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The Image of Antichrist exalting himselfe in the Temple of God.

he be not alwayes good, or be destitute of hys own merites, yet the merites of S. Peter, predecessor of that place, be sufficient for him, who hath bequethed and left a perpetuall dowrie of merites, with inheritance of innocency to his posteritie.Marginalia187. Hug. in Glosa. Dist. 40. c. Non Nos. 187. yea and though he fall into homicide or adultery, he may sinne, but yet he can not be accused, but rather excused by the murders of sampson, the theftes of the Hebrues, the adultery of Iacob.Marginalia188. Glos in Caus. 11. q. 3. cap. Absit. 188. And likewise if any of his Clergy should be founde embrasing a woman, it must bee expounded and presupposed that he doth it to blesse her. Furthermore, the Pope (say they) hath all the dignities and al power of all Patriarches. In his primacie he is Abell: In gouernement, the Arcke of Noe: In Patriarchdome, Abraham: In order Melchisedech: In dignitie Aaron: In authoritie Moses: In seat iudicial Samuel: In zeale Helias: In mekenes Dauid: In power Peter: In vnction Christ. (Nay thou art Antichrist). My power (they say) is greater then all the Saintes. For whome I confirme, no man may infirme. I may fauour and spare whom I pleaseMarginalia189. Glosa. in c. [illegible text] q. 3. Si. inimicus. 189. to take from one, and to geue to an other. And if I be enemy to any man, all men ought to eschew that person forthwith, and not to tary and looke while I byd them so to do. All the earth is my Doices, and I the Ordinarie of al men, hauyng the authoritie of the Kyng of al Kynges vpon subiectes. I am all in all, and aboue all.Marginalia190. Hostiensis in cap. Quāto De transl. præb. 190. so that God hym selfe and I the Vicar of God haue both one Consistorie.Marginalia191. Ex sumala casuum fratris Baptistæ. 191. and am able to doe almost all that God can do, Claue non errante.Marginalia192. Ex Citatione Henr Bulling de fine seculi Orat. Prima.
[illegible text]
192. Item, it is sayd of me, that I haue an heauenly arbitriment, and therfore am able to chaunge the nature of thynges, Substantialia vnius applicando alteri, and of nothyng to make thynges to be: and of a sentence that is nothyng, to make it stand in effect: In all thynges that I list, my will to stand for reason. For I am able by the law to dispence aboue the law, and of wrong to make Iustice, in correctyng lawes, and chaungyng them. You haue heard hetherto sufficiently out of my Doctours: Now you shall heare greater thynges out of myne owne decrees.Marginalia [illegible text] 193. Read there Dist. 96. c. Satis.Marginalia [illegible text] 194. Also, Caus. 11. q. 1. cap. Sacerdotibus.Marginalia [illegible text] 195. Also, 12. q. 1. cap. Futuram. Do not you finde there expressed how Constantinus the Emperour sittyng in the generall Councell of Nice, called vs Prelates of the Church, all Gods?Marginalia [illegible text] 196. Agayn, read my Canon Decretal. De transl. Episc. cap. Quanto. Do you not see there manifestly expressed, how not man, but God alone separateth that whiche the Byshop of Rome doth dissolue and separate? Wherefore if those thynges that I do be sayd to be done not of man, but of God, what can you make of me but God?MarginaliaThus ye may see it verified that S. Paule prophesieth of the aduersary sitting in the temple as God, and boasting himselfe aboue all that is named God, &c.[illegible text] Agayne, if Prelates of the Church be called and counted of Constantinus for Gods, I then beyng aboue all Prelates, seme by this reason to be aboue all Gods. Wherefore no maruell, if it be in my power to chaunge tyme and tymes, to alter and abrogate lawes, to dispense with all thynges, yea with the preceptes of Christ. For where Christ biddeth Peter put vp his sword, monishyng his Disciples not to vse outward force in reuengyng them selues.Marginalia197. Pope Nicolaus Causa [illegible text] 197. do not I Pope Nicolaus writyng to the Byshops of Fraunce, exhorte them to draw out their materiall swordes in pursuyng their enemyes, and recoueryng their possessions, settyng agaynst the precept of Christ, the Prophet saying: Dissolue colligationes impietatis, &c? Itē, where Christ was present hymselfe at the mariage in Cana Galilea.Marginalia198. Pope Martin. dist. 14. cap. Lector. 198. do not I Pope Martinus in my distinction inhibite the spirituall Clergy to bee present at mariage feastes, and also to mary them selues? Item where matrimony by Christe can not bee losed but onely for whoredome.Marginalia199. Pope Gregorius Iunior. 32. [illegible text] cap. Quod proposuisti. 199. do not I Pope Gregorius Iunior, writyng ad Bonifaciū permitte the same to be broken for impotencie or infirmitie of body?Marginalia200. Pope Innocentius 4. Sext. Decretal De sententia excom. [illegible text] 200. Item, agaynst the expresse caution of the Gospell, doth not Innocentius 4. permitte vim vi repellere?Marginalia201. Pope Alexander 3. De [illegible text] cap. Ex parte. 201. Likewise, agaynst the old Testament I do dispense in not geuyng tithes.Marginalia [illegible text] Pope Nicolaus 14. q. 6. [illegible text] 202. Item, agaynst the new Testament in swearyng, and that in these sixe causes:Marginalia [illegible text] & elect. Potestate [illegible text] Glosa. 203. Pax, & fama, fides, reuerentia cautio damni. Defectus veri, poscunt sibi magna caueri.

