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K. Henry. 8. A Table of Spanishe Martyrs.

Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.
MarginaliaDame Mencia, wyife of Don Peter, condemned for a perpetuall prisoner. The Inqui-
sitors of
Dame Men
cia wife of
the sayd
Don Peter.
Ninthly after him
was called dame Mē-
cia de Figneroa, wife
of thee foresayd Don
Peter Sarmiento.
Who likewise beyng
proclamed for an heri-
tike, was condemned
to the same punishmēt
as her husband was.
MarginaliaDon Louys de Roxas, cōdemned to beare a Sanbenito. 10.
Don Louys
de Roxas,
sonne and
heyre of
the Mar-
ques de Po-
Next after her was
called & brought our,
Don Louys De Rox-
as, sonne & heire of the
Marques de Poza,
who beyng also decla-
red an hereticke, for þe
great sute and labour
which was made for
him, was condemned
onely to beare his Sā
benito, vnto the town
house, and hys goodes
to be confiscate.
MarginaliaDame Anne Hēriquet, iudged as an hereticke to beare a Sanbenito. 11.
Anne Hen-
After whō in the
xj. place, folowed dame
Anne Hēriques, dagh
ter of þe marques Al-
canszes, and mother to
the forenamed Mar-
ques de Poza, & wyfe
to Lord Alfonsus de
Fonseca: Who in lyke
sort was declared an
heretike and condem-
ned to beare her Sā-
benito, to the towne
house, and her goodes
to be confiscate.
MarginaliaChristofer Dell, Martyr. 12.
Christofer Dell ci-
tizen of Samora was
the xij. who after he
was declared an here-
tike, was iudged to be
burned, and his goods
to be seased.
MarginaliaChristofer de Padilla, Martyr. 13.
de Padilla.
The lyke sentence
was also geuen vpon
Christofer de Padilla
citizen of Samora.
MarginaliaAntonie de Huezuello, Martyr. 14.
Antony de
The 14. was An-
tony de Huezuello ba-
cheler of diuinity dwel
ling at Toro. Who af-
ter he was proclaimed
heretike, & hys goodes
cōfiscate, was condē-
ned to be burned, and
moreouer hadde hys
mouth stopped, for þt
he should not speake,
& make confessiō of his
faith vnto the people.
MarginaliaKatherin Romain, Martyr. 15.
Then followed Ka-
therine Romain, dwel
ling in Pedrosa, cal-
led frō her standyng:
who receiuing the like
sentence was conde-
ned to be burned, & all
her goods confiscate.
MarginaliaFrances Errem, Martyr. 16.
Fraunces Errem.
The 16. was Frā-
ces Errem, borne in
Pegnaranda, whome
they cōdēned to be bur
ned aliue, and all her
goodes likewise con-
MarginaliaKatherin Ortega, Martyr. 17.
After her succeded
in the next sentence of
martirdome, Kathe-
rine Ortega dwelling
in Valledolid, daugh-
ter of Hernando Pia-
zo Fiscall, & widow of
captaine Louys, pro-
nounced with þe other

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Persecutors. Martyrs. The causes.
to be an hereticke: and
for somuch as she was
reckoned to be a schole
mastres to þe rest, she
was iudged to be bur-
ned, and her goodes
Marginalia Isabell Strada, Martyr.
Iane Valesques, Martyr.
The Inqui-
sitors of
19. Iane Va-
In the 18. and 19.
place, stoode Isabell
de Strada, and Iane
Valesques, both dwel
ling in Pedrosa, which
likewise were condem
ned to bee burned & al
their goods confiscat.
MarginaliaA Smith, Martyr. 20.
A Smith.
A certeine workemā
of white yron, or smith
for interteining assem-
bles in his house, and
for watching with thē
receaued also with thē
the lyke sentence, to
lose both lyfe & goodes
for the Gospels sake.
MarginaliaA Iewe burned. 21.
A Iew.
With these also was
ioyned a Portugale
named Goncalo Vaes
of Lisbone, whiche
was borne a Iewe, af
terwarde Baptised, &
and then returned agayne
to hys Iudaisme: Who
for more shame to the
other, was put also in
the same tale and num
ber, as þe two theeues
were ioyned wt Christ
and was also with thē
condemned to be bur-
ned, & his goods seased.
MarginaliaDame Iane de Silua, cōdemned for an hereticke. 22.
Dame Iane
de Sylua.
After these, was cal-
led dame Iane de Sil
ua, wyfe to Iohn de
Biuero, brother to
Doctour Cacalla: to
whome it was enioy-
ned to beare a mantell
all her life, for penaūce
& token of her trespas,
& al her goods cōfiscat.
Marginalia Leonore de Lisueros.
Marina de Saiauedra.
Daniell Quadra, condemned to perpetuall prison.
Leonore de
wyfe of
24. Marina de
25. Daniell
In like maner was
called for, Leonore de
Lisueros, wyfe of the
foresaid Antony Hue
zuelo, batcheler of di-
Itē, Marina de Sai-
auedra, wyfe of Cy-
sueras de Sareglio.
Itē, Daniell Qua-
dra borne at Pedrosa:
All whiche iij. persons
were pronounced heri
tickes and condemned
to do penaunce in per-
petuall prison, with
their mantels, & confis
catiō of al theyr goods.
MarginaliaDame Mary de Royas, enioyned penaunce. 26.
Dame Ma-
ry de Royas
Dame Mary de
Royas, sister of Mar
ques of Royas, be-
cause she was in a cloy
ster, & was come of a
good house, was ther-
fore iudged to beare
her mantell to þe towne
house, and all her goods
MarginaliaAntonie Dominicke, enioyned penaunce. 27.
Antonie Dominicke.
Antonie Dominicke
de Pedrosa beyng thē
brought out, was iud-
ged and condemned to
iij. yeres penaunce in
prison, for hys heresie,
clothed with the man-
tell of yelow, and al his
goods confiscat.

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