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K. Henry. 8. A Table of the Spanishe Martyrs.

Persecuters. Martyrs. The Causes.
The Arch-
bishop of
The bishop
of Vallence.
The bishop
of Orense.
beyng first called for,
was brought from his
stage, nearer to þe Proc
tor fiscal, there to heare
the sentence of his con-
demnatiō: which was,
that he should be degra
ded and presently bur-
ned, and all his goods
confiscate, to þe profite
& auauncement of Iu-
MarginaliaFrances de Biuero priest, and brother to Cacalla, Martyr. 2.
Frances de
priest of
and brother
to the fore-
sayd Ca-
The second prisoner &next to Doctor Cacal-
la, þt was called, was
Fraunces de Biuero
his brother, priest also
of Valledolid, who re
ceaued likewise þe same
sentence of condemna-
tion. And to the intent
he should not speake a
ny thing to the preiu-
dice, or agaynst the a-
buse of the sacrate In
quisition, as he before
had done both within
and without the prison
with much boldnes, &also because hee was
much fauored of þe peo-
ple: to þe end therfore, þt
no cōmotiō shold come
by his speakyng, his
mouth was so stopped
& shut vp, þt he coulde
not speake one word.
MarginaliaDame Blanch sister to thē, Martyr. 3.
Blanche de
The 3. was Dame
Blanche, sister to thee
other two aforesayd, a-
gaynst whō also was
pronounced the like se-
ntence, as vpon her bre-
thren before.
MarginaliaIohn de Biuero, brother to the same, Martyr. 4.
Iohn de
The fourth, was
Iohn de Biuero, bro-
ther to the same kin-
red, who was also iud
ged an hereticke, and
condemned to perpetu-
all prison, and to beare
his Sanbenito all his
lyfe longe: which is an
habillemēt of dishonor.
MarginaliaDame constance de Biuero, an other sister, Martyr. 5.
Dame Cō-
stance de
Biuero, si-
ster to the
same afore-
Dame Constance de
Biuero was the fift,
sister to thee other be-
fore specified, wydowe
of Ferdinando Ortis,
dwelling sometime, at
Valledolid: who was
also condemned with þe
like sentence with her
brethren, to be burned.
MarginaliaDame Leonore de Biuero, mother to these Martyrs aboue, burnt after her death. 6.
The coffine
with the
dead corpes
of Dame
Leonore de
Biuero, the
mother of
these afore-
The sixt thunder-
bolt of condemnation,
was thundered out a-
gaynst a poore coffine,
with the dead corps
of dame Leonore de Bi-
uero, mother to these
aboue named, beyng
her selfe the sixte, & be-
yng already dead long
before at Valledolid.
Aboue her coffin was
her picture laid, which
was also condemned
with her dead corpes
to be burned for an he-
reticke: And yet I ne-
uer heard of any opi-
nion that this picture
did hold, eyther with
or against the Churche
of Rome. This good
mother while she ly-
ued, was a a woorthy

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Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.
The Inquisitors of Spain. mainteiner of christes
gospel, with great in-
tegritie of lyfe: and re-
teyned diuers assem-
bles of the saintes in
her house, for the prea-
ching of the worde of
god. In fine, her corps
and image also beyng
brought before þe Fis-
call, was condemned
likewyseMarginaliaThis good mother, wyth her children, burned by Antichrist, resembled to the mother wyth her vij. children, burned in the booke of Machabees. (as the mo-
ther with her 7. chil-
drē in the boke of Ma-
chabees) to be burned
for a Lutherane here-
tike, and all her goods
to be seased to the be-
houfe of the superiour
powers, and also her
house vtterly to be ra-
sed & cast downe to þe
ground: & for a memo-
rial of þe same, a marble
stone was appoynted
there to be set vp in þe
house, wherin the said
cause of her burnyng
should be engraued.
MarginaliaM. [illegible text] Perez, Martyr. 7.
Maister Af-
lonse Perez
Priest of
In the seuēth place
was condemned mai-
ster Aflonse Perez
priest of Valence: first
to be degraded, & after
to be burned as an he-
reticke, & all his goods
likewise confiscate and
seased to the behoof of
the superioritie.

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MarginaliaThe degradation of Doct. Cacalla, Frances his brother, and Alfonse. ☞ When these vij. aforesayd had receaued their sentence, then the Byshop of Valence, in hys pontificalibus. caused Doctour Cacalla, Frances his brother, and Aflonse Perez, to be apparelled and reuested in priestly vesture. Whiche done, he tooke from them, first the chalice out of their handes, and so all their other trinkets, in order, accordyng to their accustomed solemnitie. And thus they beyng degraded, and all their priestly vnctions taken from their fingers, also their lippes and their crownes rased, so were their yellow habites of Sanbenito put ouer their shoulders againe, with their Miters also of paper vpon their heades. This done, Doct. Cacalla began to speake, praying þe Princes & the Lordes, to geue him MarginaliaDoct. Cacalla not suffered to speak. audience: but that beyng not graunted to hym, he was rudely repulsed, and returned agayne to hys standing. Onely thus much he protested clearely and openlye, that his fayth, for whiche he was so handled, was not hereticall, but consonant to þe pure and cleare word of God. For the which also he was prest and ready to suffer death, as a true Christian, and not as an hereticke: Besides many other worthy sentences of great consolation, whiche he there vttered in the meane space, while the Iudges, were busie in theyr sentences, agaynst the residue of the Martyrs.

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MarginaliaDon Peter [illegible text] condemned for a perpetuall prisoner. The Inqui-
sitors of
Don Peter
knight of
the order of
The viij. that was
brought before þe fore-sayd Fiscall, was Don
Peter Sarmiento
knight of the order of
Alcantara, dwelling at
Valence, and sonne of
Marques de Poza,
who was pronounced
an heretike, & iudged
to beare the marke &
habite of dishonor all
his lyfe, and condēned
to perpetuall prison, [illegible text]
the losse of his order &
of all hys goodes: To
whome moreouer it
was enioyned neuer
to weare anye more
gold, siluer, pearles or
any pretious stone a-
bout hym.

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