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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Frenche Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.

of the Scripture? So litle regard had he to saue his owne lyfe, that he desired the Iudges, both at Meaux, & at Paris, for Gods sake, that they would rather take care of their owne lyues and soules, and to consider how much innocent bloud they spiled dayly in fightyng agaynst Christ Iesus, and his Gospell.

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At last, beyng brought to Paris, thorough the meanes of M. Peter Liset, a great persecutor, for that they of Meaux, should take by him no encouragement, there he was deteined, and suffered his martyrdome: where no kynde of cruelty was lackyng, which the innocent Martyrs of Christ Iesus were wont to be put vnto. Ex Henr. Pantal. & hist. Gallic.

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MarginaliaSteuen Polliot, Martyr. The names
of his per-
secutours in
the story be not
At Paris.
An. 1546.
Steuen Polliot
commyng out of Nor
mādy (where he was
borne) vnto Meaux,
taryed not there long,
but was compelled to
flye, & went to a town
called Fera: where he
was apprehēded, and
brought to Paris, & there cast into a foule
and darke prison. In
which prison he was
kepte in bandes and
fetters a long space,
where he saw almost
no light. At lēgth be-

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ing called for before the Senate, and his sentence geuen to haue his toung cut out, & to be burned alyue, his satchell of bookes hangyng about his necke: O Lord (sayd he) is the world in blyndnes and darcknes still? For he thought being in prison so long, that the world had bene altered from his old darknes, to better knowledge. At last, the worthy Martyr of Iesus Christ hauing his bookes about his necke, was put into the fire, where he with much paciēce, ended this transitory lyfe. Ex Henr, Pantal.

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MarginaliaIoh. Englishe, martyr. The hygh
Senate of
Ioh. Eng-
An. 1547.
He was executed
& burned at Sens in
Burgūdy, beyng cō-
demned by the hyghe
Court of Paris, for
confessing the true
word of GOD. Ex
Crisp. & Adrian.

MarginaliaMichaell Michelot, Martyr. Michael
a Taylour.
An. 1547.
This Taylour be-
yng apprehēded for þe
gospels sake, was iud
ged first if he would
turne, to be beheaded:
and if hee would not
turne, then to be bur-
ned alyue. Who beyng
asked whether of
these two hee would
chuse, aūswered, that
hee trusted that hee
which had geuē him
grace not to deny
the truth, would also
geue hym pacience to
abyde the fire. Hee
was burned at Wer-
den by Turney.

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MarginaliaLeonardus de Prato, Martyr. Two false
de Prato.
An. 1547.
This Leonard go-
yng from Dyton, to
Bar, a towne in Bur
gundy, with two false
brethren, and talkyng with them about re-
ligion, was bewrayed
of thē, and afterward
Iohn Taffin
Ioan his
MarginaliaVij. Martyrs.All these vij. beyng
of the Citie of Lan-
gres, for the word &
truth of Christ Ie-
sus, were committed

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Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.
Symon Ma-
Ioanne his
W. Michāt.
Iames Bou-
An. 1547.
to the fire: wherein
they dyed with much
strength and comfort.
But especially Io-
anne, which was Si-
mons wife, beyng re-
serued to þe last place,
because she was the
yoūgest, cūfirmed her
husbād and all the o-
ther, with wordes of
singular consolation,
declaryng to her hus-
bād, that they should
the same day, be ma-
ryed to the Lord Ie-
sus, to lyue with hym
for euer. Ex Pantal.
Crisp. & alijs.

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The Senate
of Paris.
Ioh. Cam9.
Great Iohn
Iohn Sera-
An. 1547.
These also, the same
yeare and about the
same time, for the like
confession of Christes
Gospell, were condē-
ned by the Senate of
Paris, & in the same Citie also with the
like cruelty, were bur
ned. Ex Pantal. Crisp.

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MarginaliaOctouien, Martyr. The host of
at Lyons. Gabriell of
a Marchaūt
of precious
At Paris.
An. 1548.
This Octouien, as
he was a great occu-
pyer in all fayres and
countreys of Fraūce,
and well knowē, both
in the Court, and els
where: so was he a
singular honest man,
of great integritie,
and also a fauourer of
Gods worde. Who
beyng at his hostes
house in Lyōs, rebu-
ked the filthy talke, &
superstitious behaui-
our, whiche there he
heard and saw. Wher
fore the hoste bearyng
to hym a grudge, chaū
ced to haue certaine
talke with Gabriell
of Sacconnex Pre-
centeur, concernyng
the riches, and a sū-
ptuous coller set with
rich iewels, of this
Thus these two
consultyng together,
dyd suborne a certaine

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person to borowe of hym a certayne summe of crownes. Which because Octouien refused to lende, the other caused him to be apprehēded for heresie, thinking thereby to make a tachemēt of his goodes. But such order was taken by Blōdels frendes, that they were frustrate of their purpose. Then Blondell beyng examined of his fayth, gaue a playne & full cōfession of that doctrine, whiche he had learned, for the which he was cōmitted to prisō: where he did much good to the prisoners MarginaliaFayth ioyned wyth good workes. there. For some that were in debt, he payd their creditours, & loosed them out. To some he gaue meate, to other, rayment. At lēgth, thorough the importune persuasions of his parētes and frendes, he gaue ouer and chaunged his confession. Notwithstādyng the Presenteur not leauing so, appealed him vp to þe hye Court of Paris. There Octouien beyng asked againe, touchyng his fayth, which of hys ij. confessions he would sticke to, he being before admonished of hys fall, and of the offence geuen thereby to the faythfull, sayd he would lyue and dye in his first cōfession, which he defēded to be consonāt to the verity of Gods word. Which done, he was cōdemned to be burned, and so hast was made to his execution, lest his frendes in the court, might come betwene and saue his lyfe. Ex Ioan. Crisp. Lib. 6.

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