Thematic Divisions in Preface
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The Epistle dedicatorie to the Queenes Maiestie.

would, if he had better to giue.

And though the story beyng written in the popular toūg, serueth not so greatly for your own peculiar readyng, nor for such as be learned: yet I shall desire both you and them, to consider in it the necessitie of the ignorant flocke of Christ committed to your gouernement in this Realme of England. Who, as they haue bene long ledde in ignoraunce, and wrapt in blindnes for lacke specially of Gods word, and partly also for wanting the light of history, pitie I thought but that such should be helped, their ignoraunce relieued, and simplicitie instructed. I considered they were the flock of Christ, and your subiectes, belonging to your accompt and charge, bought with the same price, and hauyng as deare soules to the Lord as other. And though they be but simple and vnlearned, yet not vnapt to be taught if they were applyed. Furthermore what inconuenience groweth of ignoraunce, where knowledge lacketh, both I considered, and experience dayly teacheth.

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And therfore hearing of the vertuous inclination of your Maiestye, what a prouident care, and Zeale full of solicitude you haue, minding (speedely I trust) to furnish all quarters and countreyes of this your Realme with the voyce of Christes Gospell, and faythfull preachyng of his word, I thought also not vnprofitable to adioyne vnto this your godly procedinges, and to the office of the ministery, the knowledge also of Ecclesiastical history, which in my mind ought not to be separate frō the same: that like as by the one the people may learne the rules and preceptes of doctrine: so by the other they may haue examples of Gods mighty working in his Church, to the confirmation of their fayth, and the edification of Christian life. For as we see what light and profite commeth to the Church by histories in old times set forth of the Iudges, Kinges, Machabies, and the Actes of the Apostles after Christes time: so likewise may it redoūd to no smal vse in the Church, to know the Actes of Christes Martyrs now since the time of the Apostles.MarginaliaProfite to be taken by examples of christian Martyrs.

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MarginaliaGods workes to be obserued in histories.Besides other manifolde examples and experimentes of Gods great mercies and iudgementes in preseruyng his Church, in ouerthrowing tyrantes, in confounding pride, in altering states and kingdomes, in conseruyng Religion agaynst errours and dissentions, in relieuyng the godly, in brideling the wicked, in losing and tying vp agayne of Sathan the disturber of common weales, in punishing transgreßions as well agaynst the first table as the second: wherein is to be seene Idolatry punished, blasphemy plagued, contempt of Gods holy name and religion reuenged, murder with murder rewarded, Adulterers and wedlockebreakers destroyed, periuries, extortions, couetous, oppreßions, and fraudelent councels come to naught, with other excellent workes of the Lord:MarginaliaVVhat vse commeth by reading of Histories.the obseruyng and notyng wherof in histories, minister to the readers therof wholesome admonitions of life: with experience and wisedome, both to know God in his workes, and to worke the thing that is godly: especially to seeke vnto the sonne of God for their saluation, and in hys fayth onely to finde that they seeke for, and in no other meanes. The continuance and constancie of which fayth, the Lord of his grace and goodnes graunt to your noble maiesty, and to his whole beloued Church, and all the members of the same, to euerlasting life. Amen.

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