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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the Dioces of Lincolne.

Accusers. Parties accused. Crimes obiected.
Iohn Ed-
mundes, o-
called Iohn
Ogyns of
Burford did
The shep-
was also ac-
cused and
MarginaliaAgaynst the bodely presence. Because the same
Edmunds sayd, that
he was persuaded by
this booke, readyng
these woordes: that
the Sacrament was
made in the remem-
braunce of Christ.
The booke of William Thorpe
likewise was much complay-
ned of both by this Iohn Ed-
mundes, and diuers other.
Colyns of
This Richard Co-
lyns, as hee was a
great doer amonge
these good mē: so was
he much complayned
vpon by diuers, & al-
so by this Edmūds,
for bringyng wt hym
aMarginaliaThe booke called the King of Beeme. booke called þe kyng
of Beeme, into their
cōpany, and did read
thereof a greate part
vnto them, in this
Edmundes house of
Alyce Co-
lyns, wife
of Richard
This Alyce likewise
was a famous wo-
man amōg them, and
had a good memory, & could recite much of
the Scriptures, and
other good bookes:
And therfore when
any cōuēticle of these
mē did meete at Bur
ford, cōmōly she was
sent for, to recite vnto
them the declaration
of the x. Commaūde-
ments, and the Epi-
stles of Peter, and
Ioanne Co-
lyns daugh-
ter of Rich.
and of A-
lyce Co-
MarginaliaFor hauyng the x. Commaundementes in Englishe. This Ioan also fol-
lowyng her fathers
and mothers steppes,
was noted, for that
she had learned with
her father & mother, the x. Commaunde-
mentes, the vij. dead-
ly sinnes, the seuen
workes of mercy, the
v. wittes bodely and
ghostly, the viij.
blessynges, & v. chap-
ters of saint Iames
Agnes Ed-
mundes his
owne daugh
This Agnes Ed-
mundes was also de-
tected by her father,
that hee brought her
to the house of Rich.
Colyns, to seruice, to
the intent she might
be instructed there in
Gods lawe, where
she had learned like-
wise the x. Cōmaun-
dementes, the v. wits
bodely and ghostly, &
the vij. deadly sinnes.
Alyce Gunne.
W. Russell,  
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William Russell, a tailor of Coleman Street, London, hosted Lollardconventicles in his house during the 1520s (Susan Brigden, London and the Reformation [Oxford, 1989], p. 103).

of Colmanstret.
One mother Ioanne.
Father Iohn of Hungerford.
Ioanne Taylor, seruaunt of Iohn
Harrys, of Burford.
Thomas Quicke, Wcauer, of
Philippe Brabant, Weauer.
Iohn Barbar, Clerke of Amersham.
Iohn Edynge, of Hungerford.

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Accusers. Parties accused. Crimes obiected.
One Brabant, brother to Philippe
Brabant, of Stanlake.
Whyte, and
Clerke did
Robert Butterfield.
The wordes of Wil-
liam Dorsette were
these: þt pilgrimage
was of none effect, &
offeryng candels or o-
ther things to saints,
stode in no stede, and
was butMarginaliaCost lost. cost lost.
MarginaliaFor saying: Our Ladye is not at Wilsedon, but in heauē. Also when his wife
was going on pilgri-
mage, and hee asked
whether? & she sayd
to our Lady of Wil-
sedon: our Lady, sayd
he is in heauen.

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Iohn Baker
being vr-
ged vpon
his othe, did
Iohn Ed-
Thys Iohn Edmu-
ndes was detected be-
cause that he, talking
with the sayd Ba-
ker, of pilgrimage,
bad him go offer hys
money to the Image
of God. And whē the
other asked, what
thatMarginaliaThe Image of God. was, hee sayd,
that the Image of
God was the poore
people, blynde, and
lame: and sayd that
he offended almighty
God in goyng on pil-

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William Phyppe ab-
iured by his
othe did ac-
Phyppe his
own sonne.
For cōmunyng with
Roger Dods against
pilgrimage and ado-
ration of Images.

Phyppe be-
yng exami-
ned, and ab-
iured by the
Bishop was
to disclose.
his owne workes spoken to Roger
Dods, saying to him, that he must
light a candle before his BLOCKE
ALMIGHTIE, being thē roode
Roger Par-
Phyppe his
own father.
For talkyng toge-ther agaynst pilgri-
mage and Idolatry.

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Iohn Bra-
bant, the el-
der sonne of
Iohn Bra-
bant, dyd
Iohn Hac-
Robert Pope.
For readyng the ho-
ly Scripcure in hys
fathers house, and for
saying these wordes:
Christ made his maū
dy and sayd, take this
bread, eate it, this is
my body: Take this
wyne, drinke it, this
is my bloude: And
Priestes say by these
wordes, that the
crament of the aulter
is the body of Christ.
Iohn Bra-
bant his fa-
ther, and his
For beyng present,
when Hacker was
readyng the Scrip-
ture in their house.
Philip Bra-
bant his vn-
The words of Phi-
lippe Brabant, were
these: that it was
deadly sinne to go on

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MarginaliaEx Regist. Io. Longland. fol. 85. ¶ Concernyng this Iohn Brabant, here is to be noted the forme and effect of the Byshops examination, asking and de- maundyng thus of the sayd Brabant: An vnquam audiuit Ioannem Hakker legētem sacram Scripturam cōtra determinationem Ecclesiæ. That is, Whether he euer heard Iohn Hacker  

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John Hacker was an extraordinarily influential Lollard with a long career; see J. A. F. Thomson, The Later Lollards, 1414-1520 for details. Hacker will be arrested in London in 1527 and in 1528, he would abjure and give the names of over 40 other Lollards to the authorities (1563, p. 418 and BL, Harley 421, fos. 11r-14r).

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