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K. Henry. 8. A treatise of Patricke Hamelton, called Patrickes Places.

He that beleueth not the sonne, shall neuer see lyfe, but the ire of God, bydeth vppon him. Iohn. 3.

The holy Ghost shall reproue the world of sinne, because they beleue not in me. Iohn. 16.

They that beleue Iesu Christ, are the sonnes of God.

Ye are all the sonnes of God, because ye beleue in Iesu Christ. 1. Iohn. 3.

He that beleueth that Christ is the sonne of God, is safe. Iohn. 1.

Peter sayd, thou art Christ þe sonne of þe lyuing God, Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto him, happy art thou Symon the sonne of Ionas, for flesh and bloud haue not opened to thee that: but my father that is in heauen. Mat. 16.

We haue beleued, & know that thou art Christ, the sonne of the liuyng God.

I beleue that thou art Christ the sonne of God, which should come into the world. Iohn. 11.

These thynges are written that ye might beleue, that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God, and that ye in beleuyng, might haue life. Iohn. 20.

I beleue that Iesus is the sonne of God. Act. 8.

¶ The 16. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 16. proposition. ¶ He that beleueth the Gospell, beleueth God.


MarginaliaMaior. Da. He that beleueth Gods word, beleueth God.
MarginaliaMinor. ri. The Gospell is Gods word.
MarginaliaConclus. j. Ergo, he that beleueth the Gospell, beleueth God.

To beleue the Gospell is this: That Christ is the Sauiour of the world. Iohn. 4.

Christ is our Sauiour. Luke. 2.

Christ bought vs with his bloud. Heb. 13. 1. Pet. 1. Apoc. 5.

Christ washed vs with hys bloud. Apoc. 1.

Christ offered himselfe for vs. Heb. 9.

Christ bare our sinnes on his owne backe, &c. 1. Pet. 2.

The 17. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 17. proposition. ¶ He that beleueth not the Gospell beleueth not God.


MarginaliaMaior. Fe.
He that beleued not Gods word, beleueth not GOD
MarginaliaMinor. ri. The Gospell is Gods word.
MarginaliaConclus. o.
Ergo, he that beleueth not the Gospell, beleueth not
God himselfe, and consequently he that beleue not those thynges aboue written and such other, beleueth not God.

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¶ The 18. proposition.

MarginaliaThe 18. proposition. ¶ He that beleueth the Gospell shall be safe.

Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospell, vnto euery creature: he that beleueth and is baptised, shall be saued, but he that beleueth not, shalbe cōdemned. Mark. 16.

A comparison betwene fayth, and incredulitie.

MarginaliaA comparison betwene fayth and Incredulitie. FAith is the roote of all good.

Incredulitie is the roote of all euill.

Fayth maketh God and man good frendes.

Incredulitie maketh them foes.

Fayth bringeth God and man together.

Incredulitie sundereth them.

All that fayth doth, pleaseth God.

All that Incredulitie doth, displeaseth God.

Fayth onely maketh a man good and rightuous.

Incredulitie onely maketh him vniust and euill.

Fayth maketh a man a member of Christ.

Incredulitie maketh him a member of the deuill.

Fayth maketh a man the inheritour of heauen.

Incredulitie maketh him inheritour of hell.

Fayth maketh a man the seruaunt of God.

Incredulitie maketh him the seruaunt of the deuill.

Fayth sheweth vs God to be a swete father.

Incredulitie sheweth him a terrible iudge.

Fayth holdeth stiffe by the word of God.

Incredulitie wauereth here and there.

Fayth counteth and holdeth God to be true.

Incredulitie holdeth him false and a lyer.

Fayth knoweth God.

Incredulitie knoweth hym not.

Fayth loueth both God and his neighbour.

Incredulitie loueth neither of them.

Fayth onely saueth vs.

Incredulitie onely condemneth vs.

Fayth extolleth God and his deedes.

Incredulitie extolleth her selfe and her owne deedes.

Of Hope.

