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K. Hen. 8. The cōpositiō & agreemēt betwene the Prince of Sauoy, & the Waldoys.
Conclusions and Articles, lastly agreed vpon betweene the right honorable Lord of Raconis on the part of the Dukes highnesse, and them of the Valleys of Piemont, called the Waldoys.

MarginaliaThe compositiō & agreement vpon conditions, betwene the Duke & the Waldoys. THat there shall shortly be made letters Patentes by the Dukes highnesse,MarginaliaPardon promised. by the which it may appeare that he hath forgeuen and pardoned them of the Valleys of Angrongne, Boby, Villars, Valquichard, Rora, Taileret, La Rua de Bonet borderyng vpon Tour, S. Martine, Perouse, Roccapiata, S. Bartlemew, and all such as haue ayded them: of all such faultes as they haue committed, as well in bearyng armour against hys highnes, as agaynst the Lordes and certayne other gentlemen whome he reteyned and kept in hys protection and safegard.

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MarginaliaSermons & congregatiōs permitted. That it shall be lawfull for them of Angrongne, Boby, Villars, Valquichard, Rora, (members of the Valley of Luserne) and for them of Rodoret, Marcele, Maneillan, & Salsa (members of the Valley of S. Martine) to haue their congregations, sermons, and other ministeries of their religion, in places accustomed.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Villars. That it shall be lawfull for them of Villars (members of the Valley of Luserne) to haue the same, but that onely vntill the tyme that his highnes doth build a Forte in the same place. But whilest the sayd fort is in buildyng, it shall not be lawfull to haue their preachyngs and assembles within the sayd precinct of the place, but it shalbe lawfull for them to build a place for that purpose, nere at hande, where they shall thinke good, on that side towardes Boby. Neuertheles it shalbe permitted to their ministers to come within þe precinct aforesaid, to visite the sick, and exercise other things necessary to their religion, so that they preach not, nor make any assemble there.

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MarginaliaThe parish of Tailleret, La Rua de Bonet. It shalbe also permitted to them of Tailleret, La Rua de Bonet borderyng vpon Tour, to haue their Sermones and assembles in places accustomed, so that they enter not for that purpose into the rest of the confines of Tour.

MarginaliaThe valleyes of Luserne & S. Martin. That it shall not be lawfull for the sayd members of the Valleys of Luserne and S. Martine, to come to the rest of their borderers, nor any other part of his hyghnes dominion: nor to haue their preachinges, assembles or disputations, out of theyr owne borders, hauyng liberty to haue them therein. And if they be examined of their fayth, it shall be lawfull for them to aunswer without daunger of punishment in body or goodes.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Perouse. The lyke shall be lawfull for them of the parishe of Perouse, which at this present are fled because of the sayd religion, and were wont to haue their assēbles and preachinges and other ministeries accordyng to their religiō, at the place called le Puis: so that they come not to other places & borders of the sayd parish.

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MarginaliaThe parishe of Pinachia. It shall be permitted to them of þe parish of Pinachia, of the Valley of Perouse, which at this present be fled because of the said religion, and were wont to go to Sermons and assembles and other ministeries of that religion, to haue the lyke onely at the place called le Grandoubion.

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MarginaliaThe parish of S. Germain. It shall be permitted to them of the parish of S. Germain of the Valley of Perouse, and to them of Roccapiata, which at this present are fled because of the sayd religiō, and continue in the same, to haue one onely minister, which may the one day preach at S. Germain, at þe place called l'Adormilleux, and the other day at Roccapiata, at the place called Vandini only.

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MarginaliaOrder for Villages being farre frō the parishe Church. It shalbe permitted to all them of the townes and Villages of the sayd Valleys, which at this present are fled, and continue in the sayd religion, notwithstandyng any promise or abiuration made before this warre agaynst the sayd religion, to repaire & returne to theyr houses with their householdes, and to lyue accordyng to the same, goyng and commyng to the Sermons and assembles which shall be made by their ministers in the places aboue specified, so that they obey that which is abouesayd.

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And because that many of the sayd townes and villages dwell out of the precinct of the preachyng, hauyng nede to be visited, and of other thyngs, according to their sayd religion, their ministers which dwel within the precinct, shalbe suffred without preiudice, to visite and duely ayde thē of such ministeries as shalbe necessary for thē, so that they make no Sermons or assembles.

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MarginaliaThe parish of Meane, and S. Barthelmew. By especiall grace it shall be permitted to all them of the Valley of Meane, and them of S. Bartlemew, neighbours to Roccapiata, and are fled and continue in the sayd religion, peaceably to enioy the grace and liberties graunted in þe next article before, so that they obserue all which they before promise to obserue.

