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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.

gia, preachyng still as he went. Then spake one of the souldiours to the driuer or carter, willyng hym to driue a pase, for here is preachyng, sayd he, enough. To whom sayd Aymond, He that is of God, heareth the wordes of God. &c.MarginaliaIohn. 8. In passing by a certaine Image of our Lady, great offence was taken agaynst hym, because he alwayes called vpon Christ Iesus onely, and made no mention of her. Wheruupon he liftedMarginaliaFilioli, custodite vos a simulachris. 1. Iohn 5. his voyce to GOD, praying, that he would neuer suffer hym to inuocate any other, sauyng hym alone. Commyng to the place where he should suffer, he was tumbled out of the cart, vpon the ground, testifying to the Magistrates and to the people stādyng by, that he dyed for the Gospel of Iesu Christ & for his word. More he would haue spoken, but he could not be suffered, by the tumultuous vexing of the officers, criyng: dispatch, dispatch hym, let him not speake. Then he speakyng a few wordes softly in the eare of the litle Carmelite, whom he had cōuerted: was byd to steppe vp to þe stage. Where the people beginning to geue a litle audiēce, MarginaliaThe wordes of Aymond to the studentes. thus he said: O Lord make hast to helpe me, tary not, do not despise the worke of thy handes. And you my brethren, that be students, and scholers, I exhorte you to study and learne the Gospell, for the word of God abydeth for euer: labour to know the will of God, and feare not them that kill the body, but haue no power vpon your soules. And after that, my fleshe (sayde he) repugneth meruelously agaynst the spirite, but shortly I shall cast it away. My good maisters, I beseech you pray for me. O Lord my God, into thy handes I cōmend my soule. As he was oft repetyng the same, the hangmā tooke and haled him vpon the steppes, in such sorte, that he strāgled him. And thus the blessed Saint gaue vp his lyfe: Whose body afterward was with fire consumed.

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MarginaliaFraunces Bribard. Frances
An. 1544.
Fraunces Bribard
was sayde to be þe se-
cretary of þe Cardinal
of Bellay. Who being
also for the Gospell
condemned, after hys
toung was cut of, did
with lyke constancie,
susteine the sharpnes
of burnyng. Ibidem.

MarginaliaWilliam Husson, Martyr. The hygh
Court of
A widow
kepyng a
house, in
the subur-
bes of
Husson, an
At Roan.
An. 1544.
William Husson A-
pothecary, commyng
frō Bloys to Roan,
was lodged with a
certaine widow in the
suburbes of the Ci-
tie. Who asking of
her, at what time the
Counsaile or Parla-
mēt dyd rise, she sayd
at x. of the clocke. A-
bout which tyme and
houre he went to the
Palace, & there scat-
tered certaine bookes
concerning Christian
doctrine, & the abuse
of mens traditions.
Wherat the counsaile
was so moued, that
they commaunded all
the gates of the Citie
to be locked, and dili-
gēt search to be made
in all Innes & host-
les, to finde out the
author. Then the wi-
dow told of the partie
which was there, &
asked of the rising of
the Counsaile, and
shortly vpō the same,
tooke hys horse and

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rode away. Then were postes sent out thorough all quarters, so that the sayd William was taken by the way ridyng to Diepe, and brought agayne to Roan. Who there beyng examined, declared his fayth boldly,

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.

MarginaliaThe boldnes of a constant martyr. and how he came of purpose to disperse those bookes in Roan, and went to do the lyke at Diepe.

The weeke ensuyng, he was condemned to be burned aliue. After the sentēce geuē, he was brought in a carte, accompanyed with a Doctour a Carmelite Frier, before the great Church, who puttyng a torche in hys hand, required hym to do homage to the Image of our Lady: whichMarginaliaCustodite vos a simulachris. Iohn. 5. because he refused to do, his toung was cut out. The Frier then makyng a Sermon, when hee spake any thyng of the mercyes of God, the sayd William hearkened to hym: but when he spake of the merites of Saintes, and other dreames, he turned away his head. The Frier lookyng vppon the countenaunce of Husson, lift vp his hand to heauen: saying with great exclamation, that he was damned, and was possessed with a deuill. When the Frier had ceased his Sermon, this godly Husson had his handes and feete bound behynd his backe, andMarginaliaCrueltie of the aduersaries. with a pully was lifted vp into the ayre, & when the fire was kyndled, he was let down into the flame, where the blessed martyr, with a smilyng and chereful countenaunce looked vp to heauen, neuer mouing nor styrring, till he let downe his head, and gaue vp his spirite. All the people there present were not a litle astonyed thereat, and were in diuers opinions, some saying, that he had a deuill, other mainteyned the contrary, saying, if he had a deuill, he should haue fallen into dispayre.

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MarginaliaFrier Delanda conuerted. This Carmelite Frier aboue sayd, was called Delanda, which after was conuerted, & preached the Gospell. Ex Gallic. hist: Ioan. Crisp. Lib. 2.

MarginaliaIames Cobard, Martyr. Three Po-
pish priests.
The Duke of Loraine.
Iames Co-
bard, a
ster, and ma
ny other ta-
ken the
same tyme.
An. 1545.
This Iames, schole
master in the Citie
of S. Michaell in the
Dukedome of Barēs
in Loraine, disputed
with iij. Priests, that
the Sacrament of
Baptisme, and of the
Supper dyd not a-
uayle, vnlesse they
were receaued with
fayth: which was as
much to say, as that
the Masse did profite
neither the quicke nor
the dead. For þe which
and also for his con-
fession, which he be-
yng in prison sent of
his owne accorde, by
his mother vnto the
Iudge, he was bur-
ned, and most quietly
suffered. Ex Ioan.

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Marginalia Xiiij Martyrs.
Peter Clerke, Iohn Clerke, brethren and Martyrs.
The Fran-
ciscane Fri-
Clerke, bro
ther to
burnt be-
fore, pag.
Iohn Brise-
bar. Henr. Huti-
Tho. Hono-
Iohn Bau-
These xiiij. dwelt at
Melda, a Citie in
Fraunce x. miles frō
Paris. Where Williā
Briconetus beynge
there Byshoppe, dyd
much good, brought
to them the lyght of
the Gospell, and re-
formed the Church.
Who straightly beyng
examined for þe same,
relēted: But yet these
with many other re-
mained cōstant. Who
after the burnyng of
Iames Pauane be-
fore mētioned, and se-
ynge superstition to
grow more and more,
begā to congregate in
Mangins house, & to
set vp a church to thē-
selues, after þe exāple
of the Frēch Church
in Strausburgh. For
their minister, they
chose Peter Clerke.
First they beginning

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