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K. Henry. 8. The Historie and actes of Doct. Martyn Luther.

minence to the Churche of Rome, MarginaliaLuthers assertion against the popes supremaciehaue no foundation for them, but out of the Popes decrees, set forth not much past 400. yeares heretofore: whiche decrees he affirmed to be contrary to al auncient hostories, aboue a thousand yeares past: contrary also to the holy scriptures and vnto Nicene Councel.

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MarginaliaThe assertion of Eckius for the supremacie. Against this assertion Eckius set vp a contrary conclusion, saying that they whiche holde that the supremacie and preheminence of the church of Rome aboue al other Churches, was not before the tyme of Pope Syluester the first, do erre: for as muche as they whiche succeded in the see and fayth of Peter, were alwayes receaued for the successours of Peter, and vicars of Christ in earth.

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This being the last of all the other Themes of Eckius, yet thought he chiefly to begyn with this against Luther, to bring him into more displeasure with the B. of Rome, wherin Luther him selfe much refused to dispute, alledging that matter to be more odious then necessary, for that present time, and that also for the B. of Romes sake, he had much rather keepe silence in the same. Whereunto if he must nedes be vrged, he would þe fault should be vnderstaāded of al men to be where it was, namely in his aduersary which prouoked him therunto, & not in him selfe. Eckius againe clearing him self, trāslateth all the fault vnto Luther, which first in his treatise, De indulgencijs Papæ, defended that before Pope Syluesters tyme the Churche of Rome had no place of maioritie, or preheminence aboue other churches, and also before the Cardinal Caietanus affirmed, that Pope Pelagianus wrasted many places of the Scripture out of their sense, vnto his own affection & purpose. Wherfore the fault hereof (saide he) to him rather is to be imputed, which ministred the first occasion.

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MarginaliaDisputation betwene Luther and Eckius, about the popes supremacie. Thus Luther beyng egged and strayned to dispute, whether he would or no, the question began to be propounded touchyng the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome: whiche supremacie Eckius dyd contende to be founded and grounded vpon Gods lawe. M. Luther on the other side, denyed not the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome aboue other Churches, neither denyed the same moreouer to be vniuersal ouer all Churches: but onely affirmed it not to be instituted by Gods lawe. Vpon this question the disputation dyd continue the space of fiue dayes.MarginaliaEx paralip. Abbat. Vrsp. Duryng all whiche season, Eckius very vnhonestly and vncurteously demeaned hym selfe, studying by all meanes how to bryng his aduersarye into hatred of the auditours, and into daunger of the Pope. The reasons of Eckius were these.MarginaliaThe reasons of Eckius for the supremacie. For so muche as the Church beyng a ciuil body, can not be without an heade, therefore as it standeth with Gods law, that other ciuile regimentes should not be destitute of their head: so is it by Gods lawe requisite, that the Pope shoulde be hed of the vniuersal Church of Christ. To this M. Luther answeared, that he confesseth and graunteth the Church not to be headles, so long as Christ is aliue, who is the onely head of the Churche, neither doth the Churche require any other head beside hym, for so muche as it is a spiritual kingdome, not earthly: and he alleged for hym the place Collos. 1.MarginaliaHieron.
Eckius againe produced certaine places out of Hierome and Cypriā, which made very litle to proue the primacie of the pope to hold by Gods law.MarginaliaBernard. As touching the testimonie of Bernard, neither was the authoritie of the authour of any great force in this case, neither was the place alleged so greatly to the purpose.

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Then came he to the place of S. Math. 16. Tu es Petrus. &c.MarginaliaMath. 16. Thou art Peter, and vpon this rock I wyl buylde my churche. &c.  

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Matthew 16:18. This considered by Catholics to provide scriptural authority for claims of papal primacy.

MarginaliaLuther answereth to the place of S. Math. To this was answeared, that this was a confession of fayth, and that Peter there representeth the person of the whole vniuersall churche, as Austen doth expounde it. Also that Christe in that place meaneth hym selfe to be the rocke, as is manifest to collecte, both by his wordes and order of the sentence, and many other coniectures. Likewise to þe place of S. Iohn. Pasce oues meas:MarginaliaIoh. 21. Feede my sheepe  
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John 21:16-17.

. Which wordes Eckius alleged properly and peculiarly to be spoken to Peter alone.MarginaliaThe aunswere of Luther to the place of S. Iohn, Pasce oues meas. Martin answeared, that after these wordes spoken, equall authoritie was geuen to all the Apostles, where Christe sayth vnto them, Receiue ye the holy ghoste: whose sinnes soeuer ye remit, they are remitted. &c.  
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John 20: 22-23.

By these wordes (saith he) Christe assignyng to them their office, doth teach what is to feede, and what he ought to be that feedeth.MarginaliaThe authoritie of the councell of Constance. After this Eckius came to the authoritie of the Councell of Constance, alleging this amongest other articles, De necessitate salutis est, credere Rom. pontificem Oecumenicum esse, That is, that it standeth vpon necessitie of our saluation to beleeue the Bishop of Rome to be supreme heade of the Churche: alleging moreouer, that in the same Councell was debated and discussed, that the general Councel coulde not erre. Whereunto Martin Luther againe dyd answeare discretly, saying that al the articles whiche Iohn Hus did holde in that Councell, were not condemned for hereticall: with much other matter more. Againe, of what authoritie that Councel of Constance is to be estemed, that he leaft to other mens iudgemēts. This is most certain (said he) that no Councel hath such authoritie to make newe articles of faith. Here M. Luther began to be cryed out of by Eckius and his complices, for diminishing the authoritie of generall Councels. Although in deede he meant nothyng lesse but euer labored to confirme the authoritie of the same: yet was he called heretike and schismatike, and one of the Bohemes faction, with many other termes moe of reprochful contumelie.  
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Eck's strategy was to brand Luther as a heretic and a Hussite (i.e. 'one of the Bohemians' faction').