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Wherein two kindes of othes are to be noted. Whereof some be promissoria, some bee assertoria. &c.Marginalia [illegible text] 204. Item, in vowes, and that ex toto voto, where as other Prelates can not dispense ex toto a voto, I can deliuer ex toto a voto, lyke God him selfe.Marginalia [illegible text] 205. Item in periury if I absolue, my absolution standeth. 206. Where also note, that in all swea ryng MarginaliaItem. De Elect. Significafti in Glosa.alwayes the authority of the superiour is excepted.Marginalia208. Pope Martinus. 5. Extra. cap [illegible text] Vniuersalis ecclesia. 207. Moreouer, where Christ biddeth to lend without hope of gayne, do not I Pope Martinus giue dispensatiō for the same? and notwithstandyng the Councell of Thuron enacted the contrary, yet with two Bulles I disanulled that decremēt.Marginalia208. Pope Vrbanus 2. Caus [illegible text] 208. What should I speake of murder, makyng it no murder nor homicide to slay them that be excommunicate.Marginalia209. Pope Nicolaus Caus. 25. q. 6. Authoritatem. 209. Likewise agaynst the law of nature.Marginalia210. Ibidem. 210. Item, agaynst the Apostle.Marginalia211. Distinct. 821. Præsbyter. 211. Also agaynst the Canons of the Apostles I can and do dispense. For where they in theyr Canon commaunde a Priest for fornication to be deposed, I thorow the authoritie of Siluester do alter the rigour of that constitution.Marginalia212. Pope Pelagius Dist 34 cap. Fraternitatis. 212. consideryng the myndes and bodyes also of men now to be weaker then they were then.Marginalia2[illegible text]. Baptista de Salis. fol. 114 Ibidem. 213. Briefly, agaynst the vniuersal state of the Church I haue dispensation, scilicet quando status ecclesiæ non decoloratur: And for mariage in the second degree of consanguinitie and affinitie, In collateralibus æquali linea that is, betwixt brethrens children: although not in æquali linea, so that the vncle may not mary hys nice, vnles for an vrgent and weightye cause. As for all such contractes betwixt party and party, where that matrimonie is not yet consūmate by carnall copulation it is but a small matter for me to dispense withall. In summa, if ye lyst briefly to here the whole number of all such cases as properly apperteine to my Papall dispensation, which come to the number of one & fifty poyntes, that no man may medle with all but onely I my selfe alone, I will recite them first in Latin, then in Englishe, as they be set forth in my Canonicall Doctours.

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Casus Papales 51. apud Fratrem Astesanum, siue de Ast. Doctorem solemnem in Summa confessionis. Item apud Hostiensem. De offic. legat. reperti & his versibus comprehensi.

SI sit Catholicus, Papam non iudicat vllus.
Erigit & subdit Cathedras: Diuidit, vnit.
i. votum terræ sancta. i. degradatos. i. episcopos & alios.
Mutat vota crucis. Restituit, Eximit. Ad se
Maiores causæ referuntur. Legitimatq̀;.
i. insufficientes. i. intrantes religionem.
Promouet, Appellare vetat, Prohibet profiteri.
i. defectum regi vacante regno
Deponit, transfert, suppletq̀;, Renunciat illi
symonia, Iuramentum, Excommunicatio a Papa facta
Præsul, & exemptus. Simon, Iurans, Anathema,
tam Papa quam legati
Vel proprium, vel legati, vel lex vtriusq̀;
i soluitur Papa
Tum neq̀; participans: Etsi quem sponte salutat,
Quem Canon damnat, sibi soli quando reseruat,
qui irregularitatem incurrit.
Soluitur a Papa: nec non quem regula damnat.
scilicet addas.
Addas suspensum, Causam, cum fertur ad ipsum.
i. addas i. pluralitatem beneficiorum
Rescriptum, fidei dubium. Confert bona plura.
Irritat infectum. Legem condit generalem.
i. imperatorem.
Approbat imperium, firmat, deponit, & vngit.
Consilium generale facit. Sacrat quoq; Sanctos.
de aliquo facit nihil. de nihilo aliquid.
Ens non esse facit: non ens fore. Pallia semper
Portat. Concedit, Legi non subiacet vlli.
i. immediate
Appellatur ad hunc medio sine, Iudiciumq;
de monacho non monachum facit.
Est pro lege suum. Monachum reuocat renuentem.
i. incestum. &c.
Maius adulterio soluit generaliter. Arctat
i. impedimentum matrimoniale
Et laxat quicquid sponsis nocet. Ordinat extra
i. extra 4. tempora
Tempora dando sacrum. Promotum promouet idem.
Ordinat atque die qua consecratur & ipse,
i. sacerdotium confert nondum vacans.
Viuentisq; locum concedit, Iureq, priuat.
insignia Episcopalia concedit. i. a decimis eximit. i. præsbytero concedit
infantes vngere
Insignit. Laico. sacra donat: Chrisma ministro.
Summa fede fedet, plenusq; vicarius extat.
Si fit Catholicus Papam non iudicat vllus.

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