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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the French Martyrs.

Persecuters. Martyrs. The Causes.

MarginaliaThe cruell death and Martyrdome of blessed Romian. and was burned, all his neither partes well neare, when he was sene to lift vp his head to heauen, mouyng his lippes without any cry: and so this blessed Saint rendred his spirite to God.

Of this assemble there were diuers Iudgemēts & sondry brutes. Some sayd, that if good mē had ben about him, it had gone better with him, & that those Priestes & Monkes, which were about hym, were whoremasters & infamous. Other sayd that he had wrong: & that an hūdreth of that cōpany there were, which more deserued death then he, especially among them which condēned him. Other went away, maruelyng, & disputyng of his death and doctrine. And thus was the course finished of this valiant & thrise blessed Martyr and seruaunt of the Lord Iesus the sonne of God. Ex Crisp. Lib. 6. pag. 902.

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MarginaliaFrances Ciuaux, Martyr. The Con-
uent of the
Friers at
A Priest of
At Dyion.
An. 1558.
This Fraunces
Ciuaux was Secre-
tary to the Frenche
Ambassadour here in
England, in Queene
Maryes tyme. Who
afterward being desi-
rous to heare þe word
of God, went to Ge-
neua. Also hee was
placed to be Secreta-
ry to the Senate or
Coūsaile of Geneua:
where hee continued
about the space of a
yeare. Hauyng then
certaine businesse, he
came to Dyion.
There was þe same
tiyme, a Priest that
preached at Dyion
such doctrine, where
at the sayd Fraunces
beyng worthely offeē-
ded, came frendly vn-
to the Priest and rea-

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soned with him, touchyng his doctrine, shewyng by the Scriptures how and where he had erred. The Priest excused himselfe, that he was not so well instructed to dispute, but he would bryng him the next day, to a certaine learned man, whom he knew there in the towne, & desired the sayd Fraūces to go with hym to breakfast, where he would be glad to heare them two in conference together. Whereunto when Fraunces had consented, the Priest incontinēt went to the Iacobine Friers, MarginaliaA priuie Iudas. where þe matter was thus contriued, that at the breakfast tyme, Fraūces there vnwares, should be apprehended.

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When the next day came, the priest brought Fraūces, accordyng to his appointmēt, to a Iacobine Frier: who pretendyng much fayre frendshyp vnto him, as one glad & desirous of his company, besought hym to take a breakfast with him the next morow, & there they would enter conference together. With this also Fraunces was content, & to prepare himselfe the better to that cōflict, sat vp almost all the night writing, with his felow. The next morow, as Fraūces with his felow were preparyng themselues toward the breakfast, the Iacobin, in the meane time, went to þe Iustice of þe town, to admonish him to be ready at the tyme & place appoynted. Thus, as the Iacobin was stāding at the Iustices doore, the cōpanion of Fraūces seyng the Frier there stand, began to mistrust with himselfe, & told Fraunces, willyng him to beware the Frier. Moreouer, the same night MarginaliaFrances admonished by hys dreame. Fraūces had in his dreame, that the sayd Frier should commit hym to the Iustice. But he, either not caryng for his dreames, or els not much passing for the daunger, cōmitted himself to the hāds of God, & went. As they were together disputyng in the Couent of the Iacobines, Fraunces thus betrayed of the priest, was apprehended by the officers, caried to prison, and within vij. dayes after, beyng Saterday before the Natiuitie of the Lord, was brought to the place of executiō, where first he was strangled, & then burned. Ex scripto testimonio Senatus Geneuesis.

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And as touchyng the felow & companion of this Fraunces aboue mentioned, he was also apprehended with hym and put in prison, but because he was

Persecutors. Martyrs. The Causes.

but a young nouice, and yet not fully confirmed, he recanted and was deliuered.

MarginaliaPeter Arondeau, martyr. Priestes of
Monroy, a
The Lieute
naunt of
The Car-
dinall of
S. Andre.
Peter A-
At Paris.
An. 1559.
The towne of Ro-
chelle, as it is a place
of great commoditie
because of the Sea: so
was it not inferiour
to other good townes
in Fraunce, for nou-
rishyng & supportyng
the holy assembles of
the Lord. Vnto the
which towne, about
the yeare of our Lord.
1559. resorted one
Peter Arōdeau, a mā
of base conditiō, with
a litle packet of mer-
cery ware, there to
sell: who there beyng
knowen, to adioyne
himselfe to the church
& congregation of the
faythful, was demaū-
ded of certaine Mi-
nisters of Antichrist,
whether he would go
MarginaliaThe Masse. to here Masse, or no.
He sayd that hee had
ben there to oft, to his
great grief: and that
since the tyme that þe
Lord had taken the

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vayle from his eyes, he knew the Masse to be abhominable, forged in þe shop of the enemy of all mākynd. They to whom he thus aunswered, were Priestes: amongst whom was one named Monroy, who takiyng the other there present for witnesses, brought him straight to þe Lieutenaunt. The depositiō being taken, and information made, it was decreed incontinent, that his body should be attached. And although by one of his frendes he was admonished to saue him selfe, & to auoyde their daūger yet he ceased not to put himself in his enemyes hands, & so was led prisoner. As he was in prison, many of the faythfull came to comfort him: but rather he was able to comfort not onely them, which came to comfort hym, but also the other, which were there prisoners with hym. The Priestes left no diligence vnsought, to styrre vp the Lieutenaunt, which was of himselfe, to much inflamed in such matters.

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Arondeau, after many interrogations and threatnyng wordes, and also fayre promises of his pardon, still continued MarginaliaPeter Arondeau cōdemned. one man. Then the Lieutenāt seyng his constancy condēned him to death. Arondeau praysing God for his grace geuen, did not a litle reioyse þt he might suffer in that quarell, and in token of reioysing did sing a Psalme, being fully resolued to accept the sayd condēnation, without any appeale. But his frendes not pleased with this resolutioō, came to him, & so persuaded with him, not to geue his lyfe so good chepe, ouer to his enemies handes, that he was turned frō that, & MarginaliaPeter Arondeau appealeth. made his appeale. The appeale beyng entred, þe Lieutenaūt, seekyng to gratifie the aduersaries of the Gospell, and especially the Cardinall of Lorraine, secretly, by þe backe side of the town, & out of þe hygh way, conueyed the poore prisoner vnto Paris. Who beyng brought vnto Paris, by priuy iourneyes (as is sayd) was put into prison, committed to the custody of two Presidentes: to witte, Magistri, & S. Andre. By the meanes of whom, the sentēce of the Lieutenant was confirmed, & also put in execution, the 15. of Nouember in the yeare aboue sayd: on the which day, the sayd Arōdeau was burned quicke at the place called S. Iohn in Greue, at Paris. The constancy heroicall which God gaue him, & wherein he endured victorious vnto death, was a mirrour or glasse of pacience to M. Anne du Bourge Counseller in the Parlament of Paris, & to diuers other thē prisoners, & was to them a preparation toward the like death, which shortly after they suffered.

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Not long after the happy end of this blessed Martyr, the forenamed Monroy, which was the principal accuser & partiy agaynst him, was strockē with a disease Marginalia* Apoplexia, is a sicknes engēdred in the braine by aboudaunce of grosse humors, which depriue thē that haue it, of speach, feeling and mouing. Most cōmōly it assayleth gluttons, drunkards & surfetters. called * Apoplexia, & therupon sodenly dyed.

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By this and many other such like examples, the
