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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the Dioces of Lincolne.

Accusers. Parties accused. Crimes obiected.
Dods of
Burford, by
his oth was
cōpelled to
vtter these
persōs here
Syr Iohn
Drury Vi-
care of Win
drishe in
The crime agaynst
this sir Iohn Dru-
ry was, for that, whē
Roger Dods came
first to him to be hys
seruaunt, hee sware
him vpon a booke to
keepe hys counsails
in all thyngs: and af-
ter that hee shewed
him a certeine womā
in his house whō he
sayd to bee his wife,
counsailyng moreo-
uer the sayd Roger
Dods vpon an Im-
bryng day, to suppe
with bread & chese,
saying: that whiche
goeth into a mās bo-
dy defileth not a mās
soule, but that whiche goeth out of þe
body defileth both body and soule.
Also that the sayde vicarE taught
him the A. B. C. to þe entent he shoulde
haue vnderstandyng in the Apoca-
lyps, wherein he sayd that he should
perceaue all the falsehode of þe world,
& all the truth. He sayd furthermore
vnto him, when hee had bene at
the Lady of Worcester, and at the bloud
of hailes, whiche had cost him. xviij.
pence, that he had done as an ill hus-
band, that had plowed his land and
sowen it, but nothing to the purpose:
For he had worshypped mans hādy
worke and cast away hys money,
which had beene better geuen to the
poore: for he should worshyp but one
God, and no handy worke of man.
Item, when the people would
offer candels, where he was vicare,
to Mary Magdalene, hee would
take them away and say they were
fooles, that brought them thether.
Elizabeth More, of Easthenred.
Robert Pope, of Westhenred.
Henry Mil-
ler or
Tuccke, by
This Henry dyd
shew to Roger Dods
a certeine story of a
woman in the Apo-
calyps, rydyng vpon
a red beast.  
Commentary   *   Close

The whore of Babylon; see Rev. 17:1-6.

The sayd
Hēry was twise ab-
Commentary   *   Close

A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

For readyng vnto
þe sayd Roger Dods,
a certeine Gospell in
W. Fyppe of
and Henry
his sonne.
This Williā had ex-
horted Roger Dods,
that hee should wor-
shyp no Images, nor
cōmit no Idolatry,
but worshyppe one
God: & told the same
Rog. þt it was good
for a man to be mery
and wise, meanyng,
that he should keepe
close that was told
hym: for elles streit punishement woulde
Roger Par-
ker of Hy-
This Parker sayd
to Iohn Fyppe  
Commentary   *   Close

A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

burnynge of hys
bookes, that he was
foule to blame, for
they were worth a
C. markes. To whō Iohn aūswered, that
he had rather burne his bookes, thē that hys bookes should burne him.

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Accusers. Parties accused. Crimes obiected.
The fore-
sayd Roger
Dods of
Burford, by
hys othe
was com-
pelled to
vtter these
here an-
The wife of Thomas Wydmore,
daughter of Roger House, of Hy-
chenden. Old Wydmores wyfe, sister to Iohn
of Hychenden.
Iohn Ledis-
dall of Hun
For reading of þe Bi-
ble, in Robert Bur-
ges house at Burford
vpon holy roode day,
wyth Colyns Ly-
uerd, Thomas Hall,
and other.MarginaliaFor reading the Bible in Englishe.
Rob. Co-
lyns, and
hys wyfe.
For buying a Byble
of Stacy,  
Commentary   *   Close

John Stacy, a warden of the bricklayers company. He will be charged in 1531 for aiding - and having converted - the evangelical martyr Richard Bayfield (1570, p. 1161; 1576, p. 993 and 1583, p. 1021). He will testify against Thomas Phillips and then abjured (1570, p. 1185; 1576, p. 1014 and 1583, pp. 1041-1042).

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for xx. s.
Iohn Colyns, and hys wyfe.
The father
of Robert
This father Colyns
had bene of this doc-
trine from the yeare
of our Lord. 1480.
Tho. Baker
of Whatley.
Robert Ly-
Iohn Sym-
son of Ste-
Tho. Ryley,
of Burford.
Ioh. Clem-
son, seruaūt
to the Prior
of Burford.
Iohn Ed-
of Burford.
Gunne, of
To these was layde,
that they beynge in
the house of Iohn
Harrys of Vpton,
at the maryage of
Ioanne the wyfe of
Robert Burges, did
read in a Booke cal-
led Nicodemus gos-
pell, that made the
clothe whiche our
Lorde was buryed
in (as the Register
sayth) and in that
Booke is the storye
of the destruction of
Iohn Baker, Weauer, of Wytney.
The Bayliffe of Wytney.
Iohn Hak-
Iohn Bra-
bant, and
his wyfe.
Iohn Bra-
bant hys
sonne, wyth
his wyfe.
Iohn Brabāt
the younger
sone, wyth
hys wife.
MarginaliaFor reading the Scripture in Englishe. For reading in a cer-
tayne Englishe boke
of Scripture, they
beynge together in
Ioh. Brabāts house
of Stanlake.
Reginald Brabant, of Stanlake.
The crime & detectiō
against this Henry
was, for þt he beyng
asked of thys Dods,
an. 1515. Whether he
would go to Wycomb
or not, aunswered a-
gaine, that he was
chosē Rood mā, þt is,
keper of þe Roode loft,
saying, þt he must goe
& tynd a cādle before
his blocke almighty..MarginaliaBLOCKE ALMIGHTY.
Oliuer Smith of Newlyne, and hys
This Williā Hobbis
was detected, first by
Radulfe Hobbis hys
brother, to Byshop
Smith, but was de-
liuered through the
sute of the Curate of

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Iohn Ed-
mundes, o-
called Iohn
Ogins of
did detect.
seruaunt of
Rich. Co-
MarginaliaAgainst the bodily presence of the Sacrament. For saying, that the
Sacrament of þe aul-
tar was made in the
remēbraūce of Chri-
stes owne body: but it
was not the bodie of