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MarginaliaThe goods of the Waldoys restored. The goodes alredy seased as forfait, shal be restored to all the inhabitantes of the sayd Valleys, and to all that are fled and continue in the sayd religion, as well of them of the said Valleys, as of Roccapiata, S. Bartlemew, and of Meane, so that they be not seased for any other cause then for þe said religion, and for the warre present and lately past.

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It shalbe lawfull for them aforesayd, to recouer by waye of Iustice, of their neighbours, their moueable goods and cattell, so it bee not of Souldiours: and that whiche hath bene sold, they shall also recouer by way of Iustice, so that they restore the price for whiche it hath bene sold. Theyr neighbours shall haue the like agaynst them.

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MarginaliaThe liberties restored All theyr fraunchises, fredomes, & priuiledges, as well generall, as particuler, graunted as well by hys highnes predecessours, as by him selfe, and obteined of other inferiour Lordes, wherof they shall make proufe by publicke writinges, shalbe confirmed vnto them.

The sayd Valleys shalbe prouided for to haue good Iustice ministred vnto them, wherby they may knowe they are kept in sauegarde by his hyghnes, as well as all his other subiectes.

The inhabitantes of the sayd Valleys shall make a Role of all the names and surnames of all them of the sayd Valleys, whiche are fled for religion, as well such as haue abiured, as other, to the end they may be restored, and maynteined in their goods and housholdes, and enioye such grace and benefites as their Prince and Lord hath bestowed on them.

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And in so much as it is knowen to euery man, that the Prince may builde Fortresses in his country, where it shal please hym, without contradiction, neuerthelesse, to take all suspicion out of the myndes of the aforesayd Waldoys, it is declared that if, at any time hereafter, his highnes will make a Forte at Villars, the inhabitātes of the sayd place shall not be constrayned to beare the charges, but onely as they shall thinke good, louingly to ayde their Prince. Which Forte beyng builded (by Gods ayde) A Gouernour and Captayne shall therin be appoynted, whiche shall attempt nothyng but the seruice of his hyghnes, without offence of the inhabitantes either in theyr goodes or consciences.

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It shal be lawfull for them, before þe dischargyng of theyr Ministers, such as it shall please his highnes to haue discharged, to chuse and call other in their stedes: so that they chuse not M. Martin de Pragela,MarginaliaM. Martin de Pragela Minister of the Waldoys. nor chaunge not from one place to another, of the sayd Valleis, any of them which be discharged.

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MarginaliaMasse set vp but none compelled to come to it. The Masse and other seruice after the vsage of Rome, shalbe kept in all the Parishes of the sayd Valleys, where the Sermons assembles, and other ministers of their religion are made, but none shalbe compelled to be present therat, nor to minister ayde or fauour to such as shall vse that seruice.

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All the expenses and charges borne by his highnes in this warre, shalbe forgeuen and released to them for euer. Also the eight thousand crownes wherin the inhabitantes of the sayd Valleys were behynde, as parte of xvi. thousāde crownes, which they had promised in the warre passed: and his highnes will commaunde that the writinges for that cause made, shalbe adnulled and Concelled.

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MarginaliaTheir prisoners restored by raunsome reasonable. All the prisoners shalbe rendred and restored which shall be found to be in the handes of the souldiours, paying raunsome reasonable, accordyng to their goods, as they shall be seased: and those which shall be adiudged to be wrongfully taken, shalbe released without raunsome.

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MarginaliaThe captiues in Galleys restored Lykewise, all they of the sayd Valleys, which for Religion, and not for other causes, are deteyned in the Galleys, shalbe released wythout raunsome.

MarginaliaThe libertie of traffike graūted. Finally, it shalbe lawfull for all them of the sayd Valleys, them of Meane, Roccapiata, and S. Bartlemew of what degree, estate, or condition so euer they be (except ministers) to accompany and dwell, and to be in daily conuersatiō with the rest of hys highnes subiectes, and to tary, go and come, in all places in hys highnes countrey, to sell and buye and vse all trades of Merchaundise, in all places in hys highnes countrye, as before is saide, so that they preach not, nor make any assembles, or disputations, as we haue before sayd: and that they which be of the limites, dwell not out of them: and they which be of the townes and villages of the sayd valleys, dwell not out of them, nor of their borders: and in so doyng they shall not be molested by any meanes, and shall not be offended nor troubled in body or goods: but shall remayne vnder the protection and sauegarde of hys highnesse.

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Furthermore, his highnes shall set order to stay all troubles inconueniences secret conspiracies of wicked persons, after such sort, that they shall remayne quietly in theyr religion.MarginaliaThe elders of the Valleys of Piemont. For obseruation wherof, George Monastier, one of the Elders of Angrongne, Constantion Dialestini, otherwyse called Rembaldo, one of the Elders of Villars, Pirrone Arduino, sent frō the comminaltie of Boby, Michael Raymondet, sent from the comminaltie of Tailleret and of

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