MarginaliaWhat hope is. HOpe is a trusty lookyng after the thyng that is promised vs to come: as we hope after the euelastyng ioye, which Christ hath promysed vnto all that beleue in hym.

¶ We shoulde put our hope and trust in God alonely, and in no other thyng.

IT is good to trust in God and not in man. Psal. 118.

He that trusteth in his own hart, is a foole. Prouerb. 28.

It is good to trust in God and not in princes. Psal. 118.

They shalbe like vnto the Images which they make,and all that trust in them. Psal. 115.

He that trusteth in hys owne thoughtes doth vngodly. Prouerb. 12.

Cursed be he that trusteth in man. Iere. 17.

Bid the riche mē of this world that thy trust not in their vnstable riches, but þt they trust in the liuing God. 1. Tim. 6.

It is hard for them that trust in money, to enter into the kyngdome of heauen. Luke. 18.

Moreouer, we should trust in him onely that may helpe vs, God onely may helpe vs, therefore we shoulde trust in hym onely.

Well are they that trust in God: and woe to them that trust not in him. Psal. 2. Iere. 17.

Well is that man that trusteth in God, for God shall be hys trust. Psal. 14. Eccles. 34.

He that trusteth in him, shal vnderstād the veritie. Sap. 3.

They shall all reioyce that trust in thee: they shal euer be glad, and thou wilt defend them. Psal. 5.

Of Charitie.

MarginaliaThe rule of Charitie. CHaritie is the loue of thy neighbour. The rule of charitie is this: Doe as thou wouldest be done to: for Christ holdeth all alike, the rich, the poore, the frend and the foe, the thankfull and vnthankfull, the kinseman and straunger.

A comparison betwene Fayth, Hope, and Charitie.

MarginaliaA difference betwene fayth, hope, & charitie. FAyth commeth of the worde of God: Hope commeth of faith: and Charitie springeth of them both.

Faith beleueth the worde: Hope trusteth after it that is promised by the worde: Charitie doth good vnto her neighbour, thorow the loue that it hath to God, and gladnes that is within her selfe.

Fayth looketh to God and his worde: Hope looketh vnto hys gift and reward: Charitie looketh on her neighbours profite.

Fayth receaueth God: Hope receaueth hys rewarde: Charitie loueth her neighbour wyth a glad hart, and that without any respect of reward.

Fayth pertaineth to God onely: Hope to his rewarde: and Charitie to her neighbour.

The doctrine of workes.
¶ No maner of workes make vs rightwise.

MarginaliaWhat good workes doe. WE beleue that a man shall be iustified without workes. Rom. 3.

No man is iustified by the deedes of the law, but by the fayth of Iesus Christ, and we beleue in Iesu Christ that we may be iustified by the faith of Christ, and not by the deedes of the lawe: For if righteousnes come by the lawe, then dyed Christ in vayne. Galat. 2.

That no mā is iustified by þt law, is manifest, for a rightwise man liueth by his fayth, but the law is not of fayth.

Marginalia[illegible text]
Workes do not make vs righteous.
Moreouer, sith Christ the maker of heauen and earth, & all that is therin, behoued to dye for vs, we are compelled to graunt that we were so farre drowned and sunken in sinne, that neither our dedes nor all the treasures that euer God made or might make, coulde haue holpen vs out of them: therfore, no deedes no workes may make vs rightwise.

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No workes make vs vnrightwise.

MarginaliaArgumentum a cōtrario sensu. IF any euell workes make vs vnrighteous, then the contrary workes should make vs rightwise. But it is proued that no workes can make vs rightwise: therfore, no workes maketh vs vnrightwise.

Workes make vs neither good nor euill.

MarginaliaWorkes make vs neither good nor euill before God. IT is proued that workes neither maketh vs rightwise, nor vnrightwise: therfore, no workes make vs either good or euil: For rightwise and good are one thing, and vnrightwise and euill likewise one.

Good workes make not a good man, nor euill workes an euill man: but a good man bringeth forth good workes, and an euill man euill workes.
