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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.
At paris.
Ann. 1554.
dispatched, returned
againe into France,
and there within. iij.
houres of his cōming
was betraied & takē
by certain priestes at
Burges, & there de-
liuered by the sayde
priests, vnto þe offici
al. After a few dayies
the kinges Iustices
toke him frō the offi-
cial, and sent hym to
Paris, where after
greate rebukes and
tormēts, he suffered
in þe prison, & firmly
persistying in the pro
fession of the truth, by
their capitall sentēce
was adiudged to

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haue his tongue cut out, & so was burned at Mulbert place in Paris. Ex Ioan. Crispi.

Marginalia William Alencon, Martyr.
A sherman, Martyr.
False bre-
William A-
lencon boke
A certayne
At Mont-
Ann. 1554.
This Alencō dyd
much good in þe pro-
uinces of France, by
carying bokes. Cū-
myng to Montpel-
liers, he was there
circūuented by false
brethren, detected, &
laid in prison. In his
fayth he was firme
and constant to þe end
of his martyrdome,
beyng burned the. 7.
of Ianuary. an. 1554.
There was þe same
tyme at Montpelli-
ers a certain shermā
or clothworker, who

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had bene long in durance for religion, but at length for feare, and infirmitie, he reuolted. To whō it was enioyned by the Iudges to make publike recātatioō, and to be present also at the burnyng of Alencon aforesaid. At the beholding of whose death and constancie, it pleased God to strike into this man suche boldnes, that he desired the Iudges, that eyther he might burne with this Alencon, or els be brought againe into prisō, sayīng þt he would make no other recantation, but so. Wherfore within three dayes after he was likewise condemned to the fire, and burned, in the towne aforesaid. Ex Ioan. Crisp.

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MarginaliaParis Panier. Martyr. Paris Pani-
er a Law-
At Dola.
Ann. 1554.
At Dola was be-
headed a good & godly
lawyer named Paris
Panier, for constant
standyng to þe gospell
of Christ, an. 1554. Ex Pantal.

MarginaliaPeter du Val. Martyr. Peter du
Val, shoo-
At Nismes.
Ann. 1554.
At Neumaus in
Delphinate, Peter
du Val
susteined sore
& greuous rackings
& torments: where-
with his body beyng
broken, dissolued, &
maymed, yet he not-
withstāding māfully
abiding al their extre
mitie, would name &
vtter none. Then
was he had to þe fire,
& there cōsumed, an.
1554. Ex Ioh. Crisp.

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MarginaliaIohn Filieul,
Iulian Leuille,
Gilles le
Pers, Lieu-
tenaunt for
the marshal
of saint An-
drewe, and
for the pro-
uince of
Ioannes Fi-
lieul, or Fi
liolus, Car-
These two blessed
& constant martyrs,
as they were goyng
towarde Geneua, wt
one of their sonnes &
a daughter were ap-
prehended by Gilles
le Pers,
who in the
way ouertaking thē

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Persecuters. Martyrs. The Causes.
Ioh. Berge-
ronius, an o-
ther inquisi-
tor or coun-
Iulian9 Le-
uille, poynt-
At Sanserre
Ann. 1554.
and moste wickedly
and Iudasly pretē-
ding great fauour to
thē and to their reli-
gion, which he (as he
said) supposed thē to
be of, with these and
manye other fayre
wordes circūuented and allured them to
confesse what was
their fayth, whither
they went with their
childrē, and also that
their wyues were at
Geneua. When they
had declared this, the
wretched traytour
gaue a signe to his
horsmen, and so were
these simple saints of
Christe entrapped, &brought to the castle of Niuerne. Beyng
in prison, they were
examined of manye
thinges: whereunto
they answeared vp-
rightly, accordyng to
their faith. MarginaliaTransubstantiation. First touching the sacramēt, they affir-med the trāsubstan-
tiation of the bish. of
Rome, to be agaynst

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the article of the Crede, which saith, that Christe is gone vp to heauen, and there sitteth at the right hād of God: and therfore the bread & wine muste needes remayne in their properties, bearyng notwithstandyng a Sacrament, or a holy signe of the bodye and bloud of the Lorde. For like as byMarginaliaA similitude betwene the bread, and the body of Christ. bread and wyne the hart of man is comforted, so the body of Christe crucified, and his bloud shed, spiritually hath the like operation in the soules of the beleuers.

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MarginaliaThe Masse. For the masse, they said it was a thing most superstitious, and mere Idolatrie. And if we put any part of saluation therin, they saide, it was vtterly a robbiyng of þe Passion of Christ þe sonne of God, & that it was not once to be named out of a Christē mouth. Also that they whiche say that Peter eyther was Pope, or authour of the sayd masse, are farre deceyued. And as for turnyng bread into þe body of Christ by the woords of consecration it was an error (they said) more of mad men, then any sad men: for asmuch as God is neither subiect to men, nor to the tongues or exorcismes of men. Purgatorie they denied to be any, saue onely the bloud of Christ Iesu.

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MarginaliaHonour to God, not to Saints. Furthermore as they would not bereft þe saints of God of their due honour, so neither the Saintes them selues (saide they) wyl be contented to robbe God of his honour onely due to hym.

As touchyng confession, their opinion was, that the woundes and causes of conscience, belong to no man, but onely to God.

After these answeares geuen and written, they were sent to the Monasterie of Sampeter, there to be disputed with. That done, the matter came to be debated among the Iudges, what was to be done with them. Some would their goodes to be taken by Inuentorie, and them to be banished. But Bergeronius at last caused to be determined, that they should be burned, and first to heare masse. Frō that Court they appealed to the Courte of Paris: but the matter there was nothyng amended. Where beholde the iudgement of God: In the meane tyme, while they were at Paris, the wretched persecutor Gilles le Pers, MarginaliaNote the iust vengeaunce of God vpon a wicked persecutor. was sodenly strocken madde and dyed in a frensie: whiche made many men to woonder, and especially the martyrs to be more constant.

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At last the decree of the sentence was read against them: First for speaking against the Sacrament: which they denyed.

Secondly, for speaking against Baptisme: which also they denyed.

Thirdly, for speaking contumelie agaynste the Saintes: which they in like maner denyed.
