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K. Henry. 8. Persecutiō in Germanie. Wolfgangus Schuch, Iohn Huglein, Martyrs.

Pater noster, and Aue Maria. And thus was the Duke brought vp and trayned, and in nothyng els, as the Duke himselfe oft tymes in talke with his familiars, would confesse.MarginaliaThe disputatiō of Wolfgangus with the fryers. This Bonauenture beyng chief iudge and moderator where Wolfgangus disputed, or was examined, had nothyng els in his mouth, but thou hereticke, Iudas, Belzebub, &c. Wolfgangus bearyng patiently those priuate iniuries, which perteyned to himselfe, proceded mightely in hys disputation by the Scriptures confutyng or rather confoūdyng his aduersaries. Who beyng not otherwise able to make their partie good, yet for very shame, because they would not seeme to do nothyng, tooke his Bible with hys notes in the margent, into their monastery and burnt it.MarginaliaThe sentēce geuen against Wolfgangus, by the Duke, not knowing what Wolfgangus sayd. At the last disputation Duke Anthony hymselfe was sayd to be there, alteryng his apparell, because he would not be knowen, who albeit he vnderstode not the speach of Wolfgangus, speakyng in Latin, yet perceauyng him to be bold and constant in his doctrine, departyng from the disputation, gaue sentence, that he should be burned, because he denyed the Church, and Sacrament of the Masse. Wherupon it folowed shortly after that Wolfgangus was condemned to be burned, who hearyng the sentence of his cōdemnation, began to sing the Psal. 122. Lætatus sum in his quæ dicta sunt mihi, in domum Domini ibimus. &c.

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As he was led to the place of execution, passyng by the house of the Gray Friers, Bonauenture the great Cyclops sittyng at the doore, cryed out to him: thou hereticke do thy reuerence here to God, and to our Lady, and to hys holy Saintes, shewyng to him the Idoles standyng at the Friers gate. To whom Wolfgangus aunswered agayne: thou hypocrite, thou paynted wall, the Lord shall destroy thee, and bryng all thy false dissimulation vnto light. When they were come to the place of his Martyrdome, first hys bookes before hym were throwen in the fire. Then they asked him whether he would haue his paine minished or shortned: to whō he sayd no, byddyng them to do their will: for (sayd he) as God hath bene with me hetherto, so I trust now he will not leaue me, when I shall haue most neede of hym, concludyng his wordes thus: that they should put the sentence in execution,MarginaliaNote the quiet and ioyfull death of this blessed Martyr. & so begynnyng to sing the 51. Psal. he entred into the place heaped vp with fagots and woode, continuyng in his Psalme and singyng till the smoke & the flame tooke from him both voyce and lyfe.

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¶ The Martyrdome of Wolfgangus.

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The singular vertue, constancie, and learnyng of this blessed man, as it refreshed and greatly edified the hartes of many good men: so it astonished as much the myndes of his aduersaries, and wrought to their confusion:MarginaliaThe iust punishment of God vpō persecutors. For shortly after his death, the Commēdator of S. Antony of Vienna, who satte as spirituall iudge ouer hym, and gaue sentence of his condemnation, fell sodenly downe and dyed. Also hys felow, which was Abbot of Clarilocus, and suffragan to the Byshop of Metz, sodenly at the commyng of the Duches of Denmarke into the citie of Nancie, strokē with sodein feare, at the cracke of gunnes, fell downe and dyed, as they whiche were present and saw it, haue made faithfull relation of the same. an. 1525. Ex Ludou. Rabo, & Pantal.

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Iohn Huglein Martyr.

MarginaliaIohn Huglein, Martyr.
Ex Comment. Sled. lib. 6
OF Iohn Huglein Priest, mention is made in the commentaries of Iohn Sledan. Lib. 6. who the next yeare folowyng. an. 1526. was burned at Merspurge by the Byshop of Constance, for that he did not hold with the Byshop of Romes doctrine in all pointes.

