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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.

persecution not a little, for that the Iudges at this refusall tooke great indignatiō, and were mightily offended for that reproche. Notwithstanding so it pleased God, that a MarginaliaAlbert Hartung deliuered. yong man a Germane, called Albert Hartung, borne in the countrey of Brandeburge, and godson to Albert, Marques of Brandeburge, by the kinges commaundement was deliuered, through the importune sute of the sayde Marques. Ex Ioan. Crisp. lib. 6.

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Marginalia Fridericke Danuile, Fraunces Rebezies, Martyrs. ii. Presi
xxv. Coun-
The Lieute-
nant ciuil.
At Paris.
An. 1558.
Mentiō was made
aboue of certaine yong
scholers and students
which were in the li-
tle castle with Peter
Gabart. Of the which
number of scholers wer
these two, Fridericke
Danuile, and Frāces
Rebezies, neyther of
them being past twen-
ty yeares of age. How
valiauntly they beha-
ued thēselues in those
tender yeares, sustay-
ning the quarel of our
Lord Iesus Christ,
what confession they
made, what conflictes
they had, disputing wt
the Doctors of Sor-
bone, their owne let-
ters left in writing do
make record: the effect
wherof briefly to touch
is this: And first tou-
ching Friderick Dā-
The Lieutenant
criminall, who before
was halfe suspected,
but nowe thinkynge
to prooue hymselfe a
right catholike, and to
recouer his estimation
agayne, came to him
begynning with these
wordes of Scriptu-
re: Who so euer de-
nyeth me before men
him will I deny before
MarginaliaMath. 10. my father. &c.
done, hee asked him,

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what hee thought of the Sacrament. To whome Fridericke aunswered, þt if he should thinke Christ Iesus to be betwene the Priestes handes after the Sacramentall wordes (as they call thē) thē should he beleue a thyng contrary to holy Scripture, and to the Crede, which sayth, that he sitteth on the right hande of the father. Also to the Testimonie of the Aungels, which speake both of the ascendyng of Christ, and of his MarginaliaAct. 1. commyng downe agayne. Act. 1. After this he questioned with him touchyng Inuocation of Saintes, Purgatory, &c. Wherunto he aunswered so, that he rather did astonyshe þe enemies, thē satisfie them.

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Furthermore, the 12. of September, the sayd Fridericke agayne was brought before Benedictus Iacobin, and his companion a Sorboniste, called Noster Magister, who thus begā to argue with him.

The Doctor.

Which thinke you to bee the true Churche, the Churche of the Protestantes, or the Churche of Paris?

The Martyr.

I recognise that to be the true Church, where the Gospell is truely preached, and the Sacramentes rightly administred, so as they bee lefte by Iesus Christ, and his Apostles.

The Doctor.

And is the Church (thinke you) of Geneua such a one as you speake of?

The Martyr.

I so iudge it to be.

The Doctor.

And what if I do proue the contrary, will you beleue me?

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

The Martyr.

Yea, if you shall proue it by the Scripture.

The Doctor.

Or will you beleue S. Austen and other holy doctors innumerable?

The Martyr.

Yea so they dissent not from the Scripture and the word of God.

The Doctor.

MarginaliaThe Church. By the authoritie of S. Austin, the Churche is there, where is the succession of Byshops: wherupon I frame this argument.

There is the Church, where is the perpetuall succession of Bishops.

In the Churche of Paris, is such succession of Byshops.

Ergo, the Church of Paris is the true Church.

The Martyr.

To your Maior I aunswere, that if S. Austin meane the succession of such as are true Byshops in dede, which truly preache the Gospell, and rightly administer the Sacramentes, such Byshops I suppose to be at Geneua, where the Gospell is truelye preached, and Sacramentes duely ministred, and not in the Church of Paris. But otherwise, if S. Austin meane the succession of false Byshops, such as neither preache nor minister accordyng to Gods worde, so is the same in no wise to be graunted.

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The Doctor.

Caluin is there by his owne thrustyng in, & onely by the chusinge of the people.

The Martyr.

And that soundeth more for him to be of Gods diuine election, for so much as by him the Gospell of God is preached truely: and from this no man shall bring me.

After this disceptation, the ix. of the same month came against him an other Doctor with two Sorbonistes, who bringing forth a scrole out of his bosom, pretended, that a certayne scholer commyng from Geneua, made hys confession, wherein was contayned, that in receiuing of the bread and wyne, the body and bloud of Christ is receiued really. Wherupon they demaunded of hym whether he would receiue the same confession.

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The Martyr.

Whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you, that will I holde. MarginaliaReally. And as touching this worde really, I know right well that they of Geneua do not take it for any carnall presence, as you do: but their meaning is, to exclude thereby onely a vayne imagination.

The Doctor.

I meruaile much that you so refuse the word really, and vse onely spiritually, seyng that Caluin him selfe doth vse the same word really.

The Martyr.

Caluin meaneth therby no other thing but as we do.

The Doctor.

MarginaliaConfession auricular. What say you by confession auricular?

The Martyr.

The same that I sayd before to monsieur Lieutenant, that is, that I take it for a plantatiō not plāted by God in hys word.

The Doctor.

The Almanes in their confession which they sent to our king to be approued, haue these wordes: Confessionem auricularem non improbamus, est enim Euangelium secretum: That is, we do not reiect auricular confessiō, for it is a gospel secret and priuy. And also Melancthon in hys boke of common places doth call it Euangelium secretum.MarginaliaMelancthon in his common places, speaking of the popishe confession, which consisteth in the enumeration of sinnes, saith that it is a snare of conscience, & agaynst the Gospell, and otherwise maketh there no mention of Euangelium secretum: no more doth the cōfession of the Almaynes.

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An other tyme the sayd Fridericke was called agayne before the Lordes, the xx. of the sayd moneth, where they did nothing, but demaund of him certain questions where he was borne, and whether he had heard in his countrey at Oleron, that M. Gerard the bishop there, did sing Masse. Yea sayd he. And why do not you also (sayd they) receiue the same? He answered, because he did it to reteine and kepe hys Bishopricke. The Martyr for lacke of paper, could procede herein no further.

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¶ The examination of Fraunces Rebezies.

Rebezies had three sundry examinatiōs: The first