Eckius then graunted the authoritie of the Apostles to be equal: and yet not to folowe therby the authoritie of all Bishops therfore to be equal: For betweene apostleship and ministerie (said he) there is great difference.

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To conclude, Eckius in no case coulde abide that any creature should decline from any worde or sentence of the Popes decrees, or the constitutions of the forefathers. To this againe Luther answeared, groundyng hym selfe vpon the place ad Gal. 2. where S. Paul speaking of the principall Apostles, sayth: And of them whiche seemed to be great, what they were before, it maketh no matter to me, for God accepteth no mans person: neuerthelesse, they that were of some reputation, dyd auayle nothing at all. &c.  

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Galatians 2:6.

MarginaliaGal. 2. Eckius to this said,MarginaliaHere is good doctrine of Eckius, I trowe. that as touching the authoritie of the Apostles, they were all chosen of Christe, but were ordeyned Bishoppes of saint Peter. And whereas Luther brought in the constitution of the decree, whiche sayth Ne Romanus pontifex vniuersalis Episcopus nominetur, &c. Yea let not the Bishop also of Rome be called vniuersal Bishop. &c. To this Eckius answeared on this sort, þt þe Bishop of Rome ought not to be called vniuersal Bishop: yet he maye be called (sayd he) Bishop of the vniuersal church. And thus muche touchyng the question of the Popes supremacie.

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MarginaliaThe question of Purgatorie. From this matter, they entred nexte to Purgatorie wherein Eckius kept no order. For when they should haue disputed, what power the Pope hath in Purgatorie, Eckius turneth the scope of the question, and prooueth, that there is Purgatorie, and allegeth for him the place of Machab.  

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2 Mac. 12: 43-5.

Marginalia2 Mach. 12. Luther leanyng vpon the iudgement of Hierome, affirmeth the booke of Machabees not be Canonical. Eckius agayne replyeth, the booke of Machabees to be of no lesse authoritie, then the Gospels. Also he alleged the place 1. Corinth. 3. He shall be saued, yet so as it were by fire.  
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1 Corinthians 3:15.

Marginalia1 Corin. 3. Moreouer he inferred the place of Math. 5. Agree thou with thine aduersary while thou art in the way with him, least he commyt thee into prison, from whence thou shalt not escape, tyl thou hast payed the vttermost farthing. &c.  
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Matthew 5: 25.

MarginaliaMath 5. To this he added also the place of the Psalme: We haue passed through fire &  
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Psalm 66: 12.

water. &c.
MarginaliaPsal. 65. How these places be wrasted to Purgatorie, let the reader discerne and iudge.

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MarginaliaThe question of Indulgences. Then was inferred the question of Indulgences, wherof Eckius seemed to make but a toy and a matter of nothing, and so passed it ouer.

MarginaliaThe question of Penaunce. At last they came to the question of penaunce, touching which matter the reasons of Eckius digressed much from the purpose, which went about to proue that there be some maner of paynes of satisfaction: whiche thyng Luther dyd neuer deny. But that for euery particuler offence such particuler penaunce is exacted of Gods iustice vpon the repentant sinner, as is in mans power to remit or release as pleaseth hym: such penance, neither Luther, nor any other true Christian dyd admyt. And thus haue ye the chiefe effect of this disputation betweene Luther and Eckius at Lypsia. Which was in the moneth of Iulie. an. 1519.  

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Both sides gained something from the Leipzig diputation. Eck succeeded in branding Luther as a heretic to many religious conservatives and convinced Rome (and Charles V) that Luther was a dangerous threat. But Luther's insistence on scripture as the sole authority for doctrine and his challenging papal primacy won him a great deal of support.

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MarginaliaWhen Vldericus Zuinglius came to Tigurie. About the begynnyng  

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The efforts to ascertain that Luther preceded Zwingli comes from Foxe. Otherwise, this description of the rise of Zwingli is taken from Johannes Sleidan, A famous cronicle of our time, called sleidanes Commentaries, trans. John Daus (London, 1560), STC 19848, fo. 17r.

of the same yeare. 1519. Vldericke Zuinglius came first to Zuricke, and there began to teach.MarginaliaLuther and Zuinglius began both at one tyme to write agaynst the Pope. Who in the 16. article, in his booke of Articles, recordeth, that Luther and both at one time, one not knowing nor hearyng of an other, began to write against the Popes pardons and Indulgences. Albeit if the tyme be rightly counted, I suppose we shal finde that Luther began a yere or two before Zuinglius. Notwithstandyng this dooth Sledan testifie, that in this present yeare, when Sampson a Franciscan, came with the Popes pardons to Zuricke, Vldericke Zuinglius dyd withstand hym and declared his chaffer and pardons to be but a vayne seducing of the people, to inueagle away their money. Ex Sled. Lib. 1.

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MarginaliaLuthers bookes condemned at Louen and Colen. The next yeare ensuing,  

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The account of the condemnation of Luther's On Christian Liberty, is taken from Caspar Hedio, Paralipomena rerum memorabilium (Strassburg, 1569), pp. 454-55.

which was. 1520. the Fryers and Doctours of Louane, and also of Colen, condemned the bokes of Luther as heretical. Agaynst whom Luther agayne effectuously defended hym selfe, and charged them with obstinate violence, and malicious impietie.MarginaliaPope Leos Bull agaynst Luther. After this, within fewe dayes flasheth out from Rome the thunderbolt of Pope Leo against the said Luther notwithstanding he so humblye and obedientlye before had rruerenced both the person of the Pope, and agnised the authoritie of

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