Moreouer, besides other matters in this yeare occurrent, here is also a memorandum to be made to all posteritie, that in this present yeare. 1526. vnto Iohn Fridericke sonne and heyre to the Prince and Electour of Saxony, was promised the Lady Katherine the Emperours yonger sister in Mariage, and writynges made of the same.MarginaliaPromise of maryage broken with Iohn Fridericke duke of Saxony. But when the alteration of religion was sent by Gods prouidence into Saxony, they swarued from their couenaunts, and Hawhart, which was then the Emperours Ambassadour in Germany, sayd playnly,MarginaliaThe Popes church keepeth no promise with heretickes. that there was no promise to be kept with heretickes: wherein they seemed to folow well the footesteppes of the Councell of Constance, as before you haue partly heard, in the story of Iohn Hus, and of the Emperour Sigismund. pag. 573. 575.

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George Carpenter of Emeryng Martyr, burned in the towne of Munchen in Bauaria.

MarginaliaGeorge Carpenter, Martyr. THe viij. day of February, in the yeare of our saluation. 1527. there happened a rare and maruailous example and spectacle in the town of Munchen in Bauaria, which was this. A certaine man named George Carpenter of Emeryng was there burnt. When he was fet out of the prison called Falken tower, and led before the Councell, diuers Friers and Monkes folowed hym, to instruct and teach him: whom he willed to tary at home, and not to folow hym. When he came before the Councell, his offences were read, contained in foure Articles.

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MarginaliaArticles layde agaynst George Carpenter. First that he dyd not beleue that a Priest could forgeue a mans sinnes.

Secondly that he dyd not beleue , that a man could call God out of heauen.

Thirdly that he dyd not beleue that God was in the bread, which the Priest hangeth ouer the aultar, but that it was the bread of the Lord.

Fourthly that he did not beleue, that the very element of the water it selfe in Baptisme, doth geue grace.

Which foure Articles he vtterly refused to recant.MarginaliaGeorge perswaded to recant. Then came vnto him a certaine Scholemaister of S. Peters in the towne of Munchen, saying: my frend George, doest thou not feare the death and punishment which thou must suffer? If thou were let go, wouldest thou returne to thy wife and children? Whereunto he aunswered: If I were set at libertie, whether should I rather go, then to my wife and well beloued children? Then sayd the Scholemainster, reuoke your former sentence and opinion, and you shall be set at liberty.MarginaliaThe loue of God preferred before wyfe, children, and libertie. Wherunto George aunswered: my wife and my children are so dearely beloued vnto me, that they can not be bought from me, for all the riches and possessions of the Duke of Bauaria: but for the loue of my Lord God I will willyngly forsake them. Whē he was led vnto þe place of executiō, the scholemaister spake vnto hym agayne, in the middest of the market place, saying: Good George, beleue in the Sacrament of the aultar: do not affirme it to be onely a signe.MarginaliaThe sacrament a signe of the Lordes bodye. Wherunto he aunswered: I beleue this Sacrament to be a signe of the body of Iesus Christ, offered vpon the Crosse for vs. Then sayd the Scholemaister moreouer, what doest thou meane, that thou doest so litle esteme Baptisme, knowyng that Christ suffered himselfe to be Baptised in Iordane?MarginaliaBaptisme. Wherunto he aunswered, and shewed what was the true vse of Baptisme, and what was the end why Christ was Baptised in Iordane, & how necessary it was that Christ should dye and suffer vpon the Crosse, wherein onely standeth our saluation. The same Christ (sayd he) will I confesse this day before the whole world: for he is my Sauiour, and in him do I beleue.

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After this came vnto hym one Maister Conrade Scheitter, the Vicare of the cathedrall Church of our Lady in Munchen a preacher, saying: George, if thou wilt not beleue the Sacrament, yet put all thy trust in God, and say:
