

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