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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

an other, neede not nowe to goe to Iesus Christ, to haue hym an intercessor, but to God alone, settyng Iesus Christ apart: and so ought we verily to beleue.

The Martyr.

You vnderstand not Sir, that if God do not behold vs in the face of his own welbeloued sonne, thē shall we neuer be able to stand in hys sight. For if he shall looke vpō vs, he can see nothyng but sinne. And if the heauens be not pure in his eyes, what shall be thought then of man so abhominable and vnprofitable, which drincketh iniquitie lyke water, as Iob doth say?

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Then the other Frier seyng his fellow to haue nothing to answer to this, inferred as followeth.

The Doctor.

Nay (my frend) as touching the great mercy of God, let that stand and now to speake of our selues: this we know, that God is not displeased with them which haue their recourse vnto his Saintes.MarginaliaNote this blasphemous doctrine which maketh Saintes equal intercessors wyth Christ.

The Martyr.

Sir, we must do not after our own wyls, but accordyng to that which God willeth and commaūdeth. For this is the trust that we haue in hym, that if we demaund any thing after his wil, he wil heare vs. 1. Iohn. 5.

The Doctor.

As no man commeth to the presence of an earthly kyng or prince, without meanes made by some about hym: so, or rather much more, to the heauenly kyng aboue. &c.

The Martyr.

To this earthly example, I will answer with an other heauēly example of the prodigal sonne: who sought no other meanes to obtain his fathers grace, but came to the father himselfe. MarginaliaWorshipping of Saintes.Then they came to speake of adoration, which the sayd Rebezies disproued by the Scriptures. Act. 10. 13. 14. Apoc. 19. 22. Heb. 10. 14. 12. Where is to bee noted, that where the Martyr alleaged the 12. to the Heb. the Doctors answered, that it was the 11. chap. when in dede the place is neither in the 11. nor in the 12. But in the 14. chap. of the Acts. So well sene were these Doctors in their diuinitie.

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The Doctor.

MarginaliaThe presence of Christ in the hoste. Touching the Masse, what say you? Beleue you not that when the priest hath consecrated the hoste, our Lord is there as well, and in as ample sort as he was hanging vpon the crosse?

The Martyr.

No verily. But I beleue that Iesus Christ is sittyng at the right hand of his father, as appeareth. Hebr. 10. 1. Cor. 15. Colos. 3. and therfore (to make short with you) MarginaliaMasse. I hold your Masse for none other, but for a false and a counterfeyted seruice set vp by Sathan, and reteined by his ministers, by the which you do anihilate the precious bloud of Christ, & hys oblation once made, of hys owne body: and you know right well, that the same is sufficient, and ought not to be reiterated.

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The Doctor.

You deceiue your selues in the word reiteration: for we do not reiterate it so as you do thinke, as by example I will shew. You see me now in this religious garment, but if I should put vpon me a souldioures weede, then should I be but disguised, and yet for all that, I should remayne the same still, within my doublet that I was before, in my Friers weede. So is it with the sacrifice. We confesse and graunt that Naturaliter, that is, naturally, he was once offred in sacrifice, and also is sitting MarginaliaNaturaliter. Naturaliter, that is, naturally, at the right hand of his father:MarginaliaSupernaturaliter, or subscriptiue. but Supernaturaliter, & subscriptiue, that is supernaturally, we sacrifice the same, without reiteration. Supernaturaliter we sacrifice him: but that sacrifice is but onely disguised, to vnderstand that he is conteyned vnder that curteine and whitenes, which you see.

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The Martyr.

MarginaliaThe disguised sacrifice of the Papistes. Sir this I say that such a disguised Sacrifice is a diabolical sacrifice, and this you may take for a resolution.

The Doctor.

And how is your beliefe touching the holy supper?

The Martyr.

That if it be ministred vnto me by the minister,

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.

in such vsage, as it hath bene left of Christ and hys Apostles, MarginaliaThe body of Christ spiritually receaued in the sacrament. preachyng also the word purely withall, I beleue that in receiuyng the materiall bread & wyne, I receiue with liuely fayth, the body and bloude of Iesus Christ MarginaliaSpiritually. spiritually.

