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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.
MarginaliaClaudius Thierry, Martyr. Claudius
At Orle-
An. 1549.
The same yeare, &
for the same doctrine
of the Gospell, one
Claudius also was
burned at thee sayde
towne of Orleance,
being apprehended by
the way, commyng
from Geneua to hys
countrey, Ex Ioan.

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MarginaliaLeonard Galimard, martir. Leonard
At Paris.
An. 1549.
Thys Leonard, for
the confessiō likewise
of Christ & his Gos-
pell, was taken and
brought to Paris, &
there by the sentēce of
the coūsaile, was iud-
ged to be burnt the
same time as Florent
Venote, aboue mētio-
ned, did suffer at Pa-
ris. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaMacæus Moreau, martyr. Macæus
At Troyes.
An. 1550.
He was burned in
Troyes in Cāpaine
(a towne in Fraūce)
remaining cōstant to
the end, in the gospell,
for the which he was
apprehended. Ex eodē.

MarginaliaIoh. Godean, Gabriell Berandine, martirs. Ioan. Go-
Gabriell Berandi-
An. 1550.
These ij. were of þe
Church of Geneua.
Afterwarde for their
frendly admonishing
a certaine Prieste,
which in his Sermō
had abused the name
of God, they were ta-
ken at Chamberiace.
Godeau standyng to
his confessiō was bur
ned. Gabriell thoughe
he beganne a litle to
shrinke for feare of þe
torments, yet beyng
confirmed by the con
stant death of Gode-
, recouered againe,

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and stādyng likewise to his confession, first had his tongue cut out. Who notwithstāding, through Gods might did speak so as he might be vnderstād: wherupon the hangman beyng accused for not cuttyng of hys tongue rightly, sayd that he could not stoppe him of his speach. And so these ij, after they had confirmed many in in Gods truth, gaue their lyfe for Christes Gospell. Ibidem.

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MarginaliaThomas Sanpaulinus, Martyr. Ioan. An-
dreas, Pro-
Peter Liset,
President of
the Coūsell
of Paris.
Doctor Sor-
At Paris.
An. 1551.
This Thomas a
yong man of the age
of xviij. yeares, com-
miyng from Geneua
to Paris, rebuked
there a man for swea-
ryng. For the which
cause he beyng suspec-
ted for a Lutheran,
was folowed, & wat-
ched whether he wēt,
and was taken and
brought before þe coū-
saile of Paris, & put
in prison, where hee
was racked, and mi-
serably tormented to
the entent hee shoulde
either chaunge hys o-

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pinion, or confesse other of his profession. His tormentes and rakinges were so sore, through the settyng on of Maillard and other Sorbonistes, that the sight therof made Aubertus one of the Counsaile, a cruell and vehement enemy agaynst the Gospell, to turne his backe and weepe. The young man, when he had made the tormenters wery with racking, and

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Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

yet would vtter none, at last was had to Maulbert place in Paris, to be burned. Where he beyng in the fire, was pluckt vp agayne vpon the Gybbet, and asked whether he would turne. To whom he sayde, that he was in his way toward God, and therfore desired them to let him go. Thus this glorious martyr remayning inexpugnable, glorified the Lord with constant confession of his truth. Ibid.

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MarginaliaMauryce Secenat, martyr. Mauricius
In Pro-
An. 1551.
He first hauing in-
terrogations put to
hym by þe Lieutenāt
of that place, made his
aunsweres therunto,
so as no great aduan-
tage coulde be taken
thereof. But he be-
yng greatly compūc-
ted & troubled in hys
conscience for dissem-
blyng wyth þe truth,
and called afterward
before the Lord chiefe

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Iudge, aunswered so directly, that he was cōdemned for the same, and bur ned in Prouince. Ex eodē.

MarginaliaIohannes de Puteo, martyr. A Citizen
of Vzez.
Putte, or de
Puteo, sur-
named Me-
At Vzes in
An. 1551.
This Medicus be-
yng a Carpenter and
vnlettered, had a con-
trouersie about a cer-
teine pitte with a Ci-
tizen of the towne of
Vzez, where he dwel-
led. He, to cast thys
Medicus in the law,
frō the pitte, accused
hym of heresie, brin-
ging for his witnes-
ses, those labourers
whom Medicus had

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hyred to worke in hys vineyard: wherfore he beyng examined of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, was condemned and burned. At Vzez in Prouince. Ex eodem.

MarginaliaClaudius Monerius, martyr. The gouer-
nour of Ly-
The Offici-
all of the
of Lyons.
At Lyons.
An. 1551.
This mā beyng well
instructed in þe know
ledge of Gods worde,
for the which he was
also driuen frō Auer-
nia, came to Lyons,
and there taught chil
dren. He hearing of þe
Lord Presidents cō-
ming to þe Citie, wēt
to geue warning to a
certain familiar frend
of his, & so conducted
him out of the towne.
In returning againe
to cōfort þe mās wife

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and children, he was taken in hys house: and so he confessing that, which he knew to be true, and standyng to that which he confessed, after much affliction in prisons and doungeons, was condemned and burned at Lyons. He was noted to be so gentle and mylde of conditions, and constant withall, and also learned, that certeine of the Iudges coulde not forbeare weeping at his death.

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The sayd Monerius beyng in prison, wrote certeine letters, but one specially very comfortable, to all the faythfull, which the Lord willing, in the end of these histories shalbe inserted. He wrote also the questions and interrogatories of the Officiall, with his aunsweres likewise to the same, whiche summarilye we haue here contracted as foloweth.

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MarginaliaThe Sacrament What beleue you of the Sacrament? is the body of Christ in the bread, or no?

The Martyr.

I worship Iesus Christ in heauen sittyng at þe right hand of God the father.


What say you by Purgatory?

The Martyr.