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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Martyrs which suffered in Germanie.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

As soone as the Frier was come downe, he braste out, and charged him with false doctrine persuading the people, as well as he could be heard, by the scriptures, that the bread was but a Sacrament onelye of the Lordes body. The Frier not willing to heare hym, made signes vnto him to depart. Also þe thrōge of the people was such, that it caried him out of the doores. He had not gone farre, but Hesselius þe Chāberlain ouertooke hym & caried hym to prison. Then were Doctours and other Friers, as Pistorious & Bunderius, brought to reason with hym, of the Sacrament, of Inuocation of Saintes, and Purgatory. He euer stood to the triall onely of the Scripture: which they refused. Thē was it agreed þt he shoulde declare his mynd in writing: which he did. He wrote also to his wyfe at Emden: comfortyng her, and requiring her to take care, for Samuel, and Sara his children. When he was condemned, he was cōmaūded not to speake to the people. Hesselius the officer made great hast to haue hym dispatched, Wherfore he myldely lyke a lambe, praying for his enemyes, gaue hym selfe to bee bounde, paciently takyng that they would do agaynst him: whom first they strangled, & then consumed his body beyng dead, with fire. And this was the martyrdome of Hostius. Ex Lud. Rabo. lib. 7.

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MarginaliaIohn Frisius, Abbot. Ioan. Frisius
In Bauaria.
An. 1554.
Ioan. Sled. lib. 25.
maketh record of one
Ioan. Frisius Abbot of
Newstat within the
Dioces of þe B. Her-
bipolēsis in Bauari-
a: who being suspec-
ted of Lutheranisme
was called to accōpte
of hys fayth: & strōgly persisting in his as-
sertions, and defēding
the same by the scrip-
tures, he was there-
fore displaced and re-
moued from all hys
iurisdiction, 25. of
Iune. an. 1554. Ex

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MarginaliaThe pitious Martyrdome of Bertrand le Blas. The Bayife
of Henne-
gow, gouer-
nour of the
towne and
Castle of
Peter De
to the sayde
Philip de
chief coū-
saylour in
Nic. Chā-
Pet. Rache-
Iames de
Nicholas of
M. Hermes
of Wingles,
one of the
for the sayd
Bertrand le
At Dornic.
An. 1555.
The story of Ber-
trand is lamentable,
his tormentes vncre-
dible, the tyrannye
shewed vnto him hor-
rible, the constancie
of the Martyr admi-
rable. Thys Ber-
trand being a Silke-
weauer, went to We-
sell for the cause of re-
ligion. Who beyng de-
sirous to drawe hys
wyfe and Children
from Dornic to We-
sell, came thrise from
thence to perswade
with her to goe with
hym thether. When
shee in no wyse coulde
be entreated, he re-
maining a few dayes
at home, set his house
in order, and
desired hys wife and his bro-
ther to pray that God
would stablishe hym
in hys enterprise, that
he was about. That
done, he went vpon
Christenmas day to
the hye Churche of
Dornic, where hee
tooke the cake out of
the Priestes handes,
as he would haue lyft
it ouer hys heade at
Masse, and stampt it

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Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

vnder his feete, saying that he did it to shew the glory of that God, and what litle power he hath: with other wordes moe to the people, to perswade them that the cake or fragment of bread was not Iesus their Sauiour.

At the sight hereof the people beyng stroken with a maruelous damp stode all amased. At length such a styrre therupon folowed, that Bertrand could hardely escape with life. It was not long, but the noyse of this was caried to the Baylife of Hēnegow. and gouernour of the Castle of Dornic, which lay sicke the same tyme, of the gowte, at Biesy. Who like a madd man cried out, that euer God would or could be so paciente, to suffer that contumely, so to be troden vnder the foote of such a miser: addyng moreouer, that hee woulde reuenge his cause in such sorte, as it shoulde be an example for euer to all posteritie, and forthwith the furious tyraunt commaunded hym selfe to be caried to þe Castle of Dornic. Bertrand being brought before him, was asked whether hee repented of hys facte, or whether he would so do, if it were to be done agayne. Who aunswered, that if it were an hundreth tymes to be done, he would do it: and if hee had an hundreth liues, he would geue MarginaliaBertrand thrise tormented. them in that quarell. Then was he thrise put to the pynebanke, tormented most miserably, to vtter his setters on, whiche hee would neuer do. Then proceded they to the sentence, more like tyrannes then Christen men. By the tenour of which sentence, this was his punishment: First he was drawne from the castleMarginaliaThe miserable & tragicall handling of Bertrand. of Dornic, to the market place, hauyng a balle of yron put in hys mouth, Then he was set vppon a stage, where hys rightMarginaliaThe right hand & foote of Bertrand pressed of, wyth hoate yrons. hand, wherwith he tooke the hoste, was crushed and pressed betwene two hoate yrons, with sharp yrō edges firye redde, till the forme & fashion of hys hand was mishaped. In lyke maner they brought other like yrons for his right fote, made fire hoate whereunto, of his own accorde, he put his foote, to suffer as his hand had done before, with meruelous constancie and firmenes of mynde. That done, they tooke the balle of MarginaliaThe tounge of Bertrand cut of. yron out of hys mouth, and cut of hys toung, who notwithstandyng, with continuall crying, ceased not to call vppon God: wherby the hartes of the people were greatly moued: Wheruppō the tormentours thrust in the yron balle into hys mouth agayn. From thēce they brought him downe to þe lower stage, he goyng to the same no lesse chearfully and quietly, then if no part of his body had bene hurt. There his leggesMarginaliaThe burnyng & martyrdome of Bertrand. and his handes were bound behynde hym with an yron cheyne goyng about hys body, and so he was let downe flat vpon the fire: whom the foresayd gouernor there standyng by and lokyng vpon, caused to be let vp agayne, & so downe and vp agayne, till at last the whole body was spent to ashes, which he commaūded to be cast into the riuer. When this was done, the Chapell where thys Massegod was so entreated, was lockte vp, and the bord wheruppon the Priest stode, was burnt: þe marble stone wheruppon the hoste did light, was broken in peeces. And finally for somuch as the sayd Bertrand had receaued his doctrine at Wesell, commaundement was geuen, that no person, out of that coūtrey should go to Wesell, or there occupy, vnder incurryng the daunger of the Emperours Placard. Ex Crisp. Pantal. et Adriano.

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MarginaliaPersecution in Bohemia. Two hun-
dreth Mi-
nisters of
An. 1555.
The same yeare 2.
hundreth Ministers
and preachers of the
Gospell, were bany-
shed out of Bohemi-
a, for preachyng a-
gaynst the superstiti-
on of the Byshop of
Rome, and extollyng
the glory of Christ.
Ex comment. Ioan.
Sled. lib. 25.

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MarginaliaPersecution in Locarne. The prea-
chers of
Locarne is a place
beyond the Alpes, yet
subiect to the Helue-
tians. When these al-
so had receaued the
gospell, & the fiue Pa-
ges of the Helueti-
ans aboue mentioned,