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The Doctor.

MarginaliaCorporally. Say, corporally.

The Martyr.

No sir, for hys wordes be spirit and lyfe, and let this content you.

The Doctor.

What say you? is it lawfull for a priest to mary?

The Martyr.

MarginaliaMatrimony of ministers. I beleue it to be lawfull for him in such sorte, as the Apostle sayth: Whosoeuer hath not the gyft of continencie, let hym mary: For it is better to marye then to burne. And if this do not content you, further you may read what he writeth of bishops & Elders. 1. Tim. 3. and Tit. 1.

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And thus the Doctors affirmyng that he denied priesthode, gaue hym leaue to depart, saying, God haue mercy on you. So be it, sayd he.

After this, about 22. of October, the sayd Rebezies and Fridericke Danuile were brought vp to a chamber in þe Castle, to be racked, to the intent they should vtter the rest of the congregation. In þe which chamber they found three Counsellers, who thus began with them: Lift vp thy hand, Thou shalt sweare by the Passion of Iesus Christ, whose Image here thou seest, shewyng him a great marmouset there painted in a paper, &c. Whereunto Rebezies aunswered, Monsieur I will sweare to you by the Passion of Christe, whiche is written in my hart. Why doest thou not sweare to vs, sayd thee Counsaillers, as we say vnto the? Because (sayd he) it is a great blasphemie agaynst the Lord. Thē the consellers read their depositions, and first beginnyng with Rebezies sayd: will thou not tell vs the truth, what companions thou knowest to be of this assemble? Rebezies named, as hee did before Grauelle, Clinet (which were already burnt) and Iohn Sansot. To whom they sayd, that the Courte had ordayned, that if he would geue no other aunswere but so, he should be put to the torture or racke: and so was hee commaunded to bee stripped to his shyrte, hauyng a Crosse put in his hand, and beyng byd to commende him selfe to God, and the virgin Mary: but he neither would receaue the Crosse, nor commend him selfe to the virgin Mary, saying, that god was able enough to garde him and to saue him out of the Lyons mouth: and so, MarginaliaThe martirs racked. he beyng drawne and stretched in the ayre, he began to crye: Come Lord, and shew thy strength that man do not preuaile. &c. But they cryed, Tell truth, Fraunces, and thou shalt be let downe. Neuerthelesse he continued still in his Inuocation and prayer to the Lord, so thar they could haue no other worde, but that. And after they had thus long tormented him, the Counsellers sayd, wilt thou, say nothyng els? I haue nothyng els, sayd he to say. And so they commaunded him MarginaliaThe constancie of these Martyrs. to be loosed, and be put by the fire side. Who beyng loosed, sayd to them Do you handle thus thee poore seruauntes of God? And the like was done to Fridericke Danuile also, his companion, of whom they could haue no other aunswere (who at the same tyme was also very sicke) but as of the other. So mightily did God assiste and strengthen his seruaunts, as euer he did any els by their owne letters and confession as doth appeare. Ex litteris Francis. Rebez. in Crisp. lib. 6.

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These constant and true Martyrs of Christ, after they returned from the torture, vnto their fellow prisoners, ceased not to thanke and prayse the Lord for his assistaunce. MarginaliaBrotherly compassion. Fridericke did sigh oftentymes, and beyng asked of hys fellowes why he so diyd, hee sayd it was not for the euill that he had suffered, but for the euils that he knew they should suffer afterward. Notwithstandyng (sayd he) be strong brethren, and be not afrayde, assuryng your selues of the ayde of GOD which hath succoured vs, and also will comfort you. Rebezies with the racke was so drawen and stretched, that one of hys shoulders was higher then the other, and hys necke drawen on the one side, so that he could not moue hymselfe: and therfore desiring hys brethren to lay hym vpon hys bed, there he wrote his confession, which hitherto we

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