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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Martyrs which suffered in Germanie.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.
were not well plea-
sed therewith, but
would haue them pu-
nished, and great con-
tention was amōg þe
Heluetians about the
same, it was cōcluded at length, that þe Mi-
nisters should be exi-
led: Whom the Ty-
gurines did receaue.
Ex Pantal.

MarginaliaFraunces Warlut, Alexander Dayken. Martyrs. Fraunces
After these two
good men being borne
in the lower partes
of Germany, had ben
conuersaūt in diuers
reformed Churches
in other countreys,
at last for conscience
sake, they returned
home agayne to doe
good in their owne
countrey of Dornic, &
there about.
At Dornic.
An. 1562.
So vpon a tyme,
as the people there
resorted to a backe
fielde or woode with-
out the Citie, with a
certaine preacher to
heare the worde of
God and to praye,
the aduersaries ha-
uyng thereof some in-
telligence, so pursued
them, that they tooke
of them aboue 30. of
whom these two, a-
mong the rest, were
apprehended, and thin
kyng no lesse but that
they should bee bur-
ned, they began to
sing Psalmes. At
length beyng brought
forth, first one, then
the other, they were
both beheaded. And
where the iudges had
entended to quarter
their bodyes, and to
set them vppe by the
hygh wayes, yet was it so prouided,
God workyng in the hartes of the
people, that they were both commit-
ted to sepulture. Ex Lud. Rab.

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MarginaliaThe father with his two sonnes and hys daughter martyred. Earle of
Iames Fa-
ber, his fa-
ther in law.
Faber, sōne
of Iames.
Anna wife
of Gillot9,
and daugh-
ter of
Iames Fa-
These in the cause
of Gospell suffe-
red at Valence.
Iames Faber be-
yng an old man, sayd:
that althoughe hee
could not aūswere or
satisfie them in rea-
sonyng, yet he would
constantly abyde in þe
truth of the Gospell.
Anna his daugh-
ter beyng with child,
was respited, after
she was deliuered, she
folowed her husband
and father in the lyke

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Marginalia Michella wife of Iames Clerke, Martyr.
This Iames Clerke before was burned.
Michella, wife
of Iames Clerke,
whiche was before
burned, whē she was
offered to be maryed,
and to be caried out
of the countrey to some
reformed Church, re-
fused so to doe, but

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.
At Vallēce
An. 1550.
would abyde the ad-
uenture of her voca-
tion, & so was condēned with Gillotus to
be burned. Ex Crisp.

MarginaliaGodfride, a Taylor Martyr. Godfridus
At Dornic An. 1552.
This Godfride a
Taylor, was taken &
condemned at Dornic
or Tournay. When
they had condemned
him by the name of an
hereticke, Nay (sayd
he) not an hereticke,
but a seruaunt of Ie-
sus Christ vnprofi-
table. When the hang
man went about to
strangle hym to di-
minishe his punish-
mēt, he refused it, say-
ing that he would a-
byde the sentēce that
the Iudges had ge-
uen. Ex eod.

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☞ Besides these Germaines aboue specified, a great number there was both in the hygher, & lower countreys of Germany, which were secretly drowned, or buryed, or otherwise in prison made away, whose names although they be not knowen to vs, yet they are registred in the booke of lyfe. Furthermore, in the Dutch booke of Adrian, diuers other be numbred in the Catalogue of these Germane Martyrs, which likewise suffered in diuers places of the lower coūtrey: the names of certaine wherof be these. At Bergis or Berghen in Hennegow, were burnt

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MarginaliaDiuers in the lower countries martyred. Iohn Malo.
Damian Witroke.
Weldrewe Calier.
Iohn Porceau.
Iuliā, van den Swerde.
Adrian Lopphen.
in the yeare of our Lorde.
1555. Iohn Malo, Damiā Witrocke, Weldrew Calier
buryed quicke, Iohn Por-
ceau. At Aste suffered also
one Iulian. an. 1541. and
Adrian Lopphen. an. 1555.
At Bruxels an. 1559. one
Bawdwyne beheaded. An

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other called MarginaliaEx Gallicana hist. et Adriano. Gilleken Tielmā burnt. an. 1541. Adde moueouer to the same Catalogue of Dutch martyrs burnt & consumed, in the lower countreys vnder the Emperours dominiō: the names of these folowyng. W. Swolle, burnt at Mechlin, an. 1529. Niho. Paul at Gaunt beheaded. Robert Orguier, & Ioanne his wife, with Baudicon & Martin Orguier their children, which suffred at Lisle. an. 1556. M. Nicolas burnt at Mons in Hennegow. Laurēce of Bruxels, at Mons. Iames Fosseau, at Mōs. Cornelis Volcart, at Brugis, an. 1553. Hubert the Printer, and Philip Ioyner, at Brugis, an. 1553. A woman buried with thornes vnder her. Peter le Roux, at Brugis. an. 1552. At Mechlin suffred Frances, & Nicolas Thijs, ij. brethren. an. 1555. At Antwerpe were burnt Adrian a Painter and Henry a Taylor. an. 1559. Also Cornelys Halewyne Locksmith, & Hermā Ianson the same yeare. M. Iohn Champ schole master. an. 1557. with a nūber of other besides. which in the sayd booke are to be sene and read.

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¶ An. 1525. we read also in the French history of a certaine Mōke, who because he forsoke his abhominable order & was maried, was burnt at Prage.

MarginaliaA preacher at Erdphord poysoned. The Priests
of Erdford.
A Preacher
poisoned at
In the collectiōs of
Henry Pantalion, we read also of a cer-
tain godly preacher to
be poysoned, for prea-
chyng the worde of
truth, by the Priests
of Erdford. Ex elegia
cuiusdā viri Docti. in

And here ceasing with this persecution in Germany, we will now (Christ willyng) procede further to the French Martyrs, comprehendyng in a lyke Table, the names and causes of such as in that kyngdome suffered for the word of God, and cause of righteousnes, as in this brief Summary consequently here vnder ensueth.

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¶